Do you have a love-hate relationship with your smart phone?

Do you use it for your convenience or do you let it run your life?

Why not check out this short video on

productivity tips

and see if you can get a handle on your time and your mobile phone.

We have rules for so many things in our lives, why not have rules around our mobile phone?

Many parents are setting rules for their kid’s phones or even taking them away as a form of punishment.

I know of one lady who took her daughter’s phone away for 2 weeks. She felt her daughter was not engaging in conversations any longer, not participating in family dialogues and becoming isolated. The daughter actually thanked her mother after the 2 weeks. She could see how dependant she was on her mobile phone and how addicted she was.

I met another young lady, who goes out for dinner with her friends they have to all put their phones in the middle of the table. The first person to answer or look at their phone has to pay the tab for the whole table. I love it!!

Are you setting boundaries with your smart phone? Would you like to set some with some friends of yours?

Phones have become out-of-control at social situations. This interrupts the time you are having with that person. In order to be more productive whether in a social or work environment, you need to know how to manage your time. Answering your phone when you cannot deal with the situation on the other end is a huge time buster. You have to call the person back. Let the calls go to voice mail and deal with them when you are able to.

How many accidents have you heard of because of mobile phones? They truly are distracting while walking, driving or in a checkout line up.  Recently I gave up my land line. I am now 100% mobile. I can see how setting boundaries and rules are so important. I can also see how distracting the mobile phone can be if you let it.

Why not try these top 5 

productivity tips

and see how much more time you have.

1. Start your day off with your most important task.

2. Answer your phone only when you can talk.

3. Check emails twice a day.

4. Take one day off a week from your phone. Leave it at home or at least turn it off.

5. Text only when you can concentrate on texting.

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If you would like to know how to balance your time more effectively contact me for your free session.

I’ll share with you my tips and my colour coded secret.