Not Trusting May Be Causing You To Lose Out On Valuable Relationships

You may have noticed on my Facebook page (if you’re not connected please do so here) that I have been doing a lot of hiking during COVID-19. One of the key components when hiking with others is trust. If I didn’t trust the people I hiked with, I would miss out on lasting relationships that are grower deeper by the day.

How do you build trust?

Would you like to have more trust in the relationships that you’re in?

Are you finding relationships stressful during this world pandemic?

Listen to this short video on Not Trusting May Be Causing You To Lose Out On Valuable Relationships then read on for Getting It Togethers’ top 7 tips on building trust.


Boundaries: I find a lot of people have a challenge with the word boundaries. They feel it means shutting people out and putting up barriers. This is not true. Boundaries are about knowing what is right for you and what you are willing to put up with and not put up with. It’s about stating your boundaries so that those around you are clear. For example; my hiking buddies and I have boundaries around safety over speed. We are not in a race. We need to make sure that everyone in the group feels safe and secure about the hike. If we didn’t trust, we couldn’t go where we go.

Reliability: One of the most endearing qualities of any person is if they keep their word.
How often have you set up a time to meet with a friend and then they jam? This does not build trust in a relationship. I trust my hiking buddies will be where they say they will be and at the time they say which builds accountability.

Accountability: Building trust in a relationship means taking responsibility for your actions. Is there someone you need to apologize to? If so, make that a priority today. It’s not about being right, it’s about getting it right.

Vault: Trust is built when you know that a person is not going share what you have told them in confidence. It’s not worth it to risk a relationship by spreading unnecessary stories or gossip.

Integrity: Do you know people with integrity? I’m sure you do. And I’m sure you also know people without integrity. Choosing right over wrong can be challenging and uncomfortable but necessary. Don’t risk your own integrity by not adhering to your values. It’s not worth it in the long run.

Non-judgment: COVID-19 seems to have brought out the judgement in mankind. We need to trust those in positions of authority and we need to trust that we are all doing our very best. The last thing anyone needs right now, while struggling, is to be judged. We trust people that don’t judge us.

Generosity: Isn’t it wonderful when someone is generous with their compassion if we have screwed up? Let’s face it, in all relationships there will be times when we mess up. Hopefully it’s not something major where the trust has been broken. If so, you get to decide if the relationship is worth rebuilding or if it’s time to move on.

We have relationships that are for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. There can be a lot of grief when a relationship does not last. It’s important to feel that grief and extrapolate the lessons and good times from it. I can speak from a lot of experience.

P.S.: Is it time to reexamine some of your relationships? Is it time to start trusting yourself more?
Are you struggling with a particular relationship in your life right now? If so, please take advantage of the free over the phone discovery session. Book today at