CHAOS – Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome

As we reflect on our year, what is a highlight for you?

For me, most definitely the hiking trip I took to Zion and Bryce in Utah . I was blown away by the scenery and the vastness of that State.

If you are a hiker or enjoy sightseeing, I’d highly recommend this trip.

Check out this short video on CHAOS by Getting It Together then read on for more top tips.

Why get organized?

Time. Money. Health. Relationships. Stress.

What are some common organizing barriers?

  • Not knowing what to do with the stuff you don’t want.
  • Not staying focused.
  • Not creating good habits.
  • Overthinking.

The three deadliest words. Just in case.”

Where to begin?

  • The area that is bugging you the most.
  • The area that is holding you back.

Keep in mind. There will usually be a storm before the calm. Things get worse before they get better.

It’s a process getting organized and a habit staying organized.

What to save?

  • Only items that you use, love and need.
  • Items you would replace if they were lost in a flood or a fire. Sentimental items if you have them displayed properly.

The key: be ruthless.

May you find peace, joy and happiness at this time of year and always.

Wishing you a very happy Holiday season and a Merry Christmas.

All the best for a clutter free 2024

P.S. If you are drowning in clutter and would like to downsize, please reach out


Rowena 604-520-9550