Easy Christmas Decorating Ideas: Part 2

How did you do with downsizing your Christmas decorations from last year?

Did you have the best of intentions?

Did you get stumped on what to give away?

The sentimental decorations are one of the hardest to deal with. Aren’t they?

What I find is that no matter how hard I try I still end up with one or two new decorations. People make me things or buy me something. As much as I appreciate the thought from the gifter it still leaves me with the dilemma of how am I going to store these added items.

Once again I am faced with pairing down my decorations so they can all fit in my 3 boxes. Remember part one easy Christmas decorating ideas?

I also promised you in that first video I would share my secret about the type of Christmas tree I have.

Check out this short video on easy Christmas decorating ideas to see it.

So many apartments and condos do not allow “real” Christmas trees. Many of you are wanting to be environmentally friendly and do not want to support trees being cut down. Then there are the people that simply do not have the room to put up a tree, or maybe you are going away for part of the holidays and do not want to fuss with too many decorations.

I’ll bet you are liking the idea of my Christmas tree more and more. IKEA liked my idea so much they started selling fabric trees. 🙂

Christmas TreeThey are not as fancy as mine but then again this piece of fabric did not start out looking like this.

By the way, did you take advantage of your free session? No need to wait. It is only 20 minutes. Grab a coffee and give me a call.

We can discuss how you can have easy Christmas decorating ideas. I also have a fabulous idea to share with you. What to do with the Christmas decorations you no longer want and where they will go.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:42+00:00December 23rd, 2013|Home Organization, Organizer, Time Management|0 Comments

How to organize a large dinner party

Do you dread the holiday season and all of the large dinner parties that come with it?

Do you wish you had a magic wand and voila…dinner was on the table?

Have you changed your entertaining style over the years?

Somehow my home has become the place where all of the large dinner parties happen. This could be self induced or it could be because I have the space. Or is it habit? You know people do get use to tradition and routine. That being said, I have had to change up some of the ways in which I entertain.

There are ways to have a stress-free large dinner party. Check out this video and Getting It Together’s tips to see how.

Tip #1: Make a guest list.

Know your limit. How many people comfortably can fit around your dining room table? How many people do you feel comfortable cooking for? 6 people may be large for one person whereas 20 may not seem that large to another. I usually have between 12-14 at significant holidays. In general however, I really enjoy intimate dinner parties for 4-6.

Tip #2 Select your date and time.

Tip#3 Contact your guests with a personal invitation. Email or phone, whichever works best for you.

This is a great task to delegate to children if they are old enough.

Tip #4: Make your menu.

I like to write mine out as opposed to keeping it in my head. I keep in mind menu items that are easy and can be made in bulk. For example Caesar salad, mashed potatoes, baked beans, etc.

Tip#5: Write out your shopping list.

I wish I could get everything in one place however that does not work for the type of cooking I do, so I create a list for each of the stores I shop at. Having a list really helps with staying on course and not over shopping.

Tip #6: Make an action plan.

Take all the things you need to do and divide them up over the few days before your large dinner party. 2 days before you can do all of the grocery shopping. As you know from previous blogs I highly suggest cleaning all of your produce as soon as you bring it home and before you put it away. This is a huge time saver.

2 days before you can set your dining room table (another great task to delegate to older children).

One day before you can do all of the prep work, make desserts, etc. For example when I host Thanksgiving dinner I cook all the ingredients for the stuffing one day before putting it all together with the dried bread crumbs. I cut up all the vegetables and get all the big pots and pans out.

On the day of the large dinner party the turkey went in the oven, the stuffing went in the slow cooker, the potatoes went into the big pot and the vegetables went into the steamer.

I even had time for a nice long walk in the beautiful Vancouver sun shine and a relaxing cup of coffee out on a deck!

In the past I have done it all myself. If anyone offered to help I would say “thank you but I have it all covered”. Now when someone offers to help I jump on it.

If they would like to bring something I happily agree and give them an item that I feel would be best suited to them. For example, if one of your guests is always late you will want to delegate dessert to them. If they are the type of guest who is always on time then asking them to bring an appetizer works well.

If one of your guests is not particularly fond of cooking then give them the task of bringing fresh bread.

I have come to realize that everyone likes to contribute and that also means when it is time for clean up.

Tip #7: If no one offers to help or bring anything then it is time to delegate.

This past Thanksgiving the step granddaughters were over. They are not accustomed to offering to help yet. This is the perfect opportunity to practice delegation. They love to help and to feel important. This year Harper was so helpful with putting the cut flowers in a vase, cutting up the garlic and smashing the skore bars in preparation for Sundae Sunday. Harper is taking home economics this year and was very excited to help out.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:42+00:00November 11th, 2013|Organizer, Self Care Organization, Time Management|2 Comments

Traveling With Children

Traveling with children can be stressful.

Have you ever done it and vowed you would NEVER do it again? Ah come on, Grandma and Grandpa really do want to see you and the little darlings. Even if it means time change, flights, car rentals, etc.

Traveling With ChildrenI do not have children of my own, however I do have a very large extended family. We travel often together. The children range in ages from 2-11. This means everything from high chairs to “almost” total independence. Some of our best trips are to Whistler BC. The thing about BC Canada is that you are never 100% sure on the weather. This can make it a little challenging for packing. Will we ski? Will we swim? Are we going to be caught in the rain, snow or sun?

Keeping all this in mind it is important to pack for almost anything. It is also very important to be organized and not look like you are moving in. On our last trip, one of the grandsons arrived with a full suitcase. He was staying with us for 5 days. He had 3 hoodies, 4 pairs of pants and seven shirts. Guess what? He stayed in the same outfit the whole time. (I would not recommend this.) It was his favorite and most comfortable one. Shame that his mom packed far too many items even if he did decide to change.

Check out this short video on “How to be organized while traveling with kids”:

Follow these simple tips on traveling with children and you will arrive organized, happy and well rested.

Tip#1 Timing

If at all possible try and plan your trip around nap time. No not yours! Your kids. Can you tire your children out before boarding a plane? Most airports have play centres. Hang out there prior to getting in any long line ups.

Tip#2 Special Treats

Traveling With ChildrenBe careful not to get them over stimulated with sugary foods. Have special treat items that are only allowed for travel. For example; keep a very special toy on one side for when you get on the plane, boat, train or car. They do not get to see it or play with it any other times. You might also like to have special food items that are only for travel. Do you remember when you were a kid and the only time of year we could get Japanese oranges was at Christmas? It was such a huge treat. Ok, am I dating myself?

Tip#3 Specialty Items

Do you need to bring everything from home or can you rent/borrow some items? One of our granddaughters lives in Ontario. She is the youngest and still needs a high chair, stroller and playpen. These items can be found at most secondhand stores, Craigslist or even for free. (Check out www.freecycle.org.) We keep these items on hand for when they visit. When they are not visiting us I lend them to other grandmas in my area. This way I do not have to store them.

Tip#4 Routine

Once you have arrived at your vacation destination, try to get your children back on track with their regular routine. Keep bedtime the same as at home, meal times the same and discipline the same. I know it is easy to say “we are on vacation so you can have that extra cookie or yes you can stay up really late tonight.” Children thrive on routine and it is a high price to pay if they get out of it. Nothing says stress more than cranky, sick kids.

Tip#5 Travel Light

Have you seen people getting on the plane with a carry-on bag larger than life? It amazes me that those bags fit in the overhead compartment. Whether you are traveling with kids or not, this is a great rule of thumb. Make your carry on light and your suitcase light. Most places have washing machines nowadays. Pack light and do a load of wash if need be. Wear your heaviest bulky clothes on the plane, train, boat or car. The weight restrictions are so strict these days that you would hate to be paying for oversize luggage. If you go to the same destination often, consider leaving some items there. We have a drawer for our granddaughter’s belongings. Rather than send her clothes for her birthday I have them ready for her in her little drawer. This saves on packing as well. Can any clothing items be shared amongst the children? Can any toys be shared?

Traveling With ChildrenThe key to a happy, stress-free travel is making sure mommy and daddy are well rested, well fed and keep their cool. This will filter down into the rest of the family. Be prepared for long lines, wait times and unforeseen frustrations. Know that once you get to your destination it will be worthwhile. Hopefully there is a glass of Merlot waiting for you!

By |2020-06-07T20:52:45+00:00December 8th, 2012|Organizer, Time Management, Travel Organization|0 Comments

Stress Free Travel: Arrive Refreshed, Energized and Ready to Go

Do you enjoy travel?

How would you like to travel minus the stress?

Would you like some tips on stress free travel? You’ll arrive refreshed, energized and ready to go!

Below are 5 simple tips to get you on your “merry” way and leave the stress behind:

Tip#1: Time. If you want stress free travel you need to allow enough time for any unforeseen mishaps. Like running out of gas. Do you know how long it takes you to get to your local airport? Add on an extra 30 minutes. If traffic is heavy or there is an accident slowing traffic you won’t get stressed out.  If check in is an hour add on an extra 30 minutes. This will allow for any long line ups or packing issues (overweight baggage, for example).

Tip#2: Documents. I love this saying. “A place for everything and everything in its place.” Do you have a handy document file folder or a pouch in your travel bag?  When your passport is handed back, you immediately put it back in the file folder or pouch. None of this “I’ll do it later.” Then toss it in your bag. This is how important documents get misplaced.

My Aunt was traveling to England. She had her passport in her hand. When she got to customs she could not find it. Long story short she had tossed her passport out with her coffee cup! Good thing she had ample time to go back and retrieve it out of the garbage can.

Tip#3: Clothing. Wear the most comfortable clothing you have. I love watching people at the customs line up as they start to get undressed. Belts, boots, layers of clothing.  This can cause stress for those who are running late. Wear easy to remove shoes. Wear items that won’t set the x-ray machines off. Be mindful of your carry-on bag.

There was a lady at the Paris airport that had about 6 paper shopping bags that would not fit in the machine. She was shoving and pushing trying to get them through the x-ray. She was late for her plane. Talk about STRESS.

Pack one day of bare essentials in your carry-on. Toothbrush, clean panties, prescription medication, and a good book.

Tip#4: Snacks. Low blood sugar makes people grumpy and stressed. I carry protein bars, dried nuts and fruit and some hard candies. Once past all the restricted areas grab a bottle of water. I know most airlines give you water but it is never enough. One of the best ways to arrive at your destination refreshed, energized and ready to go is to be well hydrated.

Tip#5: Pack early. Are you so excited about your trip that you park early or do you leave it to the last minute? Make a master list of must have items. Pull your suitcase out. Place it in an out of the way location in your home. As you think of items to take toss them into the case. 2 days prior to travel get your master list in hand. Pull everything out and systematically put each item back in the suitcase as you check it off your master list. Good rule of thumb is that each piece of clothing should go with at least 3 other items in your case.

If you are already at your travel destination pack the night before. Check your room for items that might be under the bed, electrical cords, and things in drawers or closets.

Here is to fun, safe, stress free travels. Hope to run into you on the slopes!

Helpful moving tips – part 1


How would you like some helpful moving tips?

Are you one of these people who likes to move?  OK, I need to meet you because I have yet to meet anyone who loves to move. I moved after 22 years in the same place. I actually did not mind moving…………but that was because I was organized! You knew that was coming.

Why not check out this short video on helpful moving tips.

I’ll bet you will really like these tips and will use one or 2 of them on your next move.

 If you are still not getting excited about packing and moving I can come to the rescue.

Call today for a FREE phone consultation. We will discuss your move, packing and downsizing. I even work with some excellent moving companies. You could go away and have your new place all put back together. Now that is stress free moving.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your homein 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:52+00:00July 8th, 2010|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments


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