How To Create New Habits For Staying Organized

A habit is defined as a recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behaviour that is acquired through frequent repetition.

Most habits are harmless however we all have a few we wish we could change.

What are yours?

The act of staying organized requires some skill, dedication, determination, desire, discipline and creating new habits.

It’s easy enough to clear the clutter but how are you going to keep your space that way?

Habits! Good habits.

With these simple steps you’ll be able to create the new habit of staying organized.

Are you thinking this is easier said than done?

Check out this short video on “How To Create New Habits For Staying Organized” then read on for
Getting It Togethers’ Top Four Tips

Firstly, staying organized needs to be a massive goal. You need to have big reasons for wanting to stay organized.

What are yours?

Please leave them in the comment box below.

Some of the top reasons for staying organized are; to have more time, less stress and more money. For others it might be to release the constant overwhelm of not being able to find what they are looking for in a timely manner and for some it might be the need to release the embarrassment and shame.

Next you need to be really specific about your plan of action for staying organized.

My clients that are the most successful in this department are the ones who follow the “15 minutes to freedom” techniques I coach them on.2

Once your space is completely organized, take 15 minutes per day to keep it that way. Tidy as you go and be mindful about what you bring into your cleared space. Have a place for everything and everything in its place.

Thirdly, think about the consequences of not keeping this new habit. Write out the ways your life will be negatively affected if you don’t follow the “15 minutes to freedom technique.”

And write out the ways you will feel by keeping this new habit.

When the WHYS are big enough, the how’s seem to take care of themselves.

Finally, you must commit to this new lifestyle, this new habit. Implement the four D’s. Dedication, determination, desire and discipline. Self -discipline is not inherited – it’s created, nurtured, and developed daily. Self – discipline comes with a desire to forget what happened yesterday, be the best you can be today, and expect great things from tomorrow.

PS: Do you need to have an accountability partner or some coaching in order to get started and stay on track? If so, contact us today at for a FREE 15 minutes to freedom call.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00September 24th, 2018|Home Organization, Organizing to Move, Time Management|0 Comments

Keep It or Toss It by: Rowena List of Getting It Together

The average home has well over 350,000.00 items in it.

How many times do you hold an item in your hand and ask yourself “ should I keep it or toss it?” And because you can’t decide at that moment you simply put it back down. Down on a pile of stuff or on a cluttered counter or stash it in a “junk” drawer. The never ending cycle continues until you have reached your limit and decide to take action. Massive action.

Check out this quick video by Getting It Together on “Keep It or Toss It” 

Then read on for more tips.

Keep It If….

  1. You would buy it again if it was lost or stolen.
  2. It has a proper place in your home and you use it.
  3. It fits in your life today. Say goodbye to those size 6 jeans.
  4. It’s hugely sentimental to you.
  5. You absolutely love it, need it and use it.

Toss It If…..2

  1. You don’t know what it is.
  2. It’s not worth repairing.
  3. Your gut is telling you to part with it.
  4. It was a gift and you have never used it or love it.
  5. You already have more than you need or use.

One of the biggest reasons people don’t clear the clutter and downsize is because they don’t know where to take the unwanted items to. And another big reason is fear. The fear of letting go, the fear of thinking they might need it again one day and the fear of less.

Less is more.

It really is.

P.S. Are you wanting to get organized? Not sure where to start?

Contact us for a free over the phone discover session at

By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00June 20th, 2018|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

Top 5 Organizing Thoughts That Can Interfere With Your Success

Can you find a million reasons/excuses for not getting organized and  storage cont

Do you wish you had a magic wand that would just tidy everything up? Don’t we all. And do the dishes while it’s at it.

Check out this video on the Top 5 Organizing Thoughts That Can Interfere With Your Success and then read on for a few more highlights.

Tip 1: When I have the time, I’ll get to it. Ya right?? When you have spare time the last thing you will want to do is spend the day in your closet or garage. You have got to put the time aside to get and stay organized so you can go live your life.containers

Tip 2: If it can’t be perfect or if I can’t be perfect. We all have to agree that no one and nothing is perfect. Like NIKE says “just do it” It is better to start. No “ya buts”

Tip 3: I can change, I know I can change. We are who we are and unless the pain of remaining the same is greater than the pain of change, you will not change. Take baby steps and find a system that works for you.

Tip 4: Not all books are created equal. Just because an organizing book tells you to roll your clothes does not mean that will work for you and your family. All organizers think a little different. I personally don’t agree with rolling my clothes and standing them on end. My drawers are small for one thing and I find things fall over once you take out a few items from that drawer. I always agree on “ZONES”

You just might have a few of the same zones in your home depending on size and circumstances.

Tip 5: I haven’t used it in years but I know I will “someday” Who are you kidding? Get real and ruthless. Get rid of it.

For more helpful tips please contact Rowena at for a free discovery session.

PS: Share the love by liking this video and sharing this post on your social media feed. Your day will be better for it! 😊

By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00May 22nd, 2018|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

How To Clear Mind Clutter

Do you feel like your mind is racing a mile a minute? Are you in overwhelm? Does your to-do list just keep on going and going?

Check out this short video on How To Clear Mind Clutter:

And then take a few minutes to try these simple steps and feel what it’s like to a have a clutter free mind.

Step One: Arrive at work/or your home office desk 15 minutes early so you can mentally prepare for your day. Get yourself settled in and review your day. Have a big glass of water and give thanks to one of your coworkers.

Step Two: Prepare your work station. Is it set up exactly how you like it? If there are things on your desk that look cluttery, tidy them up.

Play some soft relaxing background music.

Step Three: Take 15 seconds in between each task to clear your mind and breathe. This might mean running to the ladies’ room or the lunch room to just quickly regroup. All you do is shake your hands in front of you for 5 seconds and breathe deep.

Step Four: If your mind is really full of to do’s and family issues, take 15 minutes of your lunch break and do a mind dump. A mind dump has no right or wrong way. Simply take a piece of paper and write out everything that is going on inside your head. Are you thinking about a trip, a kid’s school play, your mother’s birthday etc.? Write it all out. Beside each item put a capital A if it is something you need to deal with and only you can deal with it. Put a capital B if it is something you would like to do if you had the time and a capital C on all the rest which means those are things you can delegate or get to one day when everything else is done.IMG_3820

Freeing up your mind like this makes room for you to be present in all situations. Present in conversations you have with your kids, family, friends and clients.

Step Five: Clear your physical clutter from your home. If your home does not step up to greet you, you are going to feel heavy, weighed down and your mind will be spinning. Take 15 minutes each night to clear out an area of your home. Start small. Start with your tee shirts. Donate all tee shirts you are no longer wearing. Toss the ones that look like rags. Next night move on to your shoes. Keep only the shoes that you wear and are comfortable. In another 15 minutes you can toss out all the outdated pantry items. Old candy from Halloween, expired baking powder etc. Can you see how doing these simple tasks can lead to a clutter free home and a clutter free mind?

Step Six: Clear your calendar. Make sure you have some white space in your calendar for down time. Time for you to relax, have a bubble bath or do some yoga. You need to replenish yourself on a regular basis in order to be able to give of yourself to all those who require it.

You can’t function from an empty basket.

And while speaking of calendars, schedule work time, play time, household responsibility time etc. Don’t keep all that information in your head. That causes clutter in the mind.

Step Seven: Learn the fine art of delegating. This means releasing the need for total control. Get kids evolved with household responsibilities. Can they help with bed making, lunch making and folding laundry? Is there a teenager in the neighbourhood who can help out with some of your to do’s?

Step Eight: Disconnect from electronic devices. Did you know you lose 27% of your days productivity if you check your phone first thing in the morning before doing anything else?

Turn off your phone while with those you love. Clear the clutter from your mind by not filling it with all kinds of clutter like social media, games with flashing moving parts or nonsense shows.

Make room for what’s important to you and those around you.

PS: I have a gift for you. Simply contact me at and ask for your free weekly plan sheet. This is a fabulous tool to keep your week in order and plan your time. As an added bonus I’ll even walk you through the best way to use it in an over-the-phone conversation.

Love this article? Please spread the love by sharing it with your friends and family

By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00April 18th, 2018|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

How To Spring Clean And Spring Clear

Do you have the Need To Clean and the URGE TO PURGE?

Spring time brings this out in all of us. The rain has stopped…hopefully and the birds are singing. For those of you reading this outside of Vancouver you might be blessed to have sun all year and happy birds singing daily. We in Vancouver get excited about this.

Spring is a time of newness and fresh air. I think that is why so many of us have the urge to purge and start cleaning. The best time to start your Spring clearing and cleaning is when you stop using the heat in your home.

Check out this short video on “How To Spring Clean And Spring Clear” then read on for Getting It Togethers’ top tips to help you get on your way.

Tip #1 Make a list of all the things you would like to accomplish in your Spring clearing and cleaning. You will want to break the list down as this project is not done in a day.

For example:IMG_3391

  1. Wash and store all Winter clothing and replace with your Spring and Summer wardrobe. Keep in mind that if you have not worn it for a year or it does not fit then it is time to pass it on.

    While your closet is empty give it a good vacuum and dust down the inside walls. Spray the carpet with a freshener of your choice. I like using essential oils for a chemical free environment. Did you know Lavender oil helps to keep moths away?

  1. Put away all seasonal sporting equipment. Be sure to give them a good clean before you do. Add a clean dry wash cloth with a few drops of Lavender oil on it to the clear plastic bin before storing.

  2. Wash curtains, blankets, bedding etc. Pick a sunny day so you can hang them on the clothesline if you have one. You will enjoy that nice Spring clean smell.

  3. Go through all the piles of papers, magazines, articles etc that you were saving for a rainy day (let’s hope they are gone for a while). Deal with each item of paper once. Donate old magazines to your local gym or doctors’ office. Recycle all outdated reading material. Shred old bills etc. or better yet get yourself set up for paperless.

Tip #2 Get your family involved. It is no fun doing this alone and chances are it’s not all your stuff.IMG_2918

For example:

  1. Spend a day in the garden together clearing out all the debris from Winter and cleaning all the cement walks and driveway. Borrow a power washer from a friend or neighbour (the kids will have fun with this one).

  2. Get small children to go on their hands and knees and dust all the floor boards and behind hard to reach furniture. Don’t forget to get them involved in their own rooms too. They can clear out old toys and clothes to make room for the new season.

    Reward them with a treat or special activity at the end of the day.

  3. Make a “honey do” pot. Write out all the chores you would like your husband/partner to do. Write one chore per piece of paper and place them in the pot. Every Saturday morning, he gets to pick one job out of the jar. Reward him at the end of the day too!  If you do not have a husband or he is not the “handy man” type then make a list for the local handy man in your area. Some areas have “husbands for hire” companies. And yes, there are a lot of things we as women can do ourselves.

Tip #3 Turn on your favorite music, open the windows and take it step-by-step. Stay focused and don’t get distracted by those photo albums! Doing this all before summer means you don’t have to think about it during the best part of the year.

Tip #4 The best tip of all is “an organized home takes 40% less time to clean”. What will you do with all your spare time?

If you just can’t fathom tackling your urge to purge alone, contact for Spring Clearing help.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00March 20th, 2018|Home Organization|0 Comments

How To Lose 40 Pounds In 4 Hours

We have all heard that in order to lose weight we need to cut out carbs. Eat low fat. Exercise three times a week. Eat 10-12 servings of fruits and vegetables and avoid sugar. But wait! Is there something else that could really help us to lose weight? Yes, there is.

Cut out the clutter in ten easy steps and watch the weight lift from your shoulders.

Let’s face it. If you can’t stand the site of your kitchen or can’t find what you are looking for in your kitchen how motivated are you to cook and eat healthy meals?

If your clutter is making you feel overwhelmed and stressed how likely are you to want to get in your kitchen?

Check out this video on How To Lose 40 Pounds In 4 Hours

and then read on…

Try these simple steps to cutting out the clutter and watch the pounds shed away.

  1. Step up a weekly appointment with yourself to do the shopping. Most households eat approximately ten different meals over the course of a month in some sort of rotation. Have your meal plan written out and use it to make your shopping list. Heck, now a days you can even shop online at midnight in your PJ’s if you really want to.
  2. Give your mailbox a diet. Put a red sticker on your mailbox which indicates to the post person you no longer wish to receive junk mail. You might need to have a verbal conversation with him or her depending on what part of the world you live in.
  3. Have one cheat day per week. That’s the day you sit down and open your mail and deal with what needs to be dealt with. Treat yourself to a nice coffee, glass of wine or beverage of your choice.
  4. Instead of going sugar free go paperless. Keep all important documents in a file on your computer which you back up consistently. Keep sugar to a minimal amount.
  5. Put your computer on a cleanse. Delete all unnecessary files, emails and folders that are no longer serving you. Take 15 minutes each day to work on this cleanse.
  6. Eliminate the three deadliest words “just in case”
  7. Kiss emotional eating goodbye as you kiss goodbye to the emotions of holding onto stuff which no longer brings you joy or serves you.
  8. Clear all the junk food, processed food and expired food from your pantry. Start with a clean slate. Think Mediterranean eating. After spending over two weeks in Greece I see why “they” say eating a Mediterranean diet is such an awesome way to fuel our bodies.
  9. Eliminate the endless supply of unused toiletries from under your bathroom sink.
  10. Don’t store extra pounds of another people’s clutter.

P.S. If you are wanting to get in shape you would hire a personal trainer so why not hire a professional organizer to help you get your home and life in shape? I’ll give you the personal push to get started and coach you in separating the emotions from the possessions.

Call for a free over the phone session today. 604-520-9550. Or book online at

By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00December 18th, 2017|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

Permanently Reduce Clutter Part 1- Spend Less, Have More

How would you like to spend less but feel like you have more?

Do you wish your bank balance was higher than it is?

Are you surrounded by stuff?

I have always admired people like the late Lady Diana. She dressed with simple elegance. Oh ya, she had a huge wardrobe because she was a princess however, her style was elegant and simple. I’ll bet if she were not a princess she would have had a modest closet filled with a few key items of clothing. The type of clothing items that mix and match. That is my goal for you as well. As the French would say “you do not need a lot of clothes you just need a great imagination”

Check out this short video on Permanently Reduce Clutter Part 1 and then read on for Getting It Togethers Top 5 Tips.

These tips would also work when decorating your home. Simple yet elegant.

Where else do you think these tips would work well in your life?

Please leave a comment in the box below. Your opinion counts.

Tip 1. Use the 6-12 month rule.  If you haven’t worn or used it in 6-12 months, get rid of it. Pass it on with love. The only exception to this rule is that one elegant evening dress in the back of your closet waiting for a fancy dance or cruise. If it is a classic it will not go out of style. If you stay the same size it will fit!

You might even have an item in your home that comes out for the rare occasions. You know the tray that holds deviled eggs. But only keep it if you use it and have space to store it.1

Tip 2.  Align values with spending.  I value good/organic food, my health and travel to name a few. So, I know that planning and paying for a vacation, getting a massage, or going shopping at one of my favorite specialty shops is aligned with my values. Knowing what you value makes it much easier to make or not to make spending decisions. Keep in mind “fair trade” and “ethically made”.

Tip 3. Stick to a shopping list. This will help you with not getting side tracked.  Take a shopping list with you when you go to buy groceries or clothes.  When you know what you are looking for you will save time and money. The most organized people do not just aimlessly wonder around shops. They have a mission and stick to it. Now that doesn’t mean you don’t go window shopping with a friend once in awhile. Hey we all need that fix with one of our BF”s

Tip 4.  The 24-hour rule. We have all heard this one before. I think Oprah even uses this rule. Imagine, with all of her money. Think about your purchase for 24 hours. If you still feel you need/want it after 24 hours go back and make the purchase. If you feel you can live without that item after 24 hours you have just saved yourself some money.  This eliminates the spontaneous purchases. I also like to shop at places that have a no fuss return policy. For example, an item of clothing might look great in the store lighting then you get it home and the colour is not at all what you thought.

Tip 5.  Create a do-not-spend day.  Are you old enough to remember when stores were closed on Sundays? Or when late night shopping was only on Friday nights? Ah, the good old days. I use to work in the mall when this was my reality. (Okay, I know I am dating myself now) however one day without spending can add up.  Choose a day each week and make that your do-not-spend day.  Instead, get creative with all the fun free things you can do. Pack your own lunch or snacks and take a thermos with your hot drink in it. Your mind, body and bank account will thank you!

PS: Here’s something for free on your do not spend day. A FREE discovery call with me. Book it today at  and gain insights on your passion and purpose.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:33+00:00October 17th, 2017|Home Organization, Organizer|1 Comment

How to Organize Your Kids

Is clutter affecting your health or the health of your children?

Do you trip over toys, backpacks or had a stack of papers fall all over the place?

Many kids today feel stressed, rushed or disorganized. They have so many activities and more demands on them at school that the more organized they are the better.

Kids need to be kids…..however, living in a disorganized environment will cause stress at any age not to mention the affect clutter has on your health.

There is also a level of embarrassment that comes with living in chaos especially if your kids want to have their friends over.

Check out this short video on How to Organize Your Kids and then read on for Getting It Togethers Top 5 Tips

Tip #1 Monkey see…Monkey do.

If you want order in your home, you need to teach it to your children.  Kids feel important if they are a part of the solution – not the problem. Get them involved.

Tip #2 Kids can get very confused if you say to them “go pick up your toys” when they have toys all over the place. That is why it is best to have a toy “zone” Keep all their toys in one area of the home. Why not try this great tip when it is time to get your kids to clean up their toys?:  Have them go through the toy zone area and pick up only red toys; then, when they’re finished that, have them go and get all their blue toys or all their Lego.  This keeps things simple for them and clutter free.

Tip #3 Is it time to donate some of their toys?  Get your kids involved in the clearing of all their unused toys.  Put them in a box for the less fortunate.  They can do the same thing with their clothes and so can you! (If your children are really young you might want to do this tip while they are sleeping or at a play date)

Tip#4 Keep things simple when shopping for school supplies. Are there things from last year that can be used again this year? Backpacks, paper, pens etc.

This will save money in the long run if your children are taught how to reuse. It will also save you shopping time.

Tip #5 Have a basket for each child that holds  their school notices, backpack and homework. Take 5 minutes at the end of the day to see what notices need to be signed and returned. This will save the rush first thing in the morning. If you are rushed and stressed chances are your children will be to. The morning sets the tone for the day.

To keep things clutter free and organized for the kids Birthdays, Christmas, Grad, etc., why not try the following bonus tip:

Ask family and friends to donate money to one of your child’s favorite Charities.  Get your children involved with the Charity so that they can see first-hand how their “gift” is being put to use.

Imagine how easy it will be for you and your children to attend a Birthday party in the future.

In the mean time teach your children “a place for everything and everything in its place” and that “less is more”. The “less is more” concept sure helps on the pocket book. I am sure that once your children get organized and clutter free, you will find they are less stressed, have a better attention span and are happier and healthier. I’ll bet you will be too!

PS: Tired of papers all over the place? Check out the 1to31 organizing system

And in the mean time, share the love by sharing this link.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:35+00:00July 12th, 2016|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

Downsizing Your Memorabilia

Are you a sentimental kind of person?

Have you saved everything and I mean everything from your children’s past?

Would you like to get a handle on your memorabilia?

Check out this short video for some very quick simple tips on downsizing your memorabilia.

and if you like it please click the” like” button and then pass it on to your friends and family.

Then read on for Getting It Together’s Top 3 Tips on downsizing your memorabilia.

We all go through different stages in our lives. At one point you may have kept everything that had any sentimental value to you. Then as time moves on you may have thought that some of this “stuff” was holding you back. Or maybe like me you were forced to downsize and decided that you were not going to move all of your memorabilia with you yet again.

1How many of us really even have the extra time to go through our memorabilia boxes? The only time I ever have is when I was getting ready to move.

Oh ya, I hear you. You are waiting until you retire or until you are in a senior’s home and then you will go through it all. I have yet to meet a senior who has any more time now then when they were working full time. Funny how that works isn’t it. Well that is because activities fill the time we allot them. You have 5 minutes to tidy up your kitchen before guests arrive and you can get it done. If you have all day you might procrastinate a little. This is human nature.

Tip: 1 Have one medium size rubber container per person in your household. That is the limit of stuff you will save for them or for yourself. If the container gets full then it is time to go through it and pull out some less important items. You will see as time goes on how certain items do lose their priority.

Tip: 2 Ask yourself the purpose of keeping each item. Is it sentimental? Is it from a family member who really wanted you to have a certain item? Is it from a vacation? If you do not have a concrete purpose of keeping the item then it is time to ask yourself why. Why am I keeping it?

Tip: 3 Keep your memorabilia box up high on a shelf. You do not want it to get water damage if you happen to have a flood in your basement of crawl space.

How about you? Where do you stand on the sentimental stage? Love to hear from you in the comment box below.

Enjoy your precious memorabilia items. I sure do.

PS: Did you know I offer over the phone coaching services? If you would like to live more on purpose and passion or would like a better handle on setting boundaries then please contact me for a FREE 30 minute discovery session.

Go to to book your session now.

How To Make Good Habits

Have you vowed to get organized once and for all?

Do you dream of impeccable time management habits?

Is this the year you will exercise, eat better, get more sleep, stop smoking or make some other positive change?

Why is it that some people can make good habits a habit and others can not?

Check out this short video on how to make good habits

And then read the Getting It Together’s Top 5 Tips on how to make good habits.

Tip #1: Visualize. In order to move forward with new habits you need to see yourself already there. Visualize yourself as a non smoker or as eating healthy whole foods. Think about how this new habit will improve your life.

Tip #2: Journal. Once you have visualized yourself already in the new habit now you will want to keep track of it in a journal. Write out all the benefits of achieving this new habit like increased energy or that you will be able to find what you are looking for in 20 seconds or less once your home is all organized.

Tip #3: One step at a time. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to organize your whole home in one day? In most cases this is impossible however if you set up small baby steps you can accomplish it. Take 15 minutes a day and work on one small area. For example your sock drawer. Take out all the odd socks and holey ones. Donate any extras if you have too many pairs and leave the rest. Easy to do in 15 minutes for sure.

Tip #4: Grab a buddy. Things are always better with a buddy. Who do you know who would like to get in better shape? Team up with them for long walk and talks. Make it a habit to meet once twice or even three times a week. Make each other accountable. Leaving a comment in the comment box below is a great way to becoming accountable. Tell us what your new habit is and we will hold you to it.:)

Tip #5: Have a plan. Know what you need to do in order to reach your goals. What daily habits do you need to instill to keep organized, eat better, get in shape, or stop smoking?

PS: Enter to win!

Getting It Together has just had a makeover and we want to hear from you.  Please leave a comment in the comment box and your name will be entered into a draw to WIN a purse Organizer.

Check it out

Share the love by sharing the link. Thank You

By |2020-06-07T20:52:36+00:00October 28th, 2015|Home Organization, Organizer, Time Management|3 Comments


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