How to Plan a Successful Road Trip

Depending on where you live and what activities you like to do you might be able to take road trips throughout the year.

Road trips can be filled with adventure. It certainly gives you total freedom to come and go as you like.

You might see a beautiful place to stop for your lunch break or you might be in a place that does not offer what you are looking for so you push on.

Whatever your fancy, you’ll want to follow these guidelines for a successful road trip.

Watch this quick video and then read on for Getting It Togethers check list

Checklist for a successful road trip:

  • Find out the goals and wishes of everyone who is going on this road trip. Try to accommodate most of them. For example: Do you want to drive for at least 8 hours a day? Do you want to take your time and only see what you see and not worry about the rest? Do you want to hit every “In and Out” burger place in town?
  • Have a master list of the items you need for your road trip. Surfboard, skis, golf clubs, bike, certain clothing etc
  • Make sure your car is in good condition, oil has been check and spare tire in good working order
  • Take your driver’s license, passport if crossing borders, up to date car insurance and registration, roadside assistance card and maps. Google might not work in every small town.
  • First aid kit
  • A blanket, pillow for those spur of the moment naps or road side stops under a nice tree
  • Spare set of car keys that are not left in the car 🙂
  • A garbage bag for those coffee cups or car snacks
  • GPS
  • A couple of things to entertain the kids. Like maybe a favorite toy, book or movie
  • Portable cooler with water, drinks, snacks and ice packs
  • Hand wipes and TP
  • Motion sickness pills
  • Sunscreen, sunglasses and beach towel
  • Wear comfortable clothing and wrinkle free
  • Your favorite music
  • For safety I suggest you post on social media after your trip not before.
  • For peace of mind, have a friend or neighbour check on your place while you are away.

Most important to keep in mind, this is your vacation time, family time, so make it as stress free and fun as possible. Safe travels.

PS: For those of you who have enjoyed several successful road trips please leave your comments in the box below. Your tips and additions will be helpful to others. Thank You

By |2020-06-07T20:52:33+00:00May 23rd, 2017|Organizer, Time Management, Travel Organization|0 Comments

How to Organize Your Inbox

How would you feel if you turned on your computer and your inbox was empty? Most people would feel relief. The reason being is that most people feel so overwhelmed by the volume of emails in their inbox.

What is your comfort level when it comes to emails?

Do you feel out of control if you have 15 unanswered emails in your inbox?  Do you feel overwhelmed if you have 50? Knowing your comfort level will help you with managing your inbox.

Check out this short video on “How to Organize Your Inbox”

Why not give these top 5 Getting It Together tips a try and see if you can tame your inbox…….even just a little

Tip#1 Exercise control. To be the most productive check emails 2-3 times per day at most unless your job requires otherwise. Pick the same time each day so your clients/friends will know when to expect a reply. I recommend checking your emails at noon and again at 4pm. If you check your emails first thing in the morning it is very easy to get sidetracked. Most important turn off email notifications. The email notification is like a dog with a bone. You hear it and feel like you MUST respond. Stay focused to the tasks you are working on and check those emails only twice a day.

Tip#2 Unsubscribe. Take a close look at all the newsletters you subscribe to. Are they relevant to your life right now?   Set up a “to read” folder for all other newsletters you enjoy and find helpful. ( Like this one :)) Immediately move them from your inbox to your folder. OR set up a RRS feed in Google Reader. Put a filter to go straight “to read”. Give yourself a time limit. If you have not read those newsletters in a month then delete. It means you probably will not get around to reading them. We all have the best of intentions. Life gets busy and time flies. One of the best things about being portable is you can read your newsletters on a plane, while waiting for a Doctor’s appointment or on a beach.

Tip#3 Action Folder. Create an action folder. Move emails that need your action into this folder. These are not important or urgent emails. Take a few minutes a day and deal with each email. Do not look at it if you cannot deal with it right away. Can you delegate any of the “actions?”

Tip#4 Important Folder. Pick the top 8-12 most important emails and move them to this folder. Deal with these right away. Having them in a folder will help with not getting side tracked. Once you have dealt with those 8- 12 then move another 8-12 over and deal with them. Some people like to colour code their emails. This can look cluttered and again it is easy to get side tracked. I do however always highlight my most important emails in red.

Tip#5 New Policy.  Every new email that comes in will follow this new policy of being filed.  Let people know you will only be checking emails 2 – 3 times per day and that you will get back to them in a timely manner unless your job/personal life requires different. Only look at emails when you have the time to deal with what is inside that email. Take a few minutes each week and clear/clean out your inbox of any unwanted not needed emails. It is no different than tossing out the mail you have read. A cluttered inbox can mean a cluttered mind.

Ask friends and family to take you off their “joke” list. Yes it is fun to receive jokes however it is so easy to get sidetracked. A time buster at its best.

If you absolutely love getting jokes then set up a folder. Read them at the end of the day, on your coffee break or on weekends.

80% of what we file never gets looked at again!!

Keep you outgoing emails short and to the point. One subject matter per email. Be sure to change the subject line if you have changed subjects in a reply. I like to give as much information in the subject line as I can. For example: “Inbox training/tips “or “You are invited to dinner on July 22/16 at 7pm” This is helpful for filing purposes and quick referencing.

What’s great about being organized is you have more time to enjoy these finer things in life.
How would you spend your extra time? Please leave a comment in the box below.

PS: Are you still feeling overwhelmed by the volume of emails? If so, grab your FREE over the phone consultation.

Book now at

By |2020-06-07T20:52:33+00:00April 18th, 2017|Home Organization, Organizer, Time Management|0 Comments

How To Organize Your High-Tech Self

Do you feel like technology changes faster than you can change your underwear?

Do you feel overwhelmed by the number of emails, texts and calls?

How is a person to keep up and keep it all “together”?

Take a ‘byte’ out of personal systems overload and watch this short video on “How To Organize Your High-Tech Self

Then read on to get Getting It Togethers’ Top 5 Simple Tips

TIP #1 – Do not and I repeat – do not – answer your phone unless you can talk and/or fulfill any tasks that might come from the conversation. That means if you are in the shower, bathroom, having dinner or in a coffee line – the calls can wait. Voice mail is your friend. People everywhere feel like they’re working harder and achieving less. The discipline of checking voice mail can therefore give you the boundaries you need to put some personal sanity back into your harried day. So savor that meal. Enjoy that conversation. Respect your family. The personal dividends repaid for not answering every call far outweigh the ‘just in time’ panic cultivated by a cluttered life.2

TIP #2 – Text and or ‘crack berry’ when you’re in private. Enjoy the moment and the people you are with while you are with them. I know what you are thinking, “yeah, but what does she know about my life and business? I have to answer all calls and texts.” That’s fine. But do it in private. Make the people you are with feel important and special. Business is about relationships. If you can’t respect the time of the people you’re with, how can they respect you? Family and friends want to feel important too! Set aside specific times when you return texts, emails and calls and watch your productivity soar.

TIP #3 – Be selective as to what you forward. You might think the email is funny but will the recipient? Ask in advance if they would like to receive jokes etc. Your friends, family and co workers might be trying to cut down on the clutter in their inboxes, too!

TIP #4 – Spell check was invented for a reason. Use it even if the email is to a friend or family member and especially in all work related correspondence.

TIP #5 – Turn off all electronic messaging devices in meetings, while having dinner with family and friends, sleeping, working on your A priorities, in a movies or public places. I bet you would hate for the phone to ring if you were a guest speaker at an event or trying to watch a movie while on a date. While you’re at it, use a “normal” ring tone. Nothing is more annoying than a quirky ring tone and hearing several of them at once.

PS: I once read an article on the top 5 ways to keep your kids off drugs. One of the five was to not use your device (be glued to it) while with them. I think this encourages you to be engaged with the kids, listen better, not get distracted and lets the children know they are important and special.

If you would like to know the other 4 ways to keep your kids off drugs give me a call.

Book today at

By |2020-06-07T20:52:34+00:00March 14th, 2017|Organizer, Time Management|0 Comments

The Three P’s of Time Management

Do you ever wonder how some people get so much done in a day, a week, a month a year while others seem to always be overwhelmed?

Do you think they have something you don’t?

Like a magic wand or something?

They don’t.

Part of the reason is because of impeccable time management. Part might be because they don’t put as much on their plate and part is definitely because they are organized.

Check out this short video on “The three P’s of Time Management and then read on for more timely tips.

Give these Three P’s to Time Management a try and let me know how you do.

P # 1: Process. This is where I recommend doing a mind dump. Write out everything that you feel you have to do or that your feel needs to be done or that you want to do. I am talking everything. Clear your mind of all the “to do” lists, appointments, responsibilities. Keep writing in no particular order.

Take a good hard look at each item on that to do. Is it really that important? Can it wait? If so, for how long?

Be sure to put dream items on there like going to yoga.

P # 2 Prioritize. So you have your master list of things you feel you have to do, need to do and want to do. Now let’s look at that list and put an A beside the line items that only you and you alone can do. For example, go to your job or breast feed your new born. Attend yoga. Read a report or help a child with homework

Put a B beside the line items that you could do if you really had to however they are items that could be delegated. House cleaning, ironing, laundry. Or they are lower priority items for example social media surfing.

Now put a C beside the items that for sure you can delegate. Items that if they did not get done by you the earth would not stop. Example: make homemade jam or cookies.

P # 3 Picture. Picture your weekly plan sheet filled in with exactly the things on it that you want to do, need to do and have to do. Starting with your highest priority which would include time for you. Picture yourself having great time management. Picture yourself taking time to relax or time for yoga. Picture yourself being on time for all of your appointments.

PS: Book your 15 minute discovery session today to find out your biggest time buster


By |2020-06-07T20:52:34+00:00February 16th, 2017|Self Care Organization, Time Management|0 Comments

How To Set Priorities

Do you feel like you are putting out fires all day long?

Do you feel like your time is never your time?

At the end of the day do you wonder what you really got done?


Take a look at this short simple video on “How To Set Priorities”

Then read on to get the top 4 quadrants to getting things done.

#1 Urgent/Important:

You wake up in the morning. What is one of the first things you do?

Is it urgent and important? If you are like most people it is….going to the washroom J

Then, getting washed up, fed and out the door to work. These are “must do’s”

These tasks have timelines if you want to be on time. They are urgent and they are important.RL1

Waking up in the morning and checking emails is “not” urgent or important.

Don’t get me wrong, your emails could very well be important; however do they need to be responded to before you have even taken care of your personal needs first?

What other “must do’s” do you have on your list of things to do?

(Oh wait a minute, you don’t have a list?) Let’s start there.

Do yourself a favour and write out your 6 most important things (6 being the magic number) you must do for the next day. These are things that only you can do. Then put these “to-do’s” in either the first or second quadrant.

#2 Not Urgent/Important:

This is the best quadrant to work from.

These are things that are important to you. Quality time with your family, exercising, clearing out the clutter, downsizing your aging parent’s home, spending time with friends, getting your taxes done. Achieving highly productive work activities without the sense of stress.

If you procrastinate on these above items they get moved to #1.

For example: Your Doctor orders you to start taking care of yourself, your parents pass on and now you are left with downsizing their home, your friends get resentful because you never make time to see them, your kids complain that all you ever do is work or your marriage is in trouble because you are having an affair with your mobile device. Your boss is yelling at you for the overdue reports.

Impeccable scheduling will eliminate the above examples.

#3 Urgent/Not Important:

Checking personal emails every single time the notification goes off. Note to self; turn the notification off.  Instead, set aside 2 times per day to check your personal emails.

Responding to texts the second they come in or worse while driving.

Answering your phone even when you are not free to talk. Like while you are with family and friends, while you are at dinner, while you are in the shower (yep, someone did that to me once)

Saying “yes” when you really mean “no”.

Anything that is a creative avoidance to what you really need to be doing and want to be doing.

#4 Not Urgent/Not Important:

Anything that is taking valuable time away from what you really want to do in life.

Watching endless TV, playing endless hours of video games, getting screen sucked, attending functions that are not contributing to your professional goals, attending meetings without an agenda or timeline, talking on the phone to a negative person who is not willing to take action to change their life and so on.

Don’t get me wrong, we all need some down time. Is yours in proportion to the rest of your life or are you using this quadrant as an escape?

PS: Are you still feeling time strapped? Connect today and receive your FREE weekly plan sheet. I will go over the best way for you to manage your time.

Know anyone who is always late? Share the love by sending this link to them.

Estate Planning Made Simple

Personal estate organizing starts at the time we become an adult. Even if you think you have nothing of value there is still the question of your final wishes. Even if you think you have nothing there is still your bank account or your possible employment benefits etc.

We all know there is no escaping death, however we believe it will never happen to us. When we hear of a famous person’s demise we are usually in disbelief thinking that somehow they are exempt from death. And when it is a person close to us we go into shock, grief and sadness.

This is all real but somehow feels surreal.

Talking about death and dying does not mean it will come sooner. So why is it that we avoid the topic?

There are so many easy ways to be organized for your passing. This in turn will lessen the burden on your friends and family.

Imagine transitioning with grace.

Check out this short video on estate planning made simple and then read on for the Getting It Togethers Top 5 Tips.

Tip 1: Have a secure place for all of your digital passwords. Even if you use an online service like your loved ones still need to know how to get into that site.

Keep a copy in your safety deposit box.

Survivors need access to

  • Cell phone
  • Computer
  • Social media accounts
  • Home alarm with instructions on how to work it and the pass code.
  • Hidden spare keys and list of people who might have spare key to your home or vacation property.
  • Bank Accounts
  • Online accounts like banking, direct deposits, PayPal etc

Tip 2: Our stuff is less important to others. Are you saving stuff for your grown children? Do you even know if they want it or not?

I have heard of people having a family dinner where each person can claim certain heirlooms by placing a sticker on the bottom of the item with their name on it.

Or you might have special pieces of jewelry that you want to go to certain people which you will make note of in your will.

More has lost its appeal.

Less represents freedom.

Tip 3: Making special requests for your remains. Do your family members really know your final wishes?

Does everyone agree on them?

It is so important to have this in writing.

Advanced Planning- non legal organizing

  • Funeral, memorial service, celebration of life
  • Organ donation plan
  • Cremation or burial
  • Obituary ( be very careful about identity theft when publishing)
  • Eulogy
  • Asset Distribution
  • Estate Directory – friends, family ( have an up to date list of all their names and numbers)
  • List of Doctors, lawyers, financial planner, minister, accountant, insurance agent, employer, godparents, neighbours, kids school, babysitter, and daycare. Be sure to update these lists as things change in your life. I suggest reviewing this information once a year.
  • phone company
  • banks
  • credit card companies
  • volunteer organizations you belong to
  • Safety deposit box (with location of key) one way to insure smooth sailing is to have your bank acct and safety deposit box in joint name with one of your survivors.
  • Anything else you can think of that your survivors would need access to. Like passport, birth certificate and SIN # etc

Tip 4: Legal Essentials

  • Will
  • Power of Attorney
  • Representation Agreement ( living will)
  • Cash/life insurance, all financial documents
  • Business Succession Plan (if you own your own business) listing names of employees and their numbers, any contract workers or suppliers.
  • Any outstanding loans/alimony/child support

Tip 5: In order to process a registration of death for vital statistics and to process a death certificate, the funeral home will need the following

  • The deceased persons full legal name including maiden name if female
  • Date of birth
  • Date of death
  • Birthplace
  • Social insurance number
  • Health care number
  • Fathers full name
  • Mothers full name
  • Full name of surviving spouse
  • Occupation and for how long
  • Religious affiliation
  • Was the deceased a military veteran? This is important to have this information on file.

I am wishing all of my readers a long, happy, healthy, successful life.

When you do pass on, where will your affairs lie in the spectrum between chaos and order?

Please let me help you and your loved ones by making this transition smooth.

PS: Contact me today for a free 15 minute phone consultant on estate organizing. I’ll share with you your first next step.

How To Make Good Habits

Have you vowed to get organized once and for all?

Do you dream of impeccable time management habits?

Is this the year you will exercise, eat better, get more sleep, stop smoking or make some other positive change?

Why is it that some people can make good habits a habit and others can not?

Check out this short video on how to make good habits

And then read the Getting It Together’s Top 5 Tips on how to make good habits.

Tip #1: Visualize. In order to move forward with new habits you need to see yourself already there. Visualize yourself as a non smoker or as eating healthy whole foods. Think about how this new habit will improve your life.

Tip #2: Journal. Once you have visualized yourself already in the new habit now you will want to keep track of it in a journal. Write out all the benefits of achieving this new habit like increased energy or that you will be able to find what you are looking for in 20 seconds or less once your home is all organized.

Tip #3: One step at a time. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to organize your whole home in one day? In most cases this is impossible however if you set up small baby steps you can accomplish it. Take 15 minutes a day and work on one small area. For example your sock drawer. Take out all the odd socks and holey ones. Donate any extras if you have too many pairs and leave the rest. Easy to do in 15 minutes for sure.

Tip #4: Grab a buddy. Things are always better with a buddy. Who do you know who would like to get in better shape? Team up with them for long walk and talks. Make it a habit to meet once twice or even three times a week. Make each other accountable. Leaving a comment in the comment box below is a great way to becoming accountable. Tell us what your new habit is and we will hold you to it.:)

Tip #5: Have a plan. Know what you need to do in order to reach your goals. What daily habits do you need to instill to keep organized, eat better, get in shape, or stop smoking?

PS: Enter to win!

Getting It Together has just had a makeover and we want to hear from you.  Please leave a comment in the comment box and your name will be entered into a draw to WIN a purse Organizer.

Check it out

Share the love by sharing the link. Thank You

By |2020-06-07T20:52:36+00:00October 28th, 2015|Home Organization, Organizer, Time Management|3 Comments

How To Get Financially Organized – Part 2

Hopefully by now you have your systems in place. Did you decide to go paperless or are you feeling more comfortable with a small file cabinet?Tab03b Did you check out the fees at your bank? If you received the 1to31 organizing system how are you doing with it? Do you need a quick consultation on how to get the most from it? If so please contact me and I will walk you through it. In the mean time, check out this short video on

To Get Financially Organized

– part 2

and then read Getting It Together’s Top 5 Tips Tip #1: Automatic savings. Set up an automatic savings deposit every month. Look at your finances and decide what amount can go to your savings accounting. If it is done automatically you will not miss it. Even small amounts add up. Check out the documentary “livingononedollar” if you do not believe me. I save all of my change and add it to this account. Those loonies and toonies add up for those of us living in Canada. I see the States have a one dollar coin now too. Welcome to our world America. Tip #2: Make a monthly date with yourself. Once a month take the time to look over your financial situation. Review your bank statements and files in your file cabinet if you are not paperless. If you receive everything online set up files on your computer using the same file names in tip 1 from part 1 of

How To Get Financially Organized

. Also each month reconcile your spending, your cheque book and your budget. Tip #3: Have a financial goal. Whether you are just starting out in your first job or are established in your career it is important to have a financial goal. How much do you want to save each year? How much do you want to donate if anything? Take a good hard look at all of your expenses and come up with a plan. If you find this overwhelming give me a call and I will help you organize all of this. This tip alone will be very empowering if done correctly even if you do not make the kind of money you would like to be making at this moment in time. Tip #4: Clear out the old. Once a year clear out all of your old bills, investment statements and any other papers that happen to make their way into your files. That can happenJ Tip #5: Talk. It is important to talk to your kids early on in life about money and finances. Get them to set up a short term and long term savings account. Talk to your partner about your financial goals. Do you have the same values around money, saving and spending? P.S.>> Click here to listen to my Guest spot on BlogTalkRadio. It was so much fun! A great short story to end with. Shared by one of my readers. Thank you The Magic Bank Account Imagine that you had won the following *PRIZE* in a contest: Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400 in your private account for your use.  However, this prize has rules: The set of rules: 1. Everything that you didn’t spend during each day would be taken away from you. 2. You may not simply transfer money into some other account. 3. You may only spend it. 4. Each morning upon awakening, the bank opens your account with another $86,400 for that day. 5. The bank can end the game without warning; at any time it can say, “Game Over!”. It can close the account and you will not receive a new one. What would you personally do? You would buy anything and everything you wanted right? Not only for yourself, but for all the people you love and care for. Even for people you don’t know, because you couldn’t possibly spend it all on yourself, right? You would try to spend every penny, and use it all, because you knew it would be replenished in the morning, right? ACTUALLY, This GAME is REAL … Shocked??? YES! Each of us is already a winner of this *PRIZE*. We just can’t seem to see it. The PRIZE is *TIME*

  1. Each morning we awaken to receive 86,400 seconds as a gift of life.
  2. And when we go to sleep at night, any remaining time is not credited to us.
  3. What we haven’t used up that day is forever lost.
  4. Yesterday is forever gone
  5. Each morning the account is refilled, but the bank can dissolve your account at any time WITHOUT WARNING…

SO, what will YOU do with your 86,400 seconds? Those seconds are worth so much more than the same amount in dollars.  Think about it and remember to enjoy every second of your life, because time races by so much quicker than you think. So take care of yourself, be happy, love deeply and enjoy life! Here’s wishing you a wonderful and beautiful day. Start “spending”….




How To Improve Your Energy Management

Do you wish you had more time or do you wish you had more energy?

Do you wonder how some people get so much done in a day?

What if we were to manage our energy within those 24 hours would it feel like we had more time?

Time is finite, energy is not.

Please take the time now to watch this quick video on How to improve your energy management.

What are some of the things that energize you?

Some of mine are hanging out with friends, going for a nice long walk, sitting and having a gourmet cup of coffee, and an organized home.

What are some of the things that de-energize you?

Some of mine are being around negative people, chaos, unresolved conflicts, and not getting enough sleep.

IMG_1226Every day we wake up with our “bag” of energy. When we do things that energize us our bag gets filled up. When we do things that deplete our energy our bag gets sucked dry. We need to do things everyday to fill our bag of energy up. Increased energy means we get more done in less time. Has anyone ever called you and said “hey I am in your neighborhood and I would like to stop by in 20 minutes?” Do you wonder where all that energy comes from to quickly put things away and straighten up the house? You get it done in record time. And, if you have all day to tidy up your house you probably take all day. See how this increase in energy has just given you extra time?

Here are Getting It Together’s Top three quick tips on How to Improve Your Energy Management

Tip #1. Make a list of the things that energize you and a list of the things that deplete your energy. Love for you to share some of them in the comment box below. I’ll bet most of us have many in common.

Tip #2. Do at least one thing every day that gives you energy. It might be as simple as sitting for 15 minutes and enjoying a cup of herbal tea. It might be meditating for 15 minutes or exercising. I highly recommend scheduling these energy boosters in your calendar. They are a very important appointment with you.

Tip #3. Take a look at your list of energy busters. The things that drain you. What can you delegate? What can you eliminate? Our plates are only as full as we make them. Are there some things that can wait? By eliminating some of these energy drainers you will increase your time. How will you use this new found time? If there are things that only you can do and they are energy drainers do them first thing. Get them off the list and reward yourself with an energy enhancer activity.

P.S. Catch Rowena LIVE on this one time Blog Radio Show interview – April 18th at 10:30am PST. You will get the latest significant business secrets and more all for FREE. Click here so you won’t miss it. Just click on the reminder button to save to your calendar or have an email reminder sent to you.

How To Have A Stress Free Vacation – Part 2


Whistler, BC

After reading part one of how to have a stress free vacation I am sure you are anxious to get going with part 2.

Are your bags packed?

Do you know where your passport is? It is up to date?

Because I love to travel I like to be ready at any given moment to be able to take off. You just never know when you will get the call….hey I have a spare ticket to Bali, want to come? Ok, I am dreaming of this call.

In the mean time check out Getting It Together’s Top 5 simple tips on how to have a stress free vacation so you’ll be ready to go at the drop of a hat too. Please share the love by sharing the link to this video and blog post.

Tip #1: Have a travel bin. Keep your passport, airplane headsets, detailed packing list, left over foreign currency, travel size toiletries, travel meds like gravel, bear bell if you are biking in Whistler BC Canada, travel jewelry roll up, travel pillow and blanket for the plane, portable travel scale to make sure your suitcase is not over weight, plug adapters, and travel books/maps and brochures of places you have been to and will return to or places you would like to go to.

Can you think of anything else?
If so, please leave your comments in the box below.

Tip #2: Travel medicine bag. Have one ready to go at all times. Carry things like band aids, pollysporin, tea tree oil, and peppermint oil for rejuvenation after a long flight, vitamin c so you can nip a cold in the bud, headache relief pills, and any allergy medication you might need.

Tip #3suitcases: Plan your return. Avoid the stress of rushing back to work by coming home from your vacation one or two days before you need to return back to work. Nothing makes a person lose vacation mode more than by running in the door late on a Sunday night and having to be in the office first thing Monday morning. Not to mention you will have nothing in your fridge unless you have a magic elf filling it for you.

Tip #4: Catch – up day. Use that first day back home to catch up on laundry, returning phone calls, opening and dealing with mail and emails. Get back into the groove slowly. Savor the vacation mindset. Look at your photos and savor the memories.

Do you have the luxury of having a catch up day at work? That first day back after vacation can seem overwhelming. Look at your tasks and bite them down into manageable to do’s. The last thing you want is to be exhausted after your first day back to work when returning from a fun filled vacation.

Tip #5: Look at your bucket list. We can all be prone to vacation let down. Back to reality, work, and life in general. So why not look at your bucket list and start thinking about your next vacation.

Where is your most favorite travel destination? Please leave it in the comment box below.

In the mean time if you have not taken advantage of your FREE 30 minute call why not do that today? We could do a little vacation dreaming and come up with a plan of action for you.

Simply go to to book your time now.


By |2020-06-07T20:52:39+00:00March 17th, 2015|Organizer, Time Management, Travel Organization|0 Comments


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