What To Do With Your Burnt Out Christmas Lights

Check out this short video on What To Do With Your Burnt Out Christmas Lights and then read on for fabulous tips from Product Care.

Burnt out Christmas lights? Recycle them!

At this time of year, British Columbians are unboxing their Christmas decorations, including lights. We all know thatIMG_4802 annoying feeling when you plug in the string lights and the bulbs are no longer working. Many people don’t know what to do with that pesky string once it’s reached the end of its useful life. Thankfully, they can be recycled.


In addition to string lights, our program accepts all kinds of lighting products from fixtures (think chandeliers, desk lamps, etc.) to burnt out light bulbs including fluorescent tubes, halogen bulbs, CFL’s, LEDs, and more.

Check out Product Care’s full list of accepted products and find a location near you that accepts them online. Recycling your Christmas lights gives their parts a new life, rather than adding to our landfills. After lights are dropped off at a collection site, they’re transported to authorized recyclers for processing – right here in Canada. Machines are used to break down the products into component parts (e.g. precious metal, glass, plastic) and harvest the materials that went into the products in the first place.

Thank You to Kristina Charania
Marketing & Design Coordinator

P.S. Give yourself or someone you love with the gift of a clutter-free 2020 and contact us today for a free over the phone consultation.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:31+00:00December 10th, 2019|Home Organization, Organizer|2 Comments

Downsizing Made Simple by: Rowena List of Getting It Together

Are you; or someone you know getting ready to downsize?

Has the house been a museum for 30, 40, 50 years?

Are you wondering where to start?

Start by having these items on hand:

  • Boxes
  • Packing tape
  • Black marker
  • Labels
  • Industrial strength garbage bags
  • Scissors
  • Gloves (for cleaning and for areas such as the garage and crawl space)
  • Cleaning supplies

Check out this short video and then read on for Getting It Together’s Top 5 Tips to Downsizing Made Simple:

Tip 1: Have an action plan. If you’re a homeowner, first select the date you want to list your home. These tips work well even if you’re not selling but want to downsize the number of items you have in your current space.

The key part to this action plan is a master to do list. What services might you need to hire out? Will you need IMG_4738professional movers, packers, cleaners and of course the most important person…. your professional organizer?

Tip 2: Check the layout of your new place if at all possible. Knowing this information is extremely helpful when it comes time to dealing with furniture that may or may not fit into your new place. It’s also helpful to know the size of your new kitchen, bathroom and your closet space so you only take items that you will use, items that you love and, of course, the items that you really need.

Find out if getting closet/cupboard organizers installed before you move into your new place will help to maximize your storage space, e.g. Pull-outs in the kitchen cupboards and/or built in closet organizers.

Tip 3: Take it slow. You may be moving from your family home which you have lived in for decades. There’re a lot of memories in your home and downsizing may bring up some emotions.

I highly recommend the “15 minute- to- freedom” downsizing method. It means setting your timer for 15 minutes and going through one drawer at a time or one cupboard at a time. Take another 15 minutes and look at downsizing your purses or shoes. This method can be used throughout the entire house as long as you’re not on a tight timeline.

Tip 4: Make a list of items that need to be sold and a list of the items that will be given to family members and which ones will be donated. I suggest using bright coloured labels. Use bright green for all the items that are going to be sold. Simply stick the label onto those items and label them as “Sell”IMG_4737

Use bright yellow labels for the ones that will be donated and red ones for the ones that are going to family members. Do you have family heirlooms? If so, leave any special instructions with them. One of my clients had shelves of binders full of their family history. When downsizing they requested, I take the binders to the local Genealogy Society.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the volume of stuff? This is where Rowena can really come in handy as she knows all the resources and best places for your previously loved items to go.

Tip 5: Visualize what you will be doing in your new space. Will you still host the monthly bridge club, have small dinner parties, or would you rather be going to other people’s places for such things? Knowing this information will help you determine what items are necessary for you to bring to your new space.

Eliminate the three deadly words “just in case”. Downsizing requires ruthlessness. If you’re feeling stuck with a particular item simply ask yourself “would I replace this if it were lost in a flood or fire?”


How To Organize Your Cosmetic Bag

Is your cosmetic bag stuck in the 80s?

When was the last time you really organized your cosmetic bag?IMG_2203

Have you ever thought about what might be growing in your cosmetic bag?

It’s important to update and clear out your cosmetic bag every 6 to 12 months.


Just like fashion styles, cosmetics have a style of their own. What you wore when you were in your 20s, 30s, and 40s would certainly not be what you would be wearing as you age gracefully. It’s important to refresh your wardrobe and cosmetics at least once a year.

It’s also important to clear out your cosmetic bag because of bacteria. Bacteria grows in mascara and our brushes. This can cause serious eye irritations.

Check out this short video on How To Organize Your Cosmetic Bag and then read on to get Getting It Together‘s Top 7 Tips.

Tip 1: The use it, need it, love it principal. Ask yourself “do I use it? “do I love it?” If you answered no to any of these questions, then you know what to do…..toss it out.

Tip 2: Keep your look current. You will feel more confident, beautiful and youthful by keeping your look current. Make sure you review and update your skin care routine as well. Our skin changes with the seasons and as we age.

Tip 3: Are you being ruthless? Watch out for the three deadliest words “just in case”. Go through your cosmetic bag and toss out all the old products that are no longer serving you and that you haven’t used in the last six months. Keep in mind we use 20% of our cosmetic items 80% of the time.

Tip 4: Consult your local beauty specialist. Work with a cosmetic company that offers a “try before you buy, 100% guarantee”. Beauty consultants will review with you what’s new, what looks best on you and teach you how to use the products that are best suited for you.

Tip 5: Gift with purchase. A major source of clutter that can be found in a lot of cosmetic bags are those lovely “gift with purchase” that you never use. Donate these unused cosmetics to your local women’s shelter.

Tip 6: Unused cosmetics. Did you buy something on impulse? A purchasing mistakes? If it hasn’t been used, you can return it to the store or the beauty consultant you are working with. Another option is to donate it to a women’s IMG_2186shelter.

Tip 7: Lifestyle change. For over 30 years I worked in the cosmetic industry. Now as a Professional Organizer I don’t wear nearly as much make up as I use to. And with being older, I don’t wear as much make-up. Did you know you look younger with less make up? Change your look as you change your lifestyle.

PS: Are you a woman on the go? Try this fast-easy routine of a simple skin care regiment, followed by a little foundation, bronzer, eyeliner, mascara and lipstick.

Would you like a fun makeover?
Contact www.gettingittogether.ca and book yours today.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:31+00:00March 19th, 2019|Home Organization, Organizer, Self Care Organization|0 Comments

What Everybody Ought To Know About Staying Motivated

Do you find yourself drifting off while working on a project?

Are there things you need to do in your home but simply don’t get around to it?

Have you lost your get up and go?

None of us can be motivated 100% of the time. It’s only natural to have some slumps. So, when those slumps hit, you need to have a plan in place to get you through.

Check out this short on “What everybody ought to know about staying motivated” then read on for Getting It Togethers Top 10 Motivational Tips.

Tip 1: Make a resource list. Who can you call on when you’re not feeling motivated to get the job done? Everyone needs a cheerleader in their corner. Pick one or two trusted friends who will give you that much needed kick in the butt when you need it most. And who knows, maybe you’ll be a person someone calls on when they need motivating.

Tip 2: Know your WHY. When you know WHY you are doing something or WHY you need to do something it’s easier to get and stay motivated. Make a list of the reasons WHY you want to get in shape, or the reasons WHY you want to get organized. This will help give you a jump start on getting going.

Tip 3: Visualize the process. See yourself at the finish line. That might be the finish line of a work project, a home project or a fitness goal. How will you feel once you’ve completed the task/goal?IMG_2107

Tip 4: Be kind to yourself. You’re never going to be motivated 100% of the time. Give yourself some slack if you have a day or two where the stars are not aligning. Practice kind self-talk. You can pick up where you left off tomorrow.

Tip 5: Replace words like “have to” “should” and “must” with empowering words like “want to” “get to” and “choose to”.
Example: I have to get organized or I’ll continue to waste time.
Replace with: I choose to get organized so I’ll have more time with family and friends.

Tip 6: Set a timer. We all work better with deadlines. Give yourself five minutes on social media and then start the task that you “choose to” do – not “must” do.

Tip 7: Reward yourself. Once you have completed the task you’ve been putting off, reward yourself with a nice glass of wine or a cup of your favorite tea.

Tip 8: Break your tasks down. The best way to stay motivated is seeing the project in small bite size pieces. IMG_2113Can you break the tasks down into 15-minute increments? We can all stay motivated for 15 minutes. And then another 15 minutes and so on.

Tip 9: Put all distractions on pause. Turn off anything that beeps, chirps or chimes while working on a task that you’re choosing to complete. Every distraction robs you of 20 minutes or more. Interruptions are the thief of time.

Tip 10: Just do it. Imperfect action is better than perfect procrastination. Just get started and watch the miracles unfold.

PS: Sometimes we need a little push or an accountability partner. This is where coaching is so magical. Have you taken advantage of your free 15 minute over – the – phone discovery session?
Contact www.gettingittogether.ca to book yours today.

PPS: Has life taken over and can’t seem to stay organized? Or perhaps you can’t part from gifts that were given to you but you either don’t like or have no use for? Check out this podcast that I was recently a guest on for some great tips https://www.francescaanastasi.com/podcast/getting-it-together

By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00November 20th, 2018|Self Care Organization, Time Management|0 Comments

Top Eight Ways To Declutter

Nothing takes on value unless it’s being used.

How many items do you have in your house that are not being used?

Are you saving them ” just in case?”

Those are the three deadliest words when it comes to decluttering. Just in Case

Check out this short video and then read on for Getting It Togethers Top Eight Ways To Declutter and see how much lighter you feel.

1) Everything you own needs to have purpose and value because it’s functional, it’s used or its loved. A beautiful heirloom from your grandmother might be of beauty because you have it displayed in a place of honour. If it’s in a box in the garage then it needs to go. Take a picture of it first if you must. Think about if you had a flood. Would you replace old broken items that you never use? No, of course not. So, pass them on now so that burden isn’t left to a family member.

2) A place for everything and everything in its place. The kitchen counter is not a catch all. Have a place for your keys, phone, kid’s homework etc.

3) Stay focused on one task at a time. Multitasking is a myth.

4) Have zones. Keep all plastic containers in one area so as to make food clean up easy. And don’t keep any bottoms without a lid or any lids without a bottom. It’s like odd socks. It happens in every household. It’s one of life’s mysteries. Toss out all the odd socks or start a trend by wearing mismatched socks. I see many kids are doing that these days. Have a zone for all appliances you use and that are in working order. Did you have ambitions of baking your own bread only to find out you haven’t used the bread maker in years? Time to pass it on.

5) Deal with things when you make the time for them. Note that I didn’t say when you have the time because we all have time for the things that are important to us. So set aside time to deal with your mail but don’t wait until the electricity company has switched off your hydro. Set aside time to Spring clean your home or set aside time to donate all the books you’ve already read. Make time to clear out the clutter from your closet. It’s very disempowering to open a closet and see a bunch of old outdated clothes or clothes that don’t fit. If you wouldn’t replace it if it was lost in a flood then it’s time for it to be donated. Get real! Get ruthless. Save photos till the last. It’s a big job. One that will take time. Set a timer and quickly sort photos into subject matter. Weddings, Christmas, kids, vacations etc. Once in piles, quickly toss all the photos that are no longer serving you. The blurry ones, red eyed ones etc. And keep only the photos that you would be sad if they went up in flames. Store photos in clear photo boxes and label. Keep in mind that nobody wants your photos. They are your memories.

6) Purchasing mistakes. Just because you bought it doesn’t mean you have to keep it. Did you buy based on price or need? Before purchasing anything ask yourself these questions.

A) where am I going to store this item?

B) what’s the purpose of this purchase?

C) what is the price per use? This is a good question because you’ll get clear on  whether you can rent the item when needed or can borrow it.

7) Stuck energy. Are you the storage unit for your family? Do you keep everything that has ever been in your family? If it gives you a heavy feeling it’s stuck energy. Pass it on with love and no sense of obligation to keep it.

8) Keep your car clear of chaos. Our cars need TLC just as much as our homes. Photocopy your registration and 2 insurance papers. Then black out your name and address in the unlikely event of a break-in at least the person doesn’t have your personal information.

PS: Are you feeling inspired to declutter or are you overwhelmed? Either way, I’d love to hear from you.  Please check out www.gettingittogether.ca for more details and a FREE 15-minute discovery session.


By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00October 23rd, 2018|Home Organization, Organizing to Move|0 Comments

How To Create New Habits For Staying Organized

A habit is defined as a recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behaviour that is acquired through frequent repetition.

Most habits are harmless however we all have a few we wish we could change.

What are yours?

The act of staying organized requires some skill, dedication, determination, desire, discipline and creating new habits.

It’s easy enough to clear the clutter but how are you going to keep your space that way?

Habits! Good habits.

With these simple steps you’ll be able to create the new habit of staying organized.

Are you thinking this is easier said than done?

Check out this short video on “How To Create New Habits For Staying Organized” then read on for
Getting It Togethers’ Top Four Tips

Firstly, staying organized needs to be a massive goal. You need to have big reasons for wanting to stay organized.

What are yours?

Please leave them in the comment box below.

Some of the top reasons for staying organized are; to have more time, less stress and more money. For others it might be to release the constant overwhelm of not being able to find what they are looking for in a timely manner and for some it might be the need to release the embarrassment and shame.

Next you need to be really specific about your plan of action for staying organized.

My clients that are the most successful in this department are the ones who follow the “15 minutes to freedom” techniques I coach them on.2

Once your space is completely organized, take 15 minutes per day to keep it that way. Tidy as you go and be mindful about what you bring into your cleared space. Have a place for everything and everything in its place.

Thirdly, think about the consequences of not keeping this new habit. Write out the ways your life will be negatively affected if you don’t follow the “15 minutes to freedom technique.”

And write out the ways you will feel by keeping this new habit.

When the WHYS are big enough, the how’s seem to take care of themselves.

Finally, you must commit to this new lifestyle, this new habit. Implement the four D’s. Dedication, determination, desire and discipline. Self -discipline is not inherited – it’s created, nurtured, and developed daily. Self – discipline comes with a desire to forget what happened yesterday, be the best you can be today, and expect great things from tomorrow.

PS: Do you need to have an accountability partner or some coaching in order to get started and stay on track? If so, contact us today at www.gettingittogether.ca for a FREE 15 minutes to freedom call.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00September 24th, 2018|Home Organization, Organizing to Move, Time Management|0 Comments

Keep It or Toss It by: Rowena List of Getting It Together

The average home has well over 350,000.00 items in it.

How many times do you hold an item in your hand and ask yourself “ should I keep it or toss it?” And because you can’t decide at that moment you simply put it back down. Down on a pile of stuff or on a cluttered counter or stash it in a “junk” drawer. The never ending cycle continues until you have reached your limit and decide to take action. Massive action.

Check out this quick video by Getting It Together on “Keep It or Toss It” 

Then read on for more tips.

Keep It If….

  1. You would buy it again if it was lost or stolen.
  2. It has a proper place in your home and you use it.
  3. It fits in your life today. Say goodbye to those size 6 jeans.
  4. It’s hugely sentimental to you.
  5. You absolutely love it, need it and use it.

Toss It If…..2

  1. You don’t know what it is.
  2. It’s not worth repairing.
  3. Your gut is telling you to part with it.
  4. It was a gift and you have never used it or love it.
  5. You already have more than you need or use.

One of the biggest reasons people don’t clear the clutter and downsize is because they don’t know where to take the unwanted items to. And another big reason is fear. The fear of letting go, the fear of thinking they might need it again one day and the fear of less.

Less is more.

It really is.

P.S. Are you wanting to get organized? Not sure where to start?

Contact us for a free over the phone discover session at www.gettingittogether.ca

By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00June 20th, 2018|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

Top 5 Organizing Thoughts That Can Interfere With Your Success

Can you find a million reasons/excuses for not getting organized and  storage cont

Do you wish you had a magic wand that would just tidy everything up? Don’t we all. And do the dishes while it’s at it.

Check out this video on the Top 5 Organizing Thoughts That Can Interfere With Your Success and then read on for a few more highlights.

Tip 1: When I have the time, I’ll get to it. Ya right?? When you have spare time the last thing you will want to do is spend the day in your closet or garage. You have got to put the time aside to get and stay organized so you can go live your life.containers

Tip 2: If it can’t be perfect or if I can’t be perfect. We all have to agree that no one and nothing is perfect. Like NIKE says “just do it” It is better to start. No “ya buts”

Tip 3: I can change, I know I can change. We are who we are and unless the pain of remaining the same is greater than the pain of change, you will not change. Take baby steps and find a system that works for you.

Tip 4: Not all books are created equal. Just because an organizing book tells you to roll your clothes does not mean that will work for you and your family. All organizers think a little different. I personally don’t agree with rolling my clothes and standing them on end. My drawers are small for one thing and I find things fall over once you take out a few items from that drawer. I always agree on “ZONES”

You just might have a few of the same zones in your home depending on size and circumstances.

Tip 5: I haven’t used it in years but I know I will “someday” Who are you kidding? Get real and ruthless. Get rid of it.

For more helpful tips please contact Rowena at www.gettingittogether.ca for a free discovery session.

PS: Share the love by liking this video and sharing this post on your social media feed. Your day will be better for it! 😊

By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00May 22nd, 2018|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

How To Spring Clean And Spring Clear

Do you have the Need To Clean and the URGE TO PURGE?

Spring time brings this out in all of us. The rain has stopped…hopefully and the birds are singing. For those of you reading this outside of Vancouver you might be blessed to have sun all year and happy birds singing daily. We in Vancouver get excited about this.

Spring is a time of newness and fresh air. I think that is why so many of us have the urge to purge and start cleaning. The best time to start your Spring clearing and cleaning is when you stop using the heat in your home.

Check out this short video on “How To Spring Clean And Spring Clear” then read on for Getting It Togethers’ top tips to help you get on your way.

Tip #1 Make a list of all the things you would like to accomplish in your Spring clearing and cleaning. You will want to break the list down as this project is not done in a day.

For example:IMG_3391

  1. Wash and store all Winter clothing and replace with your Spring and Summer wardrobe. Keep in mind that if you have not worn it for a year or it does not fit then it is time to pass it on.

    While your closet is empty give it a good vacuum and dust down the inside walls. Spray the carpet with a freshener of your choice. I like using essential oils for a chemical free environment. Did you know Lavender oil helps to keep moths away?

  1. Put away all seasonal sporting equipment. Be sure to give them a good clean before you do. Add a clean dry wash cloth with a few drops of Lavender oil on it to the clear plastic bin before storing.

  2. Wash curtains, blankets, bedding etc. Pick a sunny day so you can hang them on the clothesline if you have one. You will enjoy that nice Spring clean smell.

  3. Go through all the piles of papers, magazines, articles etc that you were saving for a rainy day (let’s hope they are gone for a while). Deal with each item of paper once. Donate old magazines to your local gym or doctors’ office. Recycle all outdated reading material. Shred old bills etc. or better yet get yourself set up for paperless.

Tip #2 Get your family involved. It is no fun doing this alone and chances are it’s not all your stuff.IMG_2918

For example:

  1. Spend a day in the garden together clearing out all the debris from Winter and cleaning all the cement walks and driveway. Borrow a power washer from a friend or neighbour (the kids will have fun with this one).

  2. Get small children to go on their hands and knees and dust all the floor boards and behind hard to reach furniture. Don’t forget to get them involved in their own rooms too. They can clear out old toys and clothes to make room for the new season.

    Reward them with a treat or special activity at the end of the day.

  3. Make a “honey do” pot. Write out all the chores you would like your husband/partner to do. Write one chore per piece of paper and place them in the pot. Every Saturday morning, he gets to pick one job out of the jar. Reward him at the end of the day too!  If you do not have a husband or he is not the “handy man” type then make a list for the local handy man in your area. Some areas have “husbands for hire” companies. And yes, there are a lot of things we as women can do ourselves.

Tip #3 Turn on your favorite music, open the windows and take it step-by-step. Stay focused and don’t get distracted by those photo albums! Doing this all before summer means you don’t have to think about it during the best part of the year.

Tip #4 The best tip of all is “an organized home takes 40% less time to clean”. What will you do with all your spare time?

If you just can’t fathom tackling your urge to purge alone, contact www.gettingittogether.ca for Spring Clearing help.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00March 20th, 2018|Home Organization|0 Comments

Should I Keep The Box?

How many of you have every box from every electronic item that you have ever bought or received?

The big question is… should it stay or should it go?

Check out this short video on “Should I Keep The Box” and then read on for more helpful tips from Getting It Together.

The only reasons to keep the box is if you plan on returning the item, selling it or moving it.

Let’s talk about returning an electronic item. There are only so many days you have before you can no longer return it. If that time period is over and you do not plan on selling the item or moving any time soon get rid of the dust collecting box. Think of the empty space you will have.

Let’s talk about moving. Chances are if you plan on moving your 70-inch TV any time soon you will be hiring movers, in which case they have the perfect moving blankets that secure your TV in place. Storing massive boxes like this take up valuable real estate and collect dust. I would never suggest storing this box flat under your bed because how would you keep it clean?

And how many of you are really going to sell your old electronics? The sad reality is they go out of date so fast and the latest and greatest is right around the corner.

Now I sell a lot of things for my clients and I have never needed the box. IMG_3671

What I would highly recommend you do is:

A) Take a picture of your expensive electronics and store that picture along with the extra cords that are labelled, along with warranty and manuals in a clear box. This information is extremely helpful if you are ever robbed. It makes replacing so much faster.

B) Have your expensive electronics insured properly.

C) Think before you buy. Is this something you are wanting to keep for a long time, is it something you will sell or will you be donating it once you have finished with it?

D) D for dump all the boxes in recycle.

PS: Catch Rowena in action at this open to the public speaking event.
Friday, March 16 2018
Doors open at 11 am
She  will be speaking on the “10 ways to tame your clutter.”
Register for this action packed networking luncheon, prizes, 50/50, and more.
visit www.valleywomensnetworktricity.com
And book your seat today
Limited space
Lunch included

See you there !

By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00February 19th, 2018|Home Organization, Organizer, Organizing to Move|0 Comments


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