The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Organizer

Have you ever thought about the benefits of hiring a professional organizer?

How many times have you said to yourself “why can I not do this on my own?”

Many clients comment on reduced stress, more time, more energy and more freedom once they have worked with me.

So I thought I would share even more of the benefits of hiring a professional organizer.

Please be sure to take a moment to watch this short video on what are the benefits of hiring a professional organizer.

The benefits of working with me a professional organizer is that I will keep you focused to task.

I will be on time.

I will develop a plan of action for you and your space. If you require a handyman, contractor for renovationss, painter, rubbish removal, disposing of stuff or a piano moved I will provide the people. My endless supply of resources has proven to be priceless. So my clients say.

A huge benefit of working with a professional organizer is being ruthless.

I have a few key questions I ask you as we are sorting, purging and tossing. This makes the decisions a little easier for you. Shall you keep it, toss it, store it, sell it or set up a system for it?

Many clients feel like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders once they start decluttering.

If you would like to hear more benefits of hiring a professional organizer then please take advantage of my FREE session. Simply click HERE.

We will discuss your needs, your questions and how I can be of service to you.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, enter your name and email address to the right and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

Getting It Together’s FAQ’s – Part 4

Thank you to all of my amazing readers for sending in your questions! It is really fun getting them and then answering them for everyone. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions that I have received:

Q: What can I do with empty chocolate box inserts? You know the kind with all the little compartments.

A: Hope you enjoyed all the chocolates guilt free! Those inserts are so handy in office desk drawers for paper clips, tacks, and any other small items. They are also great in your bedroom drawer for housing earrings, rings and small jewelry items. If your kids are old enough put them in their playroom for all the really small Lego pieces.

Q: Rowena, do you have a handy use for the plastic clips that come on my loaves of bread?

OrganizerA: You will love this one. Check out the photo. Use one clip per electrical cord. They make great labels. What do you think?

Q: I live in a 2 story home. What is your best tip for helping me keep organized?

A: Have a basket at the bottom of the stairs. Put any items in the basket that need to go upstairs. Never go up stairs empty handed. Take the basket with you. Put the items away and return the basket to the bottom step. Get your family involved in this action as well.

Q: I love cutting out decorating ideas. What should I do with all the magazine cutouts?

A: Are you decorating right now or will you be decorating in the next 3-6 months? If so keep decorating ideas in a file. Store the file in your desk or file cabinet. If you are not decorating right now but “one day” would like to, then wait until closer to that time to start cutting out and saving ideas. I know what you are thinking. Ya but I like this idea right now. I know, but taste and style change with seasons and each year.

Q: What should I do with all my empty CD cases?

A: Where are the CD’s? I am going to assume they are in a CD binder. Donate the cases.

Q: I recycle, compost and I am very mindful of packaging however I still seem to have lots of garbage. How can I cut back on my garbage?

A: Great question, as I know we are all trying very hard to cut back on our garbage. Metro Vancouver produces nearly a million tons of garbage a year! Garbage from homes, condos and apartments makes up nearly a third of the regions waste. 

When possible, buy in bulk. This will reduce the amount of packaging.

Use your cloth shopping bags even if you are going clothes shopping. Use a stainless steel water bottle and fill it up from the tap. I like to keep one on my desk, one in my car and a couple for the gym. Reduce the amount of things you print off your computer. Use both sides of the paper. Take your own coffee cup to business meetings, social meetings and coffee shops. Shop at consignment stores. Especially for kids toys. This will really cut back on packaging. Together we can all make a difference.

Q: My kids played every sport known to man. They have grown out of most of the sporting equipment. What can I do with it all? Some of the soccer shoes are still in great shape. The hockey sticks are like new and we seem to have an overflow of bikes, rackets and balls.

A: By now most of you know my theory. “Nothing takes on value unless it is being used”. Please pass things on as soon as you are done with them so someone else can take pleasure in those items.

You can sell some of these items on CraigsList or Kijiji. Check for a local used sports store. Vancouver has a great one called “Sports Junkie.”  Go to your local baseball/soccer field and speak to the moms on the sideline. Donate to your local school or church.

Q: I am getting ready to downsize. HELP!! I have my late parent’s photo albums. What should I do with all these photos? I do not know who is in the pictures and I am not sure where the pictures were taken. Many of them are of their vacations.

A: Most of us have a hard enough time keeping track of our own photos let alone our parents. In the end, these photos were your parent’s memories and treasures. It is time for them to go. You might want to do a quick check and see if there are one or two very special family photos that you would like to keep.

Q: I’ve been wearing prescription glasses for over ten years. Each year or two I get a new pair. What can I do with all my outdated eyeglasses?

A: I drop all my glasses off at Bonsor recreation centre in Burnaby. They send all prescription glasses to third world countries. Check with your local optical store. I’ll bet they have the same program.

Q: I have all my old calendars/datebooks. I’ve been saving them for years. What shall I do with them?

A: TOSS!  Unless there is a purpose for keeping them than toss. Ask yourself “what is the reason for keeping these?” Do you ever look back on these calendars to see what you did five years ago? Most people do not have that kind of time or interest. They are busy with TODAY.

Have you taken advantage of your FREE phone consultation? If not, be sure to contact me TODAY. We will discuss your personal needs, questions and concerns. I’ll give you tips on downsizing and how to move forward with clearing the clutter. 

Getting It Together FAQ’s – Part 2

Thank you for all of your questions. You know I love hearing from you. The interesting thing is that most people share very similar questions and concerns when it comes to clearing the clutter and getting organized.

Please keep those questions coming. Together we can help each other.

Q- What should I do with those plastic bags that a set of sheets comes in? I hate to toss them because they have the zipper closure and look so handy.

A- You are right! They can be handy. I have used those bags to store my good round baking tins. I find by putting them in the bag they do not get scratched. They are easy to see and store. I have also used those bags with my clients. We put all electrical cords in one. Again easy to see.

I don’t know about you but I have NEVER been able to get the set of sheets back in those bags. Have you?

Q- How can I tell my friends and family to stop buying me presents? I just do not need anything and I am trying to downsize.

A- Most grownups do not “need” anything. We are all so blessed. Many years ago I sent a letter to all my friends explaining that I was no long going to give gifts. Instead I wanted to make memories with them. They were all so happy to get this letter because they never knew what to buy me or their other friends. Now we get together for lunch, a movie, or have our nails done. Anything that is memory making and consumable. Be the first to start a trend. Think consumable!

Q- How many sets of towels should I have?

A- This depends on the number of people in the house. I would recommend 2- 3 bath towels per person, 1-2 hand towels per person and 5-7 face cloths per person. Most homes have a washer these days. If you go to the laundromat then you might want a couple of extras. Use one bath towel per person per week. It is better for the environment and laundry bill. Use one face cloth per person per day. The common used hand towel can be changed every few days.

I can never figure out how the hand towel can get so dirty when we are drying our clean hands! I keep a few “older” towels on hand for when we are heading off to the pool or beach.

Q- What can I do with all the recycling my local garbage company does not pick up?

A- Do you live in the Metro Vancouver Area? If so, you know your local company only picks up plastic, tins, glass and paper. Here are a couple of options. Call BC Recycling Hotline 604-RECYCLE (604-294-7972) or take your items to a local recycling depot. There is one in Burnaby at 4800 Still Creek Ave or once a month you can go to Britannia Center in Vancouver. Check out their site at

Treat yourself to a nice coffee after.

Q- How can I tell if I am disorganized?

A- The rule is if you cannot find what you are looking for in 20 seconds or less you are considered disorganized. This might sound harsh. What it means is that if your keys are on the hook you’ll find them right away. If they are not then you might go searching. If your eye glasses are always put away in the same spot you will be able to find them. If they are not, it might take you longer than 20 seconds to find them.

What is your burning question? What is your biggest organizing obstacle? Inquiring minds want to know. Please leave a comment below or contact me at for a FREE 30 minute phone consultation. We will discuss your burning question and how you can move forward with clearing the clutter.

5 Simple Tips to Getting Great Family Photos

Will you be seeing most if not all of your family over the holidays?

Is it time to take a group shot?

Would you like the inside scoop on the perfect snapshot? Keep reading.

Every few years it is a nice idea to take a family portrait. I’ll bet you think of this great idea once everyone is sitting down to turkey dinner. But, by then it is too late to get everyone organized.

Check out these 5 simple tips from Getting It Together and make taking great family photos fun and memorable.

Tip #1: Send out the memo. Yes you heard me correctly; you’ll want to get an email out to all the people who will be in the family photo. In this email explain what you would like everyone to wear.

The best choices for clothing are neutral ones, nothing with a pattern, really bright, nor white. So for example you might have a few people wearing navy blue, a few in brown and the rest in taupe. This brings the eyes to all the different people and not at the tops they are wearing. If you are a casual family, ask that everyone wear casual bottoms like blue jeans or cotton pants. If you are a more dressy family, ask everyone to wear black pants and/or skirts.

Tip #2: Hair. Best if everyone wears their hair the way they normally do. For example, you would not go get a fancy updo if you normally wear your hair down or in a pony tail.

Be as natural as possible; just make sure to give it a good brush and little fluffing up. I recommend brushing the kid’s hair seconds before you take the picture.

Tip #3: Make-up. Stay away from anything shiny. The sparkly or shiny makeup casts a glare on the camera lens and then shoots light back. It will appear in the print like you have lights on your face. Keep your makeup “flat”. You might want to hire a professional makeup artist to do everyone’s makeup. This is a fun treat for the ladies.

The number one key is to make sure you have concealer on under the eyes. Those darn dark circles tend to really show up in photos. Lipstick and mascara are also a must.

Tip #4: Setting. A nice backdrop in a natural setting is a must. You don’t want anything distracting in the background that will take away from everyone’s face. Good lighting is also key.

Have you ever seen a photo where it looks like a tree is growing out of the person head? Be mindful of the surrounding objects.

Tip #5: Smile. Be as natural as you can with your smile. Most of all, be sure to have fun with the family photo shoot. By having fun it will show on your faces.

Are you ready to take some great family photos?

With the holidays coming up, now is the perfect time.  Contact me today for a 30-minute complimentary no-obligation phone consultation.

During the consultation we will discuss makeup application, price and availability.

For every 4 faces that you book for makeup application, I will do the 5th face for FREE. That is a savings of over $50.00!!

Here’s to your success!

By |2020-06-07T20:52:50+00:00December 12th, 2011|Organizer|4 Comments

Organizing your Photos

Would you like to get a handle on organizing your photos once and for all?

Have you got photos all over the house?

Do you know who is in the photos?

Do you know when the photo was taken?

Do you know where the photos was taken?

Are some in boxes,some in frames and some on your computer?

Check out this short video on organizing your photos.

I’ll bet you’ll get excited about some of the tips.

I know of people who take hundreds of digital pictures and then print them.

Do you feel this is double duty? Please leave your comments in the box below.

I think it is better to either have hard copies and not have copies on your computer or have copies on your computer and not hard copies.

The key question to ask yourself is ” who gets pleasure from seeing my photos?” Sad to say but most people take less than 7 minutes looking at their travel pictures. Who will want all your pictures when you are gone?

So, be mindful of the number of pictures you take.

Take time after a vacation or family event organizing your photos. If you do not take the time right away you probably will not do it. You will then end up with boxes of photos or a memory card that is full to the brim.

Still feeling overwhelmed with the volume of photos you have?

Get in contact with me for your FREE 20 minute session. I’ll help you with getting started or even come on over and give you a helping hand.

If you like this video on “organizing your photos” please click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.


By |2020-06-07T20:52:53+00:00March 15th, 2010|Organizer|0 Comments


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