Live Simply So That Others May Simply Live


Live simply so that others may simply live


This is one of my favorite quotes.

This quote does not mean living without. It does not mean being poor or deprived, it simply means thinking about how you live and what you live with or without.

Imagine if everyone in non-third world countries lived like this. Would that help others?

Would this quote “ Live simply so that others may simply live” also help you with getting and staying clutter free?

Check out this short video on live simply so that others may simply live and enjoy these fascinating facts.

Here are a few fascinating facts to ponder.

  1. More than 4 million pairs of eyeglasses are trashed annually, according to Unite for Sight. When I am working hands on with a client and come across outdated prescription eyeglasses I take them to my local gym. There is a drop box at the front desk. These glasses get sent to third world countries and repurposed. There are more than a billion people with eye sight problems in this world., $20.00 for 20/20;


  1. 22.3 billion lbs of textiles, including clothing, were thrown away in 2010. Now some of your husband’s tee shirts might warrant being thrown away however what about all the other clothing items in your closet that are not being worn? Can you donate tee shirts, pants, dresses etc to a less fortunate family? As many of you know I am a member of the Soroptimists International. We collect gently used items for the less fortunate family’s right here in the Greater Lower Mainland. Let me help you hands on with organizing your clothes closet. You will be amazed as to what we find to donate. Please keep in mind that nothing takes on value unless it is being used. Pass your clothing on before it is too late for anyone else to wear it.


  1. Had the estimated 32.7 billion aluminum cans tossed out in 2011 been redeemed at recycling center, they could have netted about $ 820 million. Can you believe this fascinating fact? As a kid I collected pop/beer cans, returned them and sent myself off to summer camp. Today Mark does all of our returns and donates the money to charity. We have very few returns however every little bit counts.


  1. 15.8 million tons of reading material (books/magazines) and other paper products were trashed in 2010. Who do you know who would love some new books, reading material or updated magazines? Why not take them with you the next time you go on vacation to a less fortunate country.


  1. Over ten million bicycles are dumped into American and European landfills yearly, says Bicycles for Humanity. Pass your children’s bikes on before they are all rusty and out of date. That goes with all the other sporting equipment sitting in your garage or crawl space.


  1. Each year more than 350 million pairs of shoes march into landfills, according to the charity “Shoes for the Cure” How many pairs of shoes does a gal/child need? If you are Imelda Markus you need a special closet just for shoes. If you are you and me well that is a different story. We are all on the road of decluttering so less is more. Keep the shoes that fit you, that are comfortable and in style. Please donate the rest.


  1. According to the NRDC, the average American family of four ends up tossing the equivalent of $2,275 of food into the garbage annually. Have you taken advantage of my FREE session yet? I will discuss menu planning and quick, easy, healthy recipes. Being organized and planning will eliminate food waste. CLICK HERE


  1. The roughly 38,000 miles of ribbon we toss each year is “enough to tie a bow around the Earth.” What if we used string and then repurposed that string or reused the ribbon?


  1. In 2010 Americans got rid of 152 million cell phones and other mobile devices, of which 135 million made their way to the landfill. Do you like to have the latest and greatest new phone that comes out? There is nothing wrong with that as long as you repurpose your old ones. These items and many more can be sent to third world countries or recycled through London Drugs.


  1. Let’s all work together to run our lives with TLC “Total Liquidation of Clutter” and TEW “Total Elimination of Waste” and LEI “Lower Environmental Impact”.

Join me in a simplicity movement or start one of your own in your community.

P.S.  Have you heard about our referral program?

By |2020-06-07T20:52:43+00:00June 10th, 2013|Organizer|8 Comments

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Organizer

Have you ever thought about the benefits of hiring a professional organizer?

How many times have you said to yourself “why can I not do this on my own?”

Many clients comment on reduced stress, more time, more energy and more freedom once they have worked with me.

So I thought I would share even more of the benefits of hiring a professional organizer.

Please be sure to take a moment to watch this short video on what are the benefits of hiring a professional organizer.

The benefits of working with me a professional organizer is that I will keep you focused to task.

I will be on time.

I will develop a plan of action for you and your space. If you require a handyman, contractor for renovationss, painter, rubbish removal, disposing of stuff or a piano moved I will provide the people. My endless supply of resources has proven to be priceless. So my clients say.

A huge benefit of working with a professional organizer is being ruthless.

I have a few key questions I ask you as we are sorting, purging and tossing. This makes the decisions a little easier for you. Shall you keep it, toss it, store it, sell it or set up a system for it?

Many clients feel like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders once they start decluttering.

If you would like to hear more benefits of hiring a professional organizer then please take advantage of my FREE session. Simply click HERE.

We will discuss your needs, your questions and how I can be of service to you.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, enter your name and email address to the right and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

Professionals Working Together: Organizers and Junk Haulers

professionals working together

professionals working togetherAs the world’s largest junk removal company, 1-800-GOT-JUNK? sees a lot of messy spaces. On a daily basis, our teams are helping people regain their space; whether it’s a single couch, leftover yard sale items, old attic junk, or an estate clean-out. Some of our clients simply have too much stuff they don’t need, we haul it away, and they’re happy. Others have junk, but also a great deal of useful items they do need that are cluttering up their living spaces. This is when we seek out the help of professional organizers.

Junk haulers are the experts when it comes to getting the junk out of peoples’ homes, but for people dealing with keeping household clutter in check or chronic disorganization, we call for the expertise of professional organizers. By eliminating unnecessary objects from the home, we set the stage for organizers to come in and help you to better manage and organize the items that you are keeping. It’s the perfect partnership of

professionals working together

The professional organizers we work with have told us they rely on our junk removal service to provide a seamless addition to the service they provide for their clients. When their job is done, we come along and haul away unwanted items. It’s imperative that they can trust the junk hauler to ensure the items their clients are letting go of are responsibly recycled and donated to charity when possible.

At 1-800-GOT-JUNK? we have an average system-wide diversion rate of 61%, which means that we’re doing everything we can to help you feel good about getting rid of your excess clutter. Our truck teams are often asked who their most valuable industry resources are; many say that working with organizers is great because they often go to homes that need serious organization prior to receiving our service. It makes our job easier!

We’ve had many years of success working with professional organizers, both on a local and a national scale, including the ongoing popular A&E docudrama, Hoarders. Due to our strong relationships within the community, we often attend organizing events and award ceremonies to proudly support our friends in the industry.

Any time you or your friends and family are looking to keep clutter under control, find a new home for the unwanted items in your home, or have junk that just needs to be hauled away, when you call a professional organizer, chances are there’s a trusted junk hauler in tandem, and vice versa.

1-800-GOT-JUNK? is a full-service junk removal company whose friendly, uniformed drivers have set a new standard for professional junk hauling and great customer service. The company hauls away items that city garbage collectors do not typically accept, such as old furniture, renovation debris, and backyard mess. 1-800-GOT-JUNK? provides junk removal service for residences, businesses, commercial sites, and government offices. With locations in most major metros, 1-800-GOT-JUNK? can respond to large-scale clear-outs. Whenever possible, items are recycled or donated to charity.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:44+00:00March 2nd, 2013|Home Organization, Organizer, Organizing to Move|0 Comments

Permanently Reduce Clutter

How would you like to spend less but feel like you have more while you

permanently reduce clutter?

Do you wish your bank balance was higher than it is?

Are you surrounded by stuff?

I have always admired people like the late Lady Dianna. She dressed with simple elegance. Oh yeah, she had a huge wardrobe because she was a princess however her style was elegant and simple. I’ll bet if she were not a princess she would have had a modest closet filled with a few key items of clothing. The type of clothing items that mix and match so well together. That is my goal for you as well. As the French would say “you do not need a lot of clothes you just need a great imagination.”

These tips would also work when decorating your home. Simple yet elegant.

Where else do you think these tips would work well in your life?

Please leave a comment in the box below. Your opinion counts.

Read on to get ten simple tips to

permanently reduce clutter



Tip 1. Use the 6-12 month rule.  If you haven’t worn or used it in 6-12 months, get rid of it. Pass it on with love. The only exception to this rule is that one elegant evening dress in the back of your closet waiting for a fancy dance or cruise. If it is a classic it will not go out of style. If you stay the same size it will fit!

You might even have an item in your home that comes out for the rare occasions. You know the tray that holds deviled eggs.

Tip 2.  Align values with spending.  I value good/organic food, my health and travel to name a few. So, I know that planning and paying for a vacation, getting a massage, or going shopping at one of my favorite specialty shops is aligned with my values. Knowing what you value makes it much easier to make or not to make spending decisions.

Tip 3. Stick to a shopping list. This will help you with not getting side tracked.  Take a shopping list with you when you go to buy groceries or clothes.  When you know what you are looking for you will save time and money. The most organized people do not just aimlessly wonder around shops. They have a mission and stick to it. Now that does not mean you do not go window shopping with a friend once in awhile. Hey we all need that fix with one of our BF”s

Tip 4.  The 24-hour rule. We have all heard this one before. I think Oprah even uses this rule. Imagine with all of her money. Think about your purchase for 24 hours. If you still feel you need/want it after 24 hours go back and make the purchase. If you feel you can live without that item after 24 hours you have just saved yourself some money.  This eliminates the spontaneous purchases. I also like to shop at places that have a no fuss return policy. For example an item of clothing might look great in the store lighting. You get it home and the colour is not at all what you thought.

Tip 5.  Create a do-not-spend day.  Are you old enough to remember when stores were not open on Sundays? Or when late night shopping was only on Friday nights. Ah, the good old days. I use to work in the mall when this was my reality. (Okay, I know I am dating myself now) however one day without spending can add up.  Choose a day each week and make that your do-not-spend day.  Instead, get creative with all the fun free things you can do. Pack your own lunch or snacks and take a thermos with your hot drink in it. Your mind, body and bank account will thank you!

Tip 6.  Stop keeping up with the Jones. Why is it that humans have the need to keep up with the Jones? Who started this anyway? The Jones do not care what you have or how you spend your money so why should we care with keeping up with them? I know it is a saying however imagine if we all lived simple so others may simple live? The only person you need to impress is yourself. Think of how great you will feel if you only bought what you really needed, used and loved. You bank account will love you too.

Tip 7.  Analyze your spending for a week.  Keep track of each item you buy. At the end of the week ask yourself if it was something you really needed, will be using and love. If not then ask yourself this question “what was the purpose of buying this item” If you cannot come up with a strong answer it might be time to return it. I’ll bet you will not have many if any of these purchases if you follow the above tips especially the 24 hour rule.

Tip 8.  The This/That Question.  Unless you have an endless supply of money and even if you do I’ll bet you do not want clutter. Ask yourself this question. “If I buy this I cannot have that” “If I go on a fancy vacation I cannot have a new living room set.” Keeping in mind that this style of living will eliminate debt. Once again your bank account will love you for this. Credit card debt or overdraft debt can cause so much stress. You might not think that it is but it is!

Tip 9.  Have gratitude.  My life has always run smoother when I have kept a gratitude journal. I would highly recommend keeping one. Each day write down 5 things you are grateful for. It might be that you can see or that you can buy a new purse for Fall or that your family’s health is good. You’ll be hard pressed to stop at 5 things each day.

One of the best books I read was called “Simple Abundance” by Sarah Ban Breathnach. I first read this book back in 1998 and re read it every year for three years. It is time I did that again.  Do not get me wrong. I did not do all the activities Sarah suggested. I feel you would need to be superwoman to do that and none of us are. However the best part was all about gratitude. It is a one page read each day and well worth it.

Let me know if you have read it. Leave your comments in the box below.

Tip 10. Be kind to yourself.  My Birthday gift to myself this year was that I would be kind to myself. That means being kind to my body, mind and spirit. It means watching my self talk. It means giving myself permission to be human. Hey we all make purchasing mistakes however if we are aware of these ten tips we will make fewer of them.

Feeling like a 20 minute FREE session? Contact me to arrange for your time. We can chat about your most burning clutter questions including how to have more money in your pocket.

Selling Your Stuff Online: The Top 5 “How To” Tips

How much stuff do you have in your home that you think you can sell?

Do you have items that you have not used for one, two or even three years?

Do you have other people’s stuff in your home that you would like to sell?

Most people think it is a hassle selling your stuff online

I do not think this is true…if you are organized and have a plan.

Please watch this short video to get some of my number one tips on selling your stuff online.

I like to use Craigslist as my primary place to sell your stuff. You can also look at KIJIJI or EBAY.

This is a service I offer for my clients.

I’ll take the photos, list the items, write the description, arrange for viewings, and collect the CASH and any other details that need to be taken care of.

Keep in mind these Top 5 “How To” Tips when selling your stuff.

#1 Condition of the item. It needs to be in excellent working order. Would you want to buy something online and then find out it does not work or parts are missing? Your items need to be in good condition. A few scratches on an older bookshelf are acceptable.

#2 Popularity of item. How popular is this item. Is it in vogue? Is there a need for this item? For example cell phones are a dime a dozen on Craigslist. If you want your cell phone to sell you need to make sure you use all 5 of my key tips in place. Let your ad stand out from the crowd.

#3 Good Pricing. This is a must when it comes to selling your stuff. People want a great deal. How fast do you want to sell your stuff? Pricing will determine this. If you do not get bites right away you need to adjust your pricing. If you have not had any inquiries in a few days you need to adjust your pricing. If an item does not sell in a week or so you need to look at other options. Things move FAST on Craigslist. If you want your price to be FIRM you need to mention that in your ad.

Selling your stuff#4 Good Pictures. As you can see in the picture of the porcelain dolls you need good photos that show off details. Good lighting helps as well. If you are selling a TV stand be sure to remove any “clutter” from the stand. The buyer might think those items are for sale along with the TV and the stand.

#5 Good descriptions. This is important especially if there are other items in the photo. Be clear on what is for sale. Give measurements, colour, age, original price, and any other details that you can think of that would make the sale. If it is a couch were there any pets on it? Was it in a non-smoker’s home? Do you provide delivery? I always let my buyers know how much “man” power they will need. I do not want to be responsible for lifting heavy items in to a person’s truck. These are good details your buyer will want to know.  

Once you get inquiries, set up your appointments on a fist come first serve basis. I take emails in the order in which they were received.  I give out my phone number only to the serious buyers. I get the potential buyer to call me when they are close to my home. Then I give out my address. Make sure you are not home alone. Be safe and smart about selling your stuff. Meet the buyer outside. They do not need to come inside your home and see all your other belongings. If an item is too big to take outside make sure you have someone with you. Take only CASH.

If you like this video on selling your stuff online then please click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.

  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free eBook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

Are you stuck? Would you like a little push with selling your stuff?

Please contact me for a FREE 20 minute session. We will discuss how to get started with selling your stuff. I’ll help you with pricing and descriptions.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:45+00:00November 12th, 2012|Organizer|4 Comments

Getting It Together’s FAQ’s – Part 4

Thank you to all of my amazing readers for sending in your questions! It is really fun getting them and then answering them for everyone. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions that I have received:

Q: What can I do with empty chocolate box inserts? You know the kind with all the little compartments.

A: Hope you enjoyed all the chocolates guilt free! Those inserts are so handy in office desk drawers for paper clips, tacks, and any other small items. They are also great in your bedroom drawer for housing earrings, rings and small jewelry items. If your kids are old enough put them in their playroom for all the really small Lego pieces.

Q: Rowena, do you have a handy use for the plastic clips that come on my loaves of bread?

OrganizerA: You will love this one. Check out the photo. Use one clip per electrical cord. They make great labels. What do you think?

Q: I live in a 2 story home. What is your best tip for helping me keep organized?

A: Have a basket at the bottom of the stairs. Put any items in the basket that need to go upstairs. Never go up stairs empty handed. Take the basket with you. Put the items away and return the basket to the bottom step. Get your family involved in this action as well.

Q: I love cutting out decorating ideas. What should I do with all the magazine cutouts?

A: Are you decorating right now or will you be decorating in the next 3-6 months? If so keep decorating ideas in a file. Store the file in your desk or file cabinet. If you are not decorating right now but “one day” would like to, then wait until closer to that time to start cutting out and saving ideas. I know what you are thinking. Ya but I like this idea right now. I know, but taste and style change with seasons and each year.

Q: What should I do with all my empty CD cases?

A: Where are the CD’s? I am going to assume they are in a CD binder. Donate the cases.

Q: I recycle, compost and I am very mindful of packaging however I still seem to have lots of garbage. How can I cut back on my garbage?

A: Great question, as I know we are all trying very hard to cut back on our garbage. Metro Vancouver produces nearly a million tons of garbage a year! Garbage from homes, condos and apartments makes up nearly a third of the regions waste. 

When possible, buy in bulk. This will reduce the amount of packaging.

Use your cloth shopping bags even if you are going clothes shopping. Use a stainless steel water bottle and fill it up from the tap. I like to keep one on my desk, one in my car and a couple for the gym. Reduce the amount of things you print off your computer. Use both sides of the paper. Take your own coffee cup to business meetings, social meetings and coffee shops. Shop at consignment stores. Especially for kids toys. This will really cut back on packaging. Together we can all make a difference.

Q: My kids played every sport known to man. They have grown out of most of the sporting equipment. What can I do with it all? Some of the soccer shoes are still in great shape. The hockey sticks are like new and we seem to have an overflow of bikes, rackets and balls.

A: By now most of you know my theory. “Nothing takes on value unless it is being used”. Please pass things on as soon as you are done with them so someone else can take pleasure in those items.

You can sell some of these items on CraigsList or Kijiji. Check for a local used sports store. Vancouver has a great one called “Sports Junkie.”  Go to your local baseball/soccer field and speak to the moms on the sideline. Donate to your local school or church.

Q: I am getting ready to downsize. HELP!! I have my late parent’s photo albums. What should I do with all these photos? I do not know who is in the pictures and I am not sure where the pictures were taken. Many of them are of their vacations.

A: Most of us have a hard enough time keeping track of our own photos let alone our parents. In the end, these photos were your parent’s memories and treasures. It is time for them to go. You might want to do a quick check and see if there are one or two very special family photos that you would like to keep.

Q: I’ve been wearing prescription glasses for over ten years. Each year or two I get a new pair. What can I do with all my outdated eyeglasses?

A: I drop all my glasses off at Bonsor recreation centre in Burnaby. They send all prescription glasses to third world countries. Check with your local optical store. I’ll bet they have the same program.

Q: I have all my old calendars/datebooks. I’ve been saving them for years. What shall I do with them?

A: TOSS!  Unless there is a purpose for keeping them than toss. Ask yourself “what is the reason for keeping these?” Do you ever look back on these calendars to see what you did five years ago? Most people do not have that kind of time or interest. They are busy with TODAY.

Have you taken advantage of your FREE phone consultation? If not, be sure to contact me TODAY. We will discuss your personal needs, questions and concerns. I’ll give you tips on downsizing and how to move forward with clearing the clutter. 

Create an Organized Garage by Rowena List, Professional Organizer

organized garageWhen is the best time to get an organized garage?

Most people select the summer so they can have the door open and put unwanted items in the driveway.Keep in mind that it might take more than one day to get an organized garage.There are lots of hiding spaces in your garage. You might find items you had forgotten you had.You might even come across the odd spider or 2!

Creative Commons License photo Les Chatfield

Can you get your car in your garage? Would you like to park in your garage?

Has your garage become a catch all? This is very common.Not sure where to store item X ? It usually ends up in the garage. And that clutter is the enemy of an organized garage!

Would you like to have a system?

Would you like an organized garage?

Watch this short video to get some tips on how to have “zones” in your garage. You’ll see the gardening zone, tool zone,sports equipment zone and so on. Zones are key to an organized garage.

What are your great tips for organizing a garage ?
Please leave them in the comment box below. We can all learn from each other.

Keep in mind that your garage did not get cluttered overnight so it will not get cleared overnight. It will take time. You will need a plan of action. Let me help you with that.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:46+00:00June 25th, 2012|Home Organization, Organizer, Organizing to Move|0 Comments

Moving Checklist

movingHow many people love to move? I have yet to meet anyone who gets excited about moving.

The key to a stress free, successful move is “ORGANIZATION” and good labeling!

The other key to a successful, stress free move is proper planning. Give yourself enough time to do all the tasks. Do not leave things to the last moment. Be ruthless with your sorting, purging and donating.

Follow this moving day checklist and be the envy of everyone who has every moved.

4-6 weeks before moving day

1. Start collecting boxes and packing paper. Your local produce store will have beautiful apple boxes. Having all the same size boxes makes for better packing. If you would like to use “green” boxes be sure to check out

2. Go around your house with post it notes. Label all large items that WILL NOT be going with you. Be ruthless. Consider having a moving sale, use a consignment store, Craigslist, or donation. (I can help you with this is you do not feel comfortable doing it yourself.)

3. Start purging your clothes closets and storage areas.

4. Begin the process of contacting “People to Notify”:

  • Electricity and gas
  • Water and milk delivery
  • Telephone and internet
  • Cable TV
  • Home and auto insurance
  • Drivers License and Passport (change of address)
  • Newspaper and magazine subscription
  • Doctors and Dentist (get referral in new neighdorhood)
  • Banks and credit cards
  • Post office (change of address)

5. Decide if you will pack/move yourself or if you are going to hire professionals. (I work with some very reputable movers.) Only use well known movers who will come to your home and give you a quote.

6. Start really downsizing your deep freeze. The goal would be to have it empty by move day. If your move is local, your frozen food can be packed in a cooler. If your move is long distance, you will need to make arrangements for any frozen food left. This is a great way to get to know your neighbors!

3 weeks before moving day

1. Pair down your pantry. Use up canned goods and dried goods. Toss out all outdated spices, baking supplies, stale cereal, etc.

2. Cleaning supplies, flammables, and aerosols cannot be moved by professional movers. Use these up until move day and then leave behind for the new tenants.

3. Decide what you would like to do with any or all plants. Indoor and outdoor ones. Will you be moving them or donating them?

4. Dismantle gym equipment, patio furniture, trampolines and large power tools.

5. Do any of your appliances need services? Now is the time to do it.

6. Pack (unless you have hired professionals) all items you do not need. Seasonal clothing, most of the kid’s toys, seasonal cookware/platters, books, CD’s, sporting equipment, etc.

2 weeks before moving day

1. Pack a suitcase for each family member. Include a towel, toilet paper, hand soap, special medications, toiletries, fresh set of sheets, toys/books and a few clothes. Just enough stuff to get your through the first 2 or 3 days in your new place. This saves on opening boxes and trying to find the favorite toy or pillow.

2. Arrange transfers of any school records.

3. Check to make sure your insurance covers you while moving.

4. Return library books, pop/beer bottles and any borrowed items.

5. Pack as much of the house as you can. When we moved I had 2 special boxes. One had the plastic cups, plates, etc. and the other had the champagne and non-perishable snacks. As soon as we got our keys I set up a little celebration area.

6. Make any travel arrangements.

7. Accept all help. Do your friends want to cook for you? Do they want to help pack? Say “yes please” and “thank-you”.

8. Be sure to do some self care. You do not want to strain your back. This is an important time to keep up your yoga, walking and hot relaxing baths.

1 week before moving day

1. Take down drapes, and blinds.

2. Dismantle TV, desks, and any other furniture you do not need this week.

3. Make sure all the laundry is done. Do you have any dry cleaning to pick up?

4. Make arrangements for any pets. Keep their food close at hand along with leash and blanket.

5. Pack everything except for the bare necessities.

6. Use up all the food in your fridge (as much as you can).

7. Do you need to do a run to the dump or will your local garbage pick-up do?

One day before

1. Make arrangements for your kids to be at a play date/sleep over. This will help lower the stress level. It is also safer for little kids to not be under foot.

2. Do all last minute cleaning.

3. Defrost freezer and wipe down inside of fridge.

4. Put the self clean on your oven.

5. Unhook your computers, radios, coffee maker, phones, etc.

6. Go out for dinner to a friends, family or local café.

7. Check the house for any last items that need to be packed. Hopefully there is nothing left.

8. Say goodbye to your neighbors.

Moving Day

1. Load the truck or get your professional movers to do it for you.

2. Have cold drinks and snacks on hand.

3. Load your car with what you can. Use a cooler for any last minute items from the fridge.

4. Leave the keys and your contact information with your landlord or Realtor. Your contact info is handy if there is any mail that does not get redirected. It is also handy if the new tenants/owners have any questions about your house/condo.

5. Collect your kids and pets.

6. Prepare for a new start. I trust it is a happy, joyful experience.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the thought of packing, moving or unpacking?

Please allow me to support you in this process.  Have you taken advantage of my FREE 30 minute phone consultation? If not, than contact me today. We will discuss a plan of action to help you have a stress free, ORGANIZED move.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:46+00:00June 22nd, 2012|Home Organization, Organizer, Organizing to Move|2 Comments

Helpful moving tips – part 1


How would you like some helpful moving tips?

Are you one of these people who likes to move?  OK, I need to meet you because I have yet to meet anyone who loves to move. I moved after 22 years in the same place. I actually did not mind moving…………but that was because I was organized! You knew that was coming.

Why not check out this short video on helpful moving tips.

I’ll bet you will really like these tips and will use one or 2 of them on your next move.

 If you are still not getting excited about packing and moving I can come to the rescue.

Call today for a FREE phone consultation. We will discuss your move, packing and downsizing. I even work with some excellent moving companies. You could go away and have your new place all put back together. Now that is stress free moving.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your homein 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:52+00:00July 8th, 2010|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments


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