A Cluttered Life – what is hiding in your box?

Has this ever happened to you?

You moved from one home to another.

Prior to the move, you decide to downsize, purge and toss. You have the best of intentions. You start off in one room. Before long you are getting distracted and losing focus. All of a sudden the phone rings with a better offer on the other end. You know what I mean. You decide the better idea would be to just simply pack everything and toss/clear out the clutter when you unpack in your new pad.

Check out this short video on a cluttered life:

Fast forward.

You are in your new living space. Time goes by.

There is a box or two sitting on the sidelines. What are your thoughts each time you pass that box? Maybe you even kick it out of the way. Are you saying “I must empty the box.” “What is in that box anyway?” These thoughts are causing mind clutter.

26yearnoteThe other day I was working with a client and such a box appeared. It had been neatly, well actually not so neatly, packed 26 years ago. One of those last-minute tossing in and go boxes. Upon opening the box we discovered unopened greeting cards from her second wedding anniversary. Inside one card was a crisp new 26 year old $20 bill. Bingo!! Let’s open all the cards. Another envelope had a cheque from her grandmother for $75. How come the grandma never questioned her out of balance bank account for 26 years? Conscious or subconscious, this box has been weighing heavy on my clients mind. Thinking about it and worrying about it takes up precious time. Not to mention paying to have it moved and storing it in the garage.

Here are my top 3 tips to helping you with a cluttered life and how to de-clutter it.

Tip #1: Take the 15 minutes to do it right. Instead of tossing things into a box simply take the 15 minutes to deal with the stuff you are about to dump into that box. Book those 15 minutes with yourself like it is a client appointment. Put this appointment right in your calendar. It is a date with yourself and the box.

Tip#2: Set up piles for keep, shred, toss, recycle or donate. Handle each piece of paper once or each item once. Putting it in one of those piles. The key factor here is to stay focused on that one task for 15 minutes. That one box. Turn off the phone, email indicator, close the door, do whatever it takes. Just think how clear your mind will feel once you have emptied that box.

Do you have more than one such box? If so, handle one box at a time in 15 minute increments.

Tip#3: Once you have your piles, you need to deal with them. The toss and recycle piles are the easiest. Donate is easy if you remember to put the items in your car and drop them off at your local charity. Shred is straight forward. Get your kids to do that for you if they are old enough or you can do it while watching TV. The keep pile is where the rubber meets the road. Take each item and deal with that item. Does it need to be filed? Does it need to be put away? Do you need to set up a system for some items?

You will be surprised at how fast you move if you have the 15 minute timer on and stay focused.

We are humans and take the path of least resistance. You do not want to do this when it comes to your boxes. In the long run it will save you so much grief and stress. Kiss a cluttered life goodbye.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:43+00:00September 2nd, 2013|Home Organization, Organizer, Organizing to Move|0 Comments

Do You Need to Hire a Professional Organizer?

Are you suffering from too much stuff in too small a space, too much stuff in a large space or simply too much stuff?

Do you have trouble locating important information in your office?

Can you find what you are looking for without getting stressed out?

Do you lose your keys, phone, eye glasses or kids?

Do you need to hire a professional organizer?


 Check out this video to see.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Have you ever thought “there has got to be a better way to manage all your papers”?
  • Is it a challenge for you and your family to get out the door on time each morning?
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed?
  • What is your stress level? Would you like it lower?
  • Are you embarrassed to have friends or family over?
  • How would you feel if the neighbours dropped in unexpectedly?
  • Does it take you more than 20 seconds to find what you are looking for?
  • Would you like systems?
  • Would you like your kids to be more organized?

If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, it might be time to hire a professional organizer.

I know of a really great one! 😀

I will encourage, support and empower you with moving forward in getting organized and staying clutter free. I will support and encourage you with the purging of stuff.  Most importantly I will give you your life back.

Let me know what area in your home is bugging you the most. Leave your bug list in the comment box below. I will give you a tip to get started right away with getting and staying clutter free.

Have you taken advantage of your FREE session yet?

If not then please ease on over HERE and let’s get started today.

We can discuss if you need to hire a professional organizer, or if you need some productivity coaching sessions or maybe you need just a little pep talk.

 Either way I am here to support, encourage and empower you with moving forward.

Organizing your closet

Do you have cleaning supplies in one area, your vacuum in another, and your broom in yet another?

Would you like to have everything in one place? Ya, who wouldn’t?

Are you lucky enough to have a hall closet that can be used for all your cleaning supplies and equipment? 

If so, please take a quick moment to watch this video on organizing your closet


.  I trust you will get a few tips to help you out.

Here are a few other simple tips to follow to organizing your closet.

Tip 1. Be sure to only keep household cleaning supplies that you like and use. I made the purchasing mistake of a Swiffer vacuum. My girlfriend swears by hers. I used it a few times and did not like the results. It is time to pass it on with love. There is no need keeping items in your closet that you simply move to one side every time you need the vacuum or broom.

Tip 2. Pair down cleaning supplies. Keep what you use, need and like. Good old fashion white vinegar does the trick for most cleaning jobs. This cuts down on the number of items you need in your closet and the number of chemicals. I like the idea of keeping a small supply of cleaning supplies under each sink in the home. That way if you want to quickly clean a bathroom you have the items right there.

Tip 3. Have a limit on the number of rags you keep. I have a small basket. Once it is full that is my limit. The interesting thing about homes it that we are always accumulating more rags. You know the odd left out sock, the tea towel that has seen better days or a t-shirt that is full of holes.

Did you know it takes 40% less time to clean an organized home? If you have a housekeeping service come in that will save you money. If you are the housekeeper, that will give you extra time to relax, play with the kids, go to a movie or have a relaxing bath. Some people like the idea of cleaning one area of your home per day. Others like the idea of cleaning the whole home in one day.

What works best for you? Please leave your comments in the box below.

Have you had your free session? 

This would be the perfect time for us to discuss organizing your closet.

. Together we can come up with a solution as to the best way to organize your cleaning supplies.

Head on over HERE for all the details.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:43+00:00July 8th, 2013|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

How to Have an Organized Garden

Do you like to garden?

Do you find it takes more time than you can give it?

Has your garden gotten out of control?

Most of you know I am new to gardening. My goal is to keep my garden compact, neat and organized. My other goal is to garden and not get dirty! That goal is almost impossible to keep. Like most gardeners I find it very relaxing, quiet and therapeutic. There is also a great learning curve when it comes to plants and the garden.

Please take a minute to watch this short video on how to have an organized garden.


Here are my top 3 tips on how to have an organized garden:

Tip#1: Keep your garden compact. Every section of your garden does not have to have a plant in it. (Just like every cupboard in your kitchen does not have to be filled.) Some empty dirt spaces make your garden look more organized. You can see the individual plants and it gives them space to grow. I like to use hanging baskets. This keeps your herbs compact and easy to reach. As mentioned in the video be sure to keep mint in a pot or it will take over. I love picking the mint and making tea or adding it to cold water in the summer time. I also like hanging flower baskets. They add a splash of colour and are easy to maintain.

Tip#2: Take time to trim back. As a new gardener I got some help on this one. Twice a year we have a company come in and they trim back all the bushes, plants and trees. This seems to keep things under control. It makes weekly maintenance a little easier as well. As you experienced gardeners know, it does not take long for a garden to get out of control. In Vancouver Canada we have enough rain to make any garden lush.

Tip#3: Have a plan that you can adjust. Most people inherit a garden with the purchase of their home or townhome. The previous owners may or may not have had a plan. Now you need to add to that plan or start a new plan. Gardening can be pricy, so chances are you will add to the already excising plan. Look at magazines or other people’s garden for ideas. Consult local garden centres or expert gardeners. The one thing I find with gardeners (not me since I do not know enough!) is they are willing to share their knowledge. Gardeners are a happy group of people. If your garden is too much for you to care for, adjust your plan.

This is just a very small example of how to have an organized garden.


There is so much more to gardening then meets the eye. I’ll share more tips in future articles. In the meantime, if you have an awesome organizing garden tip please share it in the box below. Your comments are always welcome. Hey, maybe I’ll learn a great gardening tip from YOU.

Have you taken advantage of your FREE 30 minute call yetl? Soon the gardening gloves will be put away for the winter and the rubber gloves will be put on for some overdue “spring” clearing.  I know how it works. The inside of the home gets neglected when the sun is out and the garden is calling your name. In our call I’ll give you 2 quick tips on getting back into the swing of things with keeping your home organized. To take advantage of this FREE call, click here.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:43+00:00June 24th, 2013|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

Live Simply So That Others May Simply Live


Live simply so that others may simply live


This is one of my favorite quotes.

This quote does not mean living without. It does not mean being poor or deprived, it simply means thinking about how you live and what you live with or without.

Imagine if everyone in non-third world countries lived like this. Would that help others?

Would this quote “ Live simply so that others may simply live” also help you with getting and staying clutter free?

Check out this short video on live simply so that others may simply live and enjoy these fascinating facts.

Here are a few fascinating facts to ponder.

  1. More than 4 million pairs of eyeglasses are trashed annually, according to Unite for Sight. When I am working hands on with a client and come across outdated prescription eyeglasses I take them to my local gym. There is a drop box at the front desk. These glasses get sent to third world countries and repurposed. There are more than a billion people with eye sight problems in this world. www.theVisionvillage.com, $20.00 for 20/20; www.worldvison.org.


  1. 22.3 billion lbs of textiles, including clothing, were thrown away in 2010. Now some of your husband’s tee shirts might warrant being thrown away however what about all the other clothing items in your closet that are not being worn? Can you donate tee shirts, pants, dresses etc to a less fortunate family? As many of you know I am a member of the Soroptimists International. We collect gently used items for the less fortunate family’s right here in the Greater Lower Mainland. Let me help you hands on with organizing your clothes closet. You will be amazed as to what we find to donate. Please keep in mind that nothing takes on value unless it is being used. Pass your clothing on before it is too late for anyone else to wear it.


  1. Had the estimated 32.7 billion aluminum cans tossed out in 2011 been redeemed at recycling center, they could have netted about $ 820 million. Can you believe this fascinating fact? As a kid I collected pop/beer cans, returned them and sent myself off to summer camp. Today Mark does all of our returns and donates the money to charity. We have very few returns however every little bit counts.


  1. 15.8 million tons of reading material (books/magazines) and other paper products were trashed in 2010. Who do you know who would love some new books, reading material or updated magazines? Why not take them with you the next time you go on vacation to a less fortunate country.


  1. Over ten million bicycles are dumped into American and European landfills yearly, says Bicycles for Humanity. Pass your children’s bikes on before they are all rusty and out of date. That goes with all the other sporting equipment sitting in your garage or crawl space.


  1. Each year more than 350 million pairs of shoes march into landfills, according to the charity “Shoes for the Cure” How many pairs of shoes does a gal/child need? If you are Imelda Markus you need a special closet just for shoes. If you are you and me well that is a different story. We are all on the road of decluttering so less is more. Keep the shoes that fit you, that are comfortable and in style. Please donate the rest.


  1. According to the NRDC, the average American family of four ends up tossing the equivalent of $2,275 of food into the garbage annually. Have you taken advantage of my FREE session yet? I will discuss menu planning and quick, easy, healthy recipes. Being organized and planning will eliminate food waste. CLICK HERE


  1. The roughly 38,000 miles of ribbon we toss each year is “enough to tie a bow around the Earth.” What if we used string and then repurposed that string or reused the ribbon?


  1. In 2010 Americans got rid of 152 million cell phones and other mobile devices, of which 135 million made their way to the landfill. Do you like to have the latest and greatest new phone that comes out? There is nothing wrong with that as long as you repurpose your old ones. These items and many more can be sent to third world countries or recycled through London Drugs.


  1. Let’s all work together to run our lives with TLC “Total Liquidation of Clutter” and TEW “Total Elimination of Waste” and LEI “Lower Environmental Impact”.

Join me in a simplicity movement or start one of your own in your community.

P.S.  Have you heard about our referral program?

By |2020-06-07T20:52:43+00:00June 10th, 2013|Organizer|8 Comments

Decluttering your home: quick and easy tips to follow right away

Do you dream of a more organized home?

Do you wish you could zip through your home and quickly tidy up?

Once you get your home organized and set up a system, it takes 15 minutes or less to decluttering your home.

Would you like that?

Why not give these top tips to decluttering your home a try. Grab a java, put on your favorite tunes and set the timer.
You will not need much time to quickly declutter your home if you follow these simple tips.

Living Room: The top of your coffee table should be 75% clear. Clear off and recycle the old newspapers and magazines. Put any unopened mail in a “to do” basket or file. Clear off anything else that is not related to the living room or to the coffee table.

Save only the last 2 issues of magazines. If you must keep an article from a magazine, tear it out and file it. Better yet, can you find that information on Google when you need it?

Keep all remotes in one basket or decorative box.

Ottomans not only act as great storage they are comfy to sit on. I like the look of a tray on top of the ottoman. This acts as a surface to put your drinks and snacks on.

Downsize the number of area rugs you have. This can make your home look smaller and cluttered. Not to mention the amount of dust that can accumulate in them.

Be mindful of your bookshelves. Are the books falling off the shelf? Are they crammed in there so tight you cannot get them out even if you did want to re-read them? Did you know that most people do not re-read their books even though they have the best of intentions to? Keep at least 10% of each book shelf bare. Have no more than 3 non-book items on any given shelf. For example a glass vase that you got on one of your vacations or as a wedding gift.

Displaying photos in similar frames is a more cohesive look. It helps to keep your eye on the photo not on the frame.

Have a place at your front entrance for shoes. Nothing looks decluttered more than a pile of shoes. It is the first thing you see when you walk in your home. It can be a trip zone as well.

Kids Zone: Keep kids toys in baskets. Keep to the same size, shape and colour of baskets. One basket can be for all red toys or cars. One basket can be for all blue toys or dolls, etc. This helps with clean up as it is easy to ask your child to take a basket and go pick up all their red toys for example.

decluttering your home

Install pantry sliders helps to keep your kitchen organized.

Kitchen: Keep no more than 10-12 plastic storage containers in your kitchen drawer or cupboard. If you eat yogurt you are always bringing more plastic containers into your home.

Say goodbye to junk drawers. What is in yours? When was the last time you looked in there? Are the take out menus still applicable or have the restaurants gone out of business?

Take out recycling every day or every other day. Piles of recycling can look disorganized.

Have one place for keys and one place only. For safety purposes do not have your keys hanging on a hook which can be seen from the outside of your home. For example by your back door window. Keep a spare set of keys to each vehicle and each door of your home in a secondary spot. For example in the kitchen drawer. (Not the junk drawer as you will no longer have one!!)

Paper: Use the 2 F’s rule when it comes to paper. Can you file it (bills, bank statements) I say go paperless on this one? Or frame it (for example, kids artwork)?

Kiss junk mail goodbye by signing up for www.reddotchampainge.com

Visit catalogues online to avoid extra paper products coming into your home.

Shred, shred and shred some more. This is the perfect task to delegate to age appropriate children.

Check out this video on decluttering your home for a bonus tip:

Bathroom: Keep cosmetics in a nice cosmetic bag or basket on bathroom counter. Better yet, slip it under the sink after each use. Have a basket for your blow dryer, hot iron and all other hair products.

Keep only one shampoo, one conditioner and one body wash in your shower stall at all times. All those unused bottles need to be used up and recycled.

Bedroom: A well made bed says hello to being clutter free.

Hang up clothes as soon as you take them off. This will save you so much time when it comes to decluttering your home.

What is one decluttering rule you make sure and do every day? For some it is a clean kitchen sink, for others it is a made bed. Please leave your comments in the box below.


By |2020-06-07T20:52:43+00:00May 27th, 2013|Home Organization, Organizer|2 Comments

How To Be More “Green” – Part Two

Hope you enjoyed all the tips from

Part One of How To Be More Green

. I’ll bet you are already applying some of the tips. The more I looked into this subject the more I realized there was a need for Part Two.

Please check out this short video on how to be more green and enjoy some more of Getting it Together’s Top Tips.

Have you found that the more environmentally friendly you become it is forcing you to become more organized?

Have you found that you are getting into some good habits?

Tip # 11: Clean all your produce at one shot. Fill your sink with lemon water. Wash all your fresh vegetables before putting them away in the fridge. Think of the water you will save. Think of how organized you will be by having healthy snacks ready to go.

Tip # 12: Hang your clothes as soon as you take them off. This will also save on washing them unnecessarily. It will save on electricity because you will not need to iron them. It will save on the longevity of your clothes as they will not be getting wrecked by being stepped on. Your bedroom will look neat and organized.

Tip # 13: Walking your kids to school. You need to be very organized in order to leave enough time to walk instead of drive but just think of how green you will be. Not to mention healthy.

Tip # 14: Car pool. Have to get your kids to soccer practice? Get a list of all the players and their emails. Plan in advance who will car pool and when. Your environment will love you for this one.

Tip #15: Pack a lunch. Taking your lunch to work will save on packaging, save on gas if your need to drive to get something to eat, and save on energy because someone else will not be doing the cooking. Not to mention it will save on your health.

Tip # 16: Buy consignment first. When at all possible buy children’s clothing, baby items such as strollers, furniture and household items at your local consignment store. This will save on packaging and the price. You will need to be a little more organized as you might not find what you are looking for right away. Give yourself some time to shop around.

Tip # 17: Reusable water bottles. Did you know the US consumes 1500 plastic water bottles every second? Did you know that out of every 50 billion water bottles 80% of them end up in the landfill? Please be organized and take your own water bottle with you even when you travel.

Tip # 18: Use reusable containers to store food. Instead of grabbing a plastic Ziploc bag please grab a reusable container to put your food items in. I have two or three that are the perfect size for my lunch bag. I put cut up veggies in one, cheese and crackers in the other and some nuts in the third one. Our landfill will love us for this one. Did you know it takes up to 50 years for a plastic bag to break down?

Tip # 19: Reusing paper.  As mentioned in the video this is a green task we can all do. By being organized you can reuse paper in your printer, you can reuse paper for note pads and for any kid’s art projects. Each piece of paper has two sides. Let’s all work together to use both of them as much as we can.

Together we can all make a difference.

Clearing the Clutter in your Mental/Emotional House

clearing the clutter in your mental/emotional houseBillion dollar industries have sprung from our obsessive compulsion to hold onto stuff. New services such as Professional Organizing and U-Store It facilities are making big profits helping us deal with all the things we amass, but they’re doing nothing to help us eliminate the core cause of this behavior.

Brian Tracy, a leading personal empowerment expert says that our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. If our outer world is filled to overflowing with stuff, it’s reflecting the mental and emotional baggage we hold inside. Before we can effectively and permanently clear the clutter in our physical space, we need to clear the inner clutter.

Every negative thought or feeling we have about this stuff zaps our energy, lowers our self-esteem, erodes our self-confidence and leads to ineffectiveness. Let’s take a walk through our mental and emotional house and look for ways to clear this clutter.

The Living Room: Unfinished Business

These are all the commitments we’ve made and haven’t completed on. They could be related to you making a living, or personal in nature. Start by listing all your incompletes. Next decide which ones still offer some form of gain when completed. Now re-commit to completing these and begin scheduling time to chip away at them. The remaining items, the ones you feel have low or no value to you now, must be let go. Bless them for reminding you to be discerning with your  commitments and then burn the list. Affirm your freedom to choose what you will and will not do.

The Kitchen: Indecision

We might try to fool ourselves by saying these are ‘Food for Thought’, however, indecision in the mind is like indigestion in the body. It blocks up our flow and creates tremendous stress. Open all those junk drawers exposing the things you’ve been thinking about doing but haven’t taken action on. Turn your thoughts toward what you want to achieve and make a decision to act from where you are now. Are you afraid of making a mistake? Statistics say that roughly 80% of our daily decisions turn out to be not the best we could have made. Remind yourself of this and simply make a new decision knowing there is always something to be gained in every experience.

The Bathroom: Fear, Insecurity, Blame, Shame and Guilt

These are the thoughts and feelings that really stink and are creating grime and slime that’s hard to live with. Examine your thoughts and beliefs to discover the underlying cause of such feelings. What are you afraid of exposing? Where are you not being responsible for what shows up in your life? Whose moral code have you violated – yours or someone else’s? What do you need to do differently to release these offensive thoughts? Answering these questions will go a long way toward clearing away the scum that has you feeling low.

The Master Bedroom: Regrets and Withheld Apologies

How can you get a good night’s rest when thoughts of regrets or withheld apologies are stressing your mind? There is no peace, no rest. I’m reminded of the saying “You’ve made your bed now lie in it.” I’d like to change the last bit to read “now truth in it.” Tell yourself the truth. What has caused you to feel disappointed, to regret your actions or inactions? Do you want to make things right? If so, giving apologies are a great way to put clean sheets on the bed. Regretted inactions can be cleared, even if the people involved are no longer in your life. Choose someone else who could appreciate the gesture and take the action with them.

The Spare Room: Resentment and Grudges

These accumulate in the spare room because we’ve decided the relationship we’ve had with the person involved is dispensable, but we’re keeping them as spares. To clear these emotional energy blocks begin by forgiving yourself and the others. Love is For Giving and when we resent, the love is quite literally sent back; not received. Examine each grudge or resentment for any lessons that will serve going forward. Ask yourself what you’ve lost and/or gained from holding onto these. Are you willing to accept this person, or is it time to cut the ties, setting yourself and them free? I find it helps to write all my thoughts about these in a letter. If I want to recommit to the relationship, I communicate what I’ve written. If I do not, I burn the letter, allowing the Universe to set us both free.

The Workshop: Broken Promises

Go into the workshop to repair damage done by broken promises. These could be promises made to you or to others. Recall what motivated you to make the promise and what occurred that stopped you from keeping it. Are you willing to make amends and can you do it? What would the benefit of keeping this promise have given you or the other person? Is there still a way you can create this, or an equally valuable benefit now? If so, make a plan and do it. If not, offer an apology as soon as possible by communicating your feelings and the reasons behind them to the people involved – it’s never too late to ask for another chance. Again, remember to offer forgiveness and to express your gratitude for receiving forgiveness when you get it.

Doing the work of clearing the clutter in your mental/emotional house will bring you an amazing sense of freedom, power and grace.

You will begin feeling  light, happy, calm and confident. All efforts build your self esteem and create an aura of attractive energy for you that will be felt by others in your presence. Not only will your physical space be more naturally cleaned up, you may even find you’ll shed extra body weight as well as chronic health conditions or pain.

Your Clearing Toolbox:

There are many more tools and techniques you can use to make this work a little easier. Consider having your physical space cleared of energetic toxic waste left
over from conflicts, accidents, illnesses and injuries. Take sea salt baths regularly. Meditate either silently or with music designed to help you release any of the stagnant, heavy or dark energy within you. Keep a journal of you daily thoughts, feelings, awareness’s & celebrations.

Energy healing sessions are a great way to help you feel grounded, relaxed and confident while you do the decluttering. Ask for help and expect to receive it.
This is great work you’re doing and I would love to help you clean up the mess you’re in. Please do not hesitate to call me if you feel I could be of service to you, or someone you know.

Love blessings to you, Debra Taylor – Transformation Coach, Drum Reiki Master

By |2020-06-07T20:52:44+00:00April 29th, 2013|Uncategorized|2 Comments

How To Be More “Green” – Part One

Do you wish you had a lower environmental impact (LEI)? This is the new word for being more green.

Do you feel if you were more organized you might in fact be more green?

What is the first thing that comes to your mind?

please watch this short video on how to be more green

Did you think of the most popular “going green” tactic?

Follow these simple Top Ten Tips on

how to be more green

by being more organized.

Tip #1 Cut out buying packaged foods. Think of how much less garbage you will have. Buying whole fresh foods is better for you and better for the environment. You will need to be more organized as whole fresh foods take a little longer to prepare.

Tip #2 Do full loads of laundry. You will save so much more water and less soap will be going into our environment. Have set laundry days. No more washing just the hockey uniform for tomorrow’s game.

Tip #3 Have all your errands planned and routed out. Think of how much gas and time you will save. This makes you SUPER green.

Tip #4 Be green by doing light coloured hand laundry first in a big bowl of water. Then wash your darks before tossing the water and doing a rinse. Hanging clothing items to dry also saves on our environment. You need to be organized and plan in advance if you need that specialty piece of clothing for a certain day.

Tip #5 Get the whole family hanging out in one room, reading, working on their computers, doing homework or watching TV. You will be so green because every light in the house will not be on. Turn lights off as you exit a room.

Tip #6 Use your oven for multiply cooking. For example if you are going to roast a beef for dinner use that oven energy to roast potatoes. Follow up with baking cookies, muffins or a quick bread. This saves on having the oven on one night for dinner and another night for baking.

Tip #7 Cooking in bulk saves on electricity. Not to mention your own energy. Be organized by planning ahead.

Tip #8 Hang your towels after each use. This way you can use them again. If they sit on the floor they usually end up in the laundry hamper. Get your whole family doing this tip. You will save on laundry, water, and the environment.

Tip #9 Take your own cloth bags grocery shopping. Once you have unpacked your groceries put your cloth bags right by the door. They will be ready to go back in your car. Be green and organized by taking your cloth bags even if you are going to the mall.

Tip #10 Use your own coffee cup. You can save a lot of paper cups just by simply bringing your own “to go” mug to a coffee shop, work or an event where you know they will have paper cups.

Do you have any other great “green” tips? Please share them below.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:44+00:00April 15th, 2013|Home Organization, Organizer|10 Comments

How to Save Magazine Articles

how to save magazine articlesAre you the type of person who loves to save magazine articles?

Do you save the whole magazine or do you tear out the pages?

Do you have piles and piles of torn out articles?

What do you do with all of those torn out pages?

Do you ever reference the torn out pages?

These are the types of questions I get asked at almost every speaking engagement I do.

Check out this short video and hear my take on how to save magazine articles


If you like this video on how to save magazine articles, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.


After watching the video are you still planning on saving magazine articles?

If so you will want a system.

Set up files:

  • Health
  • Recipes
  • Decorating Ideas
  • Personal Growth
  • Travel
  • Whatever the topics are you want to save.

While reading a magazine simple tear the pages out that you would like to save and file right away. That is the key right there. You must do it right away or else you will end up with piles and piles of torn out articles. They will collect dust and you will NEVER look at them again.

I suggest putting a date on the files. If you have not read or reference the information in that  file by a certain date (say 6 months) then toss it.

Have you found that the same information gets recycled year after year? It might have a slightly different twist to it but generally it is the same ideas and tips. This is another reason why I do not save articles.

Or take my advice in the video.

What do you think will work best for you?

Please leave your comments in the box below. I would love to hear from you.

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By |2020-06-07T20:52:44+00:00April 1st, 2013|Home Organization, Organizer, Recipes|2 Comments


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