Getting Your Recipes Together

Getting Your Recipes Together5 Simple Tips for getting your recipes together, so you can prepare meals for your family with ease.  You will be able to find your favorite recipes in 20 seconds or less and without any frustration!

How many cookbooks do you have?  How many of them do you use or even look at? Do you save all your old magazines just for the recipes? Do you reference those magazines?  Are you feeling overwhelmed?

You are not alone.

It is fascinating that hundreds of new cookbooks are being published each year. So what do you do with all of theses great recipes??

Here are the TOP 5 Tips on getting your recipes together, so you can prepare meals for your family with little or no ease and easily finding your favorite recipes in 20 seconds or less and without frustration:

#1 Sit down with a nice cup of tea or coffee and pull out all of your recipes and cookbooks, this includes those magazine clippings.

#2 Go through each recipe and ask yourself these 3 questions:

  1. Would I ever make this dish?
  2. When was the last time I looked at this cookbook or this recipe?
  3. If I was going to cook a recipe like this, would I run to my computer and look it up online or would I use this cook book?  Be honest!

#3 If you are not loving, using, or making any dishes from your recipes or cookbooks then it is time for them to be passed on.

I recently gave a couple of cookbooks to my nephew who is an aspiring chef. He works and lives in Whistler BC. He enjoys looking at cookbooks more than reading recipes online.  Is this true for yourself, please share your answer with me by commenting below.

#4 Do you have an “old fashioned” recipe card file box?  You will want to go through this box and toss out all the recipes you NEVER use. Keep your most favorite ones.

I love my recipes on these cards as they usually have a few spilled sauces on them or a dash of sugary syrup.  I am kind of an old fashioned gal at heart.

#5 Do you clip recipes from magazines?  Many people do as they have the best of intentions to make that dish.  Do you ever end up making the recipe?  If so, you’ll want a system for keeping these tried and true favorites.  You could store these recipes in a binder. Use tabs to separate the different categories. Main dishes, appetizers, desserts, etc. OR you can copy your favorites on your old fashioned recipe cards.

I only keep and file recipes that I have tried and are a family winner. Be honest with yourself. If you have not looked at this pile of torn out recipes then it is time to toss. I know you have the best of intentions to make them, but you now can go online if and when you decide to make that dish. Big piles of paper collect loads of dust. Be cautious of this when it comes to your old magazines and recipes.

We are creatures of habit.  Most of us end up cooking our top 5-10 favorite meals.

Know yourself.  Trust yourself.  Stick to a cooking plan that is working for you.

Are you feeling a bit lost on where to start or need to get your whole kitchen organized (not just the recipes)?  With the holidays coming up, now is the perfect time.  If you live in the Vancouver area, contact me today for a 30-minute complimentary no-obligation phone consultation.

During the consultation we will discuss your biggest organizing challenge, what is frustrating you most, and changes you can make to ensure you can fly through the holidays with ease, and of course have plenty of time and energy to enjoy them!

Then we will discuss organizing packages and pricing.  If we are good fit for one another, we can schedule your first personalized in-home organizing session.

Here’s to your success!

By |2020-06-07T20:52:51+00:00November 1st, 2011|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Getting Your Procrastination Together – how to stop it once and for all

procrastinationDoes that sound like an oxymoron to you?

How many years of unfilled income tax returns do you have?

Are you driving yourself crazy by putting projects off over and over again?

Are you a last minute person?

Procrastination can come in many different disguises but it always includes waiting until the last possible moment to do something.  Most people feel stressed in these situations and the people around them are usually feeling stressed as well. They feel bad about themselves and their actions.

I do not believe in feeling bad about yourself. And you should know, you are not alone.  Most of us struggle with procrastination at least some of time (if not most of the time).  This week I am going to share with you 5 tips for overcoming procrastination once for all!

Once you overcome procrastination you will probably be amazed at what you get done each week and the results it produces.

Try out these 5 strategies this week:

#1 Getting and staying motivated.

You should set a specific goal or a desire to succeed. Ask a friend or family member to join you in this new journey of not procrastinating. Sign up for a free daily motivational email to remind you of your goal.

#2 Set deadlines.

Setting realistic deadlines are important in getting out of the procrastination hole. Deadlines provide you a sense of urgency.  Meeting deadlines will also help you in getting and staying motivated. You’ll feel good about yourself once you have met the deadline. Harnessing these good feelings will help you to want to continue in succeeding.

#3 Take one step at a time.

Break your “to-do’s” down into smaller manageable steps. When you start to see some progress, or your list becoming smaller, you will want to continue on and will have the motivation to keep going.

#4 Focus on your goals and tasks.

Focusing on one task or goal at a time is a major point when you are clearing the clutter and getting organized.  Craft a “master to-do list” of all the things you would like to accomplish, and then break it down into smaller, more manageable “to-do’s”. Begin with what is most important and those items only you can complete. Notice if there are some items on your list that you can delegate.

#5 Getting organized.

This is my favorite tip of all. It is a challenge to work or live in a disorganized space. Being disorganized can lead to a feeling of being overwhelmed, of stress, and that feeling of wanting to give up. Being disorganized is the number one factor in procrastination. When you have systems in place and know where everything is, you will see how much better you feel about doing your taxes on time, your projects or finishing your goals.

For more detailed information, or to hire, please contact me. I am happy to provide you with a free phone consultation to discuss your needs and how I may be able to help you in how to stop procrastination.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:51+00:00October 17th, 2011|Uncategorized|0 Comments

How to Organize Your Purse

Have you ever wondered how to organize your purse?
Do you carry everything including the kitchen sink in your purse?

How much does your purse weigh?

Did you know the average ladies purse weighs between 6 and 11 pounds? Now that is a lot of stuff to carry around.

Many ladies are finding they have back and shoulder problems because of the weight of their purse. You do not want to be one of them.

Check out this short video on how to organize your purse.

I think you will love the pouchee purse organizer.

Select your color and grab your Pouchee Purse Organizer NOW!

As many of you know I love to collect funny stories.

At one of my Purse Organizing Parties ( this is the best place to learn how to organize your purse) I came across a lady who had a piece of toast in her purse.

She was thrilled that I had found it because it had been lost since the morning. It was her daughters breakfast and she could not find it! I am happy to report there was no peanut butter or jam on it. Can you imagine the mess if there was?

What is the most interesting thing you have ever found in your purse or carry around with you in your purse?

Love to hear from you in the comment box below.

PS Have you booked your purse party? If not please contact me today to book one.


If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your homein 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:51+00:00August 24th, 2011|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Purse Parties! How to organize your purse

When was the last time you got together with your girlfriends?

What did you do?

If you can not remember when the last time was then  it is time to book a party.
Check out this short video on
Purse Parties!

How to organize your purse.


Why not grab a bottle of Merlot and get your BF’s together for a fun filled night.

You will learn top organizing tips including how to organize your purse.

We will have fun sharing stories.

You’ll hear about the most interesting item I found in a purse. I want to hear about the most interesting item you carry around in your purse. Please leave your comments in the box below.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your homein 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:51+00:00August 24th, 2011|Uncategorized|4 Comments

Getting Your Cosmetic Bag Together

 Have you ever wondered about getting your cosmetic bag together?
Is your make-up bag lost in the 70’s?

Is it time for a new look? Go grab your cosmetic bag and have some fun with this video.

You will learn the top tips to getting your cosmetic bag together.

 What is the oldest cosmetic item you found in your cosmetic bag?

Did you have a good laugh or were you grossed out?

How would you like a new look? Contact me today and book an appointment for a makeover. You will learn the lastest of make-up styles that work best for you. You will learn how to use everything that is in your cosmetic bag.

You will learn that getting your cosmetic bag together is as easy as one two three.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your homein 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:51+00:00January 31st, 2011|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Holiday Travel Tips. How to be organized and ready to go at the drop of a hat.

Do you love to travel?

I sure do.

That is why I created this short video on holiday travel tips.

I want you to be organized and ready to go at the drop of a hat.

Many of you know that I love to travel. I have been blessed to travel with my golf clubs. I have been blessed to travel with my skis. This type of travel requires good organizational skills.

 This is a funny picture of me after skiing all day.Then we came across a golf course. If I had my clubs I could have done a round!holiday travel tips

For more holiday travel tips please contact me.

I provide a 30 minute FREE phone consultation to give you up to 5 holiday travel tips. You will be the envy of your Friends.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:52+00:00August 23rd, 2010|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Giving back to your Community

What are your thoughts on giving back to your community?

What interesting things do you do to give back. I would sure love to hear them in the comment box below.

In the mean time please watch this shoret video on giving back to your community.

You will see my bowling talents in action………or not.

 This annual fundraiser is put on by Big Brothers of Vancouver. It is  loud, fun and exciting to be a part of this event.

If you would like to be a part of this fundraiser please contact me. They are looking for bowlers and for businesses that would like to donate prizes.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your homein 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:52+00:00May 26th, 2010|Uncategorized|2 Comments


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