Do You Need to Hire a Professional Organizer?

Are you suffering from too much stuff in too small a space, too much stuff in a large space or simply too much stuff?

Do you have trouble locating important information in your office?

Can you find what you are looking for without getting stressed out?

Do you lose your keys, phone, eye glasses or kids?

Do you need to hire a professional organizer?


 Check out this video to see.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Have you ever thought “there has got to be a better way to manage all your papers”?
  • Is it a challenge for you and your family to get out the door on time each morning?
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed?
  • What is your stress level? Would you like it lower?
  • Are you embarrassed to have friends or family over?
  • How would you feel if the neighbours dropped in unexpectedly?
  • Does it take you more than 20 seconds to find what you are looking for?
  • Would you like systems?
  • Would you like your kids to be more organized?

If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, it might be time to hire a professional organizer.

I know of a really great one! 😀

I will encourage, support and empower you with moving forward in getting organized and staying clutter free. I will support and encourage you with the purging of stuff.  Most importantly I will give you your life back.

Let me know what area in your home is bugging you the most. Leave your bug list in the comment box below. I will give you a tip to get started right away with getting and staying clutter free.

Have you taken advantage of your FREE session yet?

If not then please ease on over HERE and let’s get started today.

We can discuss if you need to hire a professional organizer, or if you need some productivity coaching sessions or maybe you need just a little pep talk.

 Either way I am here to support, encourage and empower you with moving forward.

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Organizer

Have you ever thought about the benefits of hiring a professional organizer?

How many times have you said to yourself “why can I not do this on my own?”

Many clients comment on reduced stress, more time, more energy and more freedom once they have worked with me.

So I thought I would share even more of the benefits of hiring a professional organizer.

Please be sure to take a moment to watch this short video on what are the benefits of hiring a professional organizer.

The benefits of working with me a professional organizer is that I will keep you focused to task.

I will be on time.

I will develop a plan of action for you and your space. If you require a handyman, contractor for renovationss, painter, rubbish removal, disposing of stuff or a piano moved I will provide the people. My endless supply of resources has proven to be priceless. So my clients say.

A huge benefit of working with a professional organizer is being ruthless.

I have a few key questions I ask you as we are sorting, purging and tossing. This makes the decisions a little easier for you. Shall you keep it, toss it, store it, sell it or set up a system for it?

Many clients feel like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders once they start decluttering.

If you would like to hear more benefits of hiring a professional organizer then please take advantage of my FREE session. Simply click HERE.

We will discuss your needs, your questions and how I can be of service to you.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, enter your name and email address to the right and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

Traveling With Children

Traveling with children can be stressful.

Have you ever done it and vowed you would NEVER do it again? Ah come on, Grandma and Grandpa really do want to see you and the little darlings. Even if it means time change, flights, car rentals, etc.

Traveling With ChildrenI do not have children of my own, however I do have a very large extended family. We travel often together. The children range in ages from 2-11. This means everything from high chairs to “almost” total independence. Some of our best trips are to Whistler BC. The thing about BC Canada is that you are never 100% sure on the weather. This can make it a little challenging for packing. Will we ski? Will we swim? Are we going to be caught in the rain, snow or sun?

Keeping all this in mind it is important to pack for almost anything. It is also very important to be organized and not look like you are moving in. On our last trip, one of the grandsons arrived with a full suitcase. He was staying with us for 5 days. He had 3 hoodies, 4 pairs of pants and seven shirts. Guess what? He stayed in the same outfit the whole time. (I would not recommend this.) It was his favorite and most comfortable one. Shame that his mom packed far too many items even if he did decide to change.

Check out this short video on “How to be organized while traveling with kids”:

Follow these simple tips on traveling with children and you will arrive organized, happy and well rested.

Tip#1 Timing

If at all possible try and plan your trip around nap time. No not yours! Your kids. Can you tire your children out before boarding a plane? Most airports have play centres. Hang out there prior to getting in any long line ups.

Tip#2 Special Treats

Traveling With ChildrenBe careful not to get them over stimulated with sugary foods. Have special treat items that are only allowed for travel. For example; keep a very special toy on one side for when you get on the plane, boat, train or car. They do not get to see it or play with it any other times. You might also like to have special food items that are only for travel. Do you remember when you were a kid and the only time of year we could get Japanese oranges was at Christmas? It was such a huge treat. Ok, am I dating myself?

Tip#3 Specialty Items

Do you need to bring everything from home or can you rent/borrow some items? One of our granddaughters lives in Ontario. She is the youngest and still needs a high chair, stroller and playpen. These items can be found at most secondhand stores, Craigslist or even for free. (Check out We keep these items on hand for when they visit. When they are not visiting us I lend them to other grandmas in my area. This way I do not have to store them.

Tip#4 Routine

Once you have arrived at your vacation destination, try to get your children back on track with their regular routine. Keep bedtime the same as at home, meal times the same and discipline the same. I know it is easy to say “we are on vacation so you can have that extra cookie or yes you can stay up really late tonight.” Children thrive on routine and it is a high price to pay if they get out of it. Nothing says stress more than cranky, sick kids.

Tip#5 Travel Light

Have you seen people getting on the plane with a carry-on bag larger than life? It amazes me that those bags fit in the overhead compartment. Whether you are traveling with kids or not, this is a great rule of thumb. Make your carry on light and your suitcase light. Most places have washing machines nowadays. Pack light and do a load of wash if need be. Wear your heaviest bulky clothes on the plane, train, boat or car. The weight restrictions are so strict these days that you would hate to be paying for oversize luggage. If you go to the same destination often, consider leaving some items there. We have a drawer for our granddaughter’s belongings. Rather than send her clothes for her birthday I have them ready for her in her little drawer. This saves on packing as well. Can any clothing items be shared amongst the children? Can any toys be shared?

Traveling With ChildrenThe key to a happy, stress-free travel is making sure mommy and daddy are well rested, well fed and keep their cool. This will filter down into the rest of the family. Be prepared for long lines, wait times and unforeseen frustrations. Know that once you get to your destination it will be worthwhile. Hopefully there is a glass of Merlot waiting for you!

By |2020-06-07T20:52:45+00:00December 8th, 2012|Organizer, Time Management, Travel Organization|0 Comments

Organizing Travel Documents

Do you like to travel?

How organized are you when you travel?

Watch this short video on organizing travel documents for some of the inside scoop.

It was taken in the Cairns Australia airport.

Next time you take off for some exotic place you will be ready and organized to go.

When we were at the check-in counter in Sydney getting ready to head to Cairns the guy in front of us wanted to use his Facebook page for identification. He had not watched this video on “organizing travel documents!”

He was very surprised that the agent would not let him do so. Maybe one day in the future we will be able to use our social media as identification however, in the meantime be sure to use these travel tips so you will not miss a flight or get turned away.

organizing travel documentsYou can use a file folder, a Ziploc bag or my all time favorite…I use the Pouchee purse organizer for organizing travel documents.

It holds a passport perfectly (very easy to put it right back in its place once it is returned to you from the custom’s officer). It holds all your other identification including credit cards and cash.

It even holds your lipstick, camera and cell phone along with a pen. A pen is a very important item to carry when traveling. There are always documents that need to be filled out.

Be sure to check out the Pouchee purse organizer here.

If you like this video on organizing travel documents, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.

  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free eBook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:45+00:00October 29th, 2012|Organizer, Travel Organization|2 Comments

Being a Good House Guest


Have you ever thought about what being a good house guest looks like?

Would you like it if your house guests knew how to act better?

Check out this short video on being a good house guest.

You might want to share it with your family and friends.


I would like to think that if you follow these tips you will not smell!

Tip#1 Don’t offer to help.
I know this sounds strange. What I have found is that if you ask your hostess if she needs any help she often reply’s with “no, just sit and relax”.
You are better off just seeing what needs to be done and doing it. For example, throw the dishes in the dish washer or tidy up the living room.

Tip#2 Clean up after yourself.
You know the saying “do unto others as you would like have done unto you”. Well the same goes for being a house guest. If you had guests you would want them to tidy up after themselves. Take your sheets off your bed and toss them in the washer. Use your hand towel to wipe down the bathroom sink and mirror.

Tip#3 Don’t spread.
I have had house guests that have their stuff in every single room of my home. When it is time for them to pack up, they seem to always miss a thing or two. I always do a “sweep” of the house to see what is left behind before they take off.being a good hous guest

Tip#4 Pay your way.
Treat your hostess to coffee, take her flowers and buy some groceries.

Tip#5 Send a thank you card.
I love finding great greeting cards. Send a hand written note. It really does mean a lot to the people who have had you in their home.

Have you taken advantage of your FREE 20 minute session? Why not do that today?

I will give you one of my all time favorite organizing tips. We can discuss your clearing the clutter needs as well.

If you like this video on being a good house guest please click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.

And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:45+00:00October 6th, 2012|Home Organization, Organizer, Travel Organization|0 Comments

Storing Chargers-How to Keep Track of Yours by Rowena List, Professioanl Organizer


storing chargers How many phone chargers do you have? Phone chargers for your phone, your spouse, your kids, the phone you owned three years back?

Do you have a way of storing chargers?

Do you have chargers but no phone? I see this a lot in homes. Bags and boxes of electronic chargers. None of them labeled so we do not know what they belong to.

If you have not needed the charger in the last week my guess is you will not need it. Open that drawer of chargers and think about it. Are you storing chargers you haven’t used in weeks, months, will you really use them again?



photo via dave patten

Please take a moment to watch this short video on storing chargers-

Now take a moment to label all of your chargers. I like to use the small plastic bread bag clips. You can write on them and attach to the cord of the chargers

Did you know that the number one item people leave behind in a hotel room is their phone charger? You can go to any front desk and ask for one as they have boxes of them. Some what like your local swimming pool with swim goggles.

Do you have a great story about “storing chargers?” Please leave it in the comment box below.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends. And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list. You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.


How to Organize Your Golf Bag

how to organize your golf bagHow much do you love to golf?

Are you ready to golf at the drop of a hat? Part of being able to do that is having your golf bag organized at all times. Doesn’t sound like fun? You would do it -if you knew how to organize your golf bag easier?

This short video will give you some tips on what to carry in your bag and how to organize your golf bag.

Take a look.

As many of you know I have golfed all over the world. It is a neat way to pick a travel destination. For example who would have thought that Egypt had golf? We know they have endless amounts of sand which I found myself in some of the time! Egypt is by far one of the most exotic places I have golfed.

Knowing how to organize your golf bag is even more crucial when you travel.

How about you?

Please leave your best golfing story below in the comment box.  I would love to hear them.

Any extra tips on how to organize your golf bag? I would love to hear those too!

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:48+00:00May 9th, 2012|Organizer, Travel Organization|2 Comments

How to Organize Your Car: Honk if Yours is a Mess

“They” say you can tell a lot about a person by the way they keep their car.

What does your car say about you? What would your car say if it could talk?

“Please get me out of here or thank you for taking good care of me or can we please get an air freshener.”

How much time do you spend in your car? Are you a sales rep, a busy mom driving kids all day long or a business executive?

It is important to make sure your car is a good representation of you and the image you would like to project. I’ve had people refuse to let me inside their car…and we were going to carpool! This type of unnecessary stress and potential embarrassment can be avoided.

Simply follow these quick tips and learn how to organize your car.

organizeTIP #1: Have a small garbage can or plastic bag in your car. Toss all finished coffee cups, gum wrappers or any other garbage items in the plastic bag or garbage can. When you stop to fill up for gas simply toss out the trash. This small detail, done once a week or so will keep your car looking and smelling fresh.

TIP #2: Keep a small basket in the front passenger seat floor area. This basket will come in handy for CD cases (if your music is not on an iPod), mobile device chargers, flashlight, etc. I like to keep a small tube of hand cream and nail file in mine. If I am stopped in traffic I like to apply hand cream or file the odd nail. In the summer I carry sunscreen in my basket as well. This is really important if you like to have your sunroof open. Here in Vancouver the day might start out cloudy and then turn to sun. You do not want to get burnt. Be sure to not let your little basket become a dumping ground for unwanted car items. For example your kids homework or kids toys, etc.

TIP #3: What does your glove box say about you? If you were to look in mine you would find healthy snacks. I keep a couple of protein bars and a bag of dry nuts. I also store my sunglasses in there along with a small note book and pen. This is not the place to keep your car insurance papers and documents. If someone were to break into your car you do not want them to have access to your home address. Store your important papers in your trunk under the spare tire. Along with a first aid kit.

organizeTIP #4: Let’s talk about your trunk. What is in yours? It is amazing how trunks can become a dumping ground for all sorts of things. It is important to clear out your trunk at least twice a month. You’ll be amazed at what you will find.

I like to keep a collapsible plastic box in my trunk along with a collection of reusable shopping bags. I also have a spare pair of runners, a pair of gloves, an old sweater, and warm ear protectors. It never gets that cold here in Vancouver however being an ex-girl guide I like to always be prepared. If I were to ever break down I could walk for help.

TIP #5: This tip is for those of you who live in very extreme weather conditions or maybe your car is a little older. You will want to make sure you have the items required for snow removal and icy conditions.  Jumper cables, small tool box and like new spare tire…or a valid triple A/BCAA card!

I would love to hear some of your funny car stories. What have you found in your car when getting it organized and cleared out? One of my clients found a piece of toast! She had wondered where her daughter’s breakfast had gotten too.

We all know how it feels to sit in a brand new car. The smell of a brand new car. The look of a brand new car. Even if you have never had a brand new car you might know of someone who has or you might have gone to a dealership to check them out. Keep that feeling/smell in your mind while organizing your car. Make it a goal to keep your car in the nice new state. Keep the outside shiny as well. You’ll be amazed at how many compliments you get on your car.

Getting It Together FAQ’s – Part 2

Thank you for all of your questions. You know I love hearing from you. The interesting thing is that most people share very similar questions and concerns when it comes to clearing the clutter and getting organized.

Please keep those questions coming. Together we can help each other.

Q- What should I do with those plastic bags that a set of sheets comes in? I hate to toss them because they have the zipper closure and look so handy.

A- You are right! They can be handy. I have used those bags to store my good round baking tins. I find by putting them in the bag they do not get scratched. They are easy to see and store. I have also used those bags with my clients. We put all electrical cords in one. Again easy to see.

I don’t know about you but I have NEVER been able to get the set of sheets back in those bags. Have you?

Q- How can I tell my friends and family to stop buying me presents? I just do not need anything and I am trying to downsize.

A- Most grownups do not “need” anything. We are all so blessed. Many years ago I sent a letter to all my friends explaining that I was no long going to give gifts. Instead I wanted to make memories with them. They were all so happy to get this letter because they never knew what to buy me or their other friends. Now we get together for lunch, a movie, or have our nails done. Anything that is memory making and consumable. Be the first to start a trend. Think consumable!

Q- How many sets of towels should I have?

A- This depends on the number of people in the house. I would recommend 2- 3 bath towels per person, 1-2 hand towels per person and 5-7 face cloths per person. Most homes have a washer these days. If you go to the laundromat then you might want a couple of extras. Use one bath towel per person per week. It is better for the environment and laundry bill. Use one face cloth per person per day. The common used hand towel can be changed every few days.

I can never figure out how the hand towel can get so dirty when we are drying our clean hands! I keep a few “older” towels on hand for when we are heading off to the pool or beach.

Q- What can I do with all the recycling my local garbage company does not pick up?

A- Do you live in the Metro Vancouver Area? If so, you know your local company only picks up plastic, tins, glass and paper. Here are a couple of options. Call BC Recycling Hotline 604-RECYCLE (604-294-7972) or take your items to a local recycling depot. There is one in Burnaby at 4800 Still Creek Ave or once a month you can go to Britannia Center in Vancouver. Check out their site at

Treat yourself to a nice coffee after.

Q- How can I tell if I am disorganized?

A- The rule is if you cannot find what you are looking for in 20 seconds or less you are considered disorganized. This might sound harsh. What it means is that if your keys are on the hook you’ll find them right away. If they are not then you might go searching. If your eye glasses are always put away in the same spot you will be able to find them. If they are not, it might take you longer than 20 seconds to find them.

What is your burning question? What is your biggest organizing obstacle? Inquiring minds want to know. Please leave a comment below or contact me at for a FREE 30 minute phone consultation. We will discuss your burning question and how you can move forward with clearing the clutter.

Stress Free Travel: Arrive Refreshed, Energized and Ready to Go

Do you enjoy travel?

How would you like to travel minus the stress?

Would you like some tips on stress free travel? You’ll arrive refreshed, energized and ready to go!

Below are 5 simple tips to get you on your “merry” way and leave the stress behind:

Tip#1: Time. If you want stress free travel you need to allow enough time for any unforeseen mishaps. Like running out of gas. Do you know how long it takes you to get to your local airport? Add on an extra 30 minutes. If traffic is heavy or there is an accident slowing traffic you won’t get stressed out.  If check in is an hour add on an extra 30 minutes. This will allow for any long line ups or packing issues (overweight baggage, for example).

Tip#2: Documents. I love this saying. “A place for everything and everything in its place.” Do you have a handy document file folder or a pouch in your travel bag?  When your passport is handed back, you immediately put it back in the file folder or pouch. None of this “I’ll do it later.” Then toss it in your bag. This is how important documents get misplaced.

My Aunt was traveling to England. She had her passport in her hand. When she got to customs she could not find it. Long story short she had tossed her passport out with her coffee cup! Good thing she had ample time to go back and retrieve it out of the garbage can.

Tip#3: Clothing. Wear the most comfortable clothing you have. I love watching people at the customs line up as they start to get undressed. Belts, boots, layers of clothing.  This can cause stress for those who are running late. Wear easy to remove shoes. Wear items that won’t set the x-ray machines off. Be mindful of your carry-on bag.

There was a lady at the Paris airport that had about 6 paper shopping bags that would not fit in the machine. She was shoving and pushing trying to get them through the x-ray. She was late for her plane. Talk about STRESS.

Pack one day of bare essentials in your carry-on. Toothbrush, clean panties, prescription medication, and a good book.

Tip#4: Snacks. Low blood sugar makes people grumpy and stressed. I carry protein bars, dried nuts and fruit and some hard candies. Once past all the restricted areas grab a bottle of water. I know most airlines give you water but it is never enough. One of the best ways to arrive at your destination refreshed, energized and ready to go is to be well hydrated.

Tip#5: Pack early. Are you so excited about your trip that you park early or do you leave it to the last minute? Make a master list of must have items. Pull your suitcase out. Place it in an out of the way location in your home. As you think of items to take toss them into the case. 2 days prior to travel get your master list in hand. Pull everything out and systematically put each item back in the suitcase as you check it off your master list. Good rule of thumb is that each piece of clothing should go with at least 3 other items in your case.

If you are already at your travel destination pack the night before. Check your room for items that might be under the bed, electrical cords, and things in drawers or closets.

Here is to fun, safe, stress free travels. Hope to run into you on the slopes!


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