What To Do With Old Paint by Rowena List, Professional Organizer

How many tins of old paint do you have sitting in your garage?

Are you saving it for touchups that never happen?

Did you know your tins of paint can be reused or recycled?

Every single home I work in has tins of old paint. Everyone has the best of intentions for keeping it. They keep it for when they might do some touchups or if they feel they’re going to repaint the whole room they will want to repaint it the same colour.

The funny thing is, that when it’s time to re-paint, most people choose a new colour even if it’s fairly close to what is already on their walls. They want a fresh look. And just like fashion, home decor has its’ trends.

So, what to do with your old paint?

In British Columbia Canada we have “Product Care Recycling.”

I would like to think similar programs run throughout most countries in the world.

There are over 200 depots throughout British Columbia that except left over household paint for recycling. Each depot accepts 10 cans of paint per person, per day, provided that the paint is residential grade, in its original container with the original labeling, and is not leaking.

Find the nearest recycling location in your province using Product Care’s find a recycling location tool.

Simply enter your location, then select the product you’d like to return, click search and browse the results.



If you have good quality paint in great condition you can take it to the “Paint Share Program” in Delta British Columbia.

Call 604 – 592–2972

Leftover paint is given away to non-profit and community groups as well as low income families. This paint is used to cover graffiti, painting sheds, fence posts, theatre sets and murals.

When buying paint, remember the BUD rule:

BUY no more pain than you need. Ask your retailer for help in estimating how much paint your project requires.

USE up all the paint you buy by adding an extra coat to an area which could use additional protection, or giving leftovers to a neighbour or community group. Or check your local Habitat for Humanity ReStore.

DISPOSE of any leftover paint safely and responsibly.

Follow these simple rules if you choose to store leftover paint..

1) Clean can rim for a good seal. Store can upside down.
2) Label paint tins with the colour and room which it was used for.
3) Store paint away from heat and moisture.
4) Keep paint out of reach from children and pets.
5) Stored paint has a shelf life of about ten years. Be sure to date your tins.

Thank you to the “Product Care Recycling Depots of British Columbia” for the following facts and information.

For more details on recycling within North America contact

PS: What other household items do you have that you are not sure what to do with? Contact us today for a free over the phone consultation.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:31+00:00September 17th, 2019|Home Organization, Organizing to Move|0 Comments

How To Conquer Procrastination Once And For All – Part II by Rowena List of Getting It Together

Procrastination is the intentional and continual postponement of a task that should be done now. Chronic procrastinators can have a negative impact on productivity not only their own but within a corporation.

Do you put off important tasks?

Is the stress of procrastinating getting to you?

Check out this short video and then read on for Getting It Togethers’ Top 5 Tips on How To Conquer Procrastination Once And For All – Part II.

Tip 1: Make a list of all the things you have been procrastinating about. Beside each item estimate how long each task will take. Break the tasks into bite-size pieces and then schedule time in your calendar to work on these tasks. The way to work around procrastination is if you treat these task as though they are equally as important as seeing your dentist or medical specialist.

Tip 2: Get help. You don’t have to do everything yourself. What tasks can you delegate? For example, doing your taxes.

Tip 3: Eliminate perfectionism. Recognize that good is good enough and that it’s better to get it done then to delay until it can be perfect. Let’s face it, nothing is perfect, no one is perfect and life certainly is not perfect. Don’t put yourself on a guilt trip if you do procrastinate once in a while. After all, you’re not perfect.

Tip 4: List the advantages of doing the task and compare them with the consequences of not doing it. This should help light a fire under you to stop procrastinating once and for all.

Tip 5: Don’t wait until you have more time; you will probably have no more time in the future than you have right now. Have you ever talked to someone who has retired? They always wonder how they ever had time to work. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, it’s how we spend them that counts. Procrastination is the thief of time. Don’t let it rob you of your precious moments. IMG_4999

PS: If you didn’t get a chance to read part 1, grab a coffee and read it here

Downsizing Made Simple by: Rowena List of Getting It Together

Are you; or someone you know getting ready to downsize?

Has the house been a museum for 30, 40, 50 years?

Are you wondering where to start?

Start by having these items on hand:

  • Boxes
  • Packing tape
  • Black marker
  • Labels
  • Industrial strength garbage bags
  • Scissors
  • Gloves (for cleaning and for areas such as the garage and crawl space)
  • Cleaning supplies

Check out this short video and then read on for Getting It Together’s Top 5 Tips to Downsizing Made Simple:

Tip 1: Have an action plan. If you’re a homeowner, first select the date you want to list your home. These tips work well even if you’re not selling but want to downsize the number of items you have in your current space.

The key part to this action plan is a master to do list. What services might you need to hire out? Will you need IMG_4738professional movers, packers, cleaners and of course the most important person…. your professional organizer?

Tip 2: Check the layout of your new place if at all possible. Knowing this information is extremely helpful when it comes time to dealing with furniture that may or may not fit into your new place. It’s also helpful to know the size of your new kitchen, bathroom and your closet space so you only take items that you will use, items that you love and, of course, the items that you really need.

Find out if getting closet/cupboard organizers installed before you move into your new place will help to maximize your storage space, e.g. Pull-outs in the kitchen cupboards and/or built in closet organizers.

Tip 3: Take it slow. You may be moving from your family home which you have lived in for decades. There’re a lot of memories in your home and downsizing may bring up some emotions.

I highly recommend the “15 minute- to- freedom” downsizing method. It means setting your timer for 15 minutes and going through one drawer at a time or one cupboard at a time. Take another 15 minutes and look at downsizing your purses or shoes. This method can be used throughout the entire house as long as you’re not on a tight timeline.

Tip 4: Make a list of items that need to be sold and a list of the items that will be given to family members and which ones will be donated. I suggest using bright coloured labels. Use bright green for all the items that are going to be sold. Simply stick the label onto those items and label them as “Sell”IMG_4737

Use bright yellow labels for the ones that will be donated and red ones for the ones that are going to family members. Do you have family heirlooms? If so, leave any special instructions with them. One of my clients had shelves of binders full of their family history. When downsizing they requested, I take the binders to the local Genealogy Society.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the volume of stuff? This is where Rowena can really come in handy as she knows all the resources and best places for your previously loved items to go.

Tip 5: Visualize what you will be doing in your new space. Will you still host the monthly bridge club, have small dinner parties, or would you rather be going to other people’s places for such things? Knowing this information will help you determine what items are necessary for you to bring to your new space.

Eliminate the three deadly words “just in case”. Downsizing requires ruthlessness. If you’re feeling stuck with a particular item simply ask yourself “would I replace this if it were lost in a flood or fire?”


How To Organize Your Cosmetic Bag

Is your cosmetic bag stuck in the 80s?

When was the last time you really organized your cosmetic bag?IMG_2203

Have you ever thought about what might be growing in your cosmetic bag?

It’s important to update and clear out your cosmetic bag every 6 to 12 months.


Just like fashion styles, cosmetics have a style of their own. What you wore when you were in your 20s, 30s, and 40s would certainly not be what you would be wearing as you age gracefully. It’s important to refresh your wardrobe and cosmetics at least once a year.

It’s also important to clear out your cosmetic bag because of bacteria. Bacteria grows in mascara and our brushes. This can cause serious eye irritations.

Check out this short video on How To Organize Your Cosmetic Bag and then read on to get Getting It Together‘s Top 7 Tips.

Tip 1: The use it, need it, love it principal. Ask yourself “do I use it? “do I love it?” If you answered no to any of these questions, then you know what to do…..toss it out.

Tip 2: Keep your look current. You will feel more confident, beautiful and youthful by keeping your look current. Make sure you review and update your skin care routine as well. Our skin changes with the seasons and as we age.

Tip 3: Are you being ruthless? Watch out for the three deadliest words “just in case”. Go through your cosmetic bag and toss out all the old products that are no longer serving you and that you haven’t used in the last six months. Keep in mind we use 20% of our cosmetic items 80% of the time.

Tip 4: Consult your local beauty specialist. Work with a cosmetic company that offers a “try before you buy, 100% guarantee”. Beauty consultants will review with you what’s new, what looks best on you and teach you how to use the products that are best suited for you.

Tip 5: Gift with purchase. A major source of clutter that can be found in a lot of cosmetic bags are those lovely “gift with purchase” that you never use. Donate these unused cosmetics to your local women’s shelter.

Tip 6: Unused cosmetics. Did you buy something on impulse? A purchasing mistakes? If it hasn’t been used, you can return it to the store or the beauty consultant you are working with. Another option is to donate it to a women’s IMG_2186shelter.

Tip 7: Lifestyle change. For over 30 years I worked in the cosmetic industry. Now as a Professional Organizer I don’t wear nearly as much make up as I use to. And with being older, I don’t wear as much make-up. Did you know you look younger with less make up? Change your look as you change your lifestyle.

PS: Are you a woman on the go? Try this fast-easy routine of a simple skin care regiment, followed by a little foundation, bronzer, eyeliner, mascara and lipstick.

Would you like a fun makeover?
Contact www.gettingittogether.ca and book yours today.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:31+00:00March 19th, 2019|Home Organization, Organizer, Self Care Organization|0 Comments

Top 5 Getting It Together’s Organizing Mistakes

It’s well into the New Year and you’re bound and determined to get organized once and for all.

What are some of the stumbling blocks you come across?

Is it staying focused?

Is it setting aside enough time?

Or is it some of these common organizing mistakes listed below?

Check out this short video on the Top 5 Organizing Mistakes and then read on to get more tips.

Mistake #1: Thinking that out of sight means out of mind. If your home is organized and your life is organized then chances are your mind will be organized, which means you’ll know what’s in your cupboards, attic and crawlspace. Keep in mind that less is more. You can’t have everything in view or your place will be overwhelmingly cluttered. You need a place for everything and everything in its place.

Mistake #2: Putting the cart before the horse. Quite often people will go out and purchase several storage containers thinking that this will get them organized. Just as a treadmill doesn’t make you fit unless you use it the same is true with storage containers. Don’t buy any containers until you’ve done all the purging and know what needs to be stored. You’ll then know how many containers to purchase and which size will work best for your area.

(as you can see in the pictures, this repurposed wooden structure was turned into a shoe rack once we knew the 1number of shoes needing to be stored.)

Mistake #3: Not having a proper to do list. To do lists need to be broken down and assigned a verb. Look at your weekend ahead and write organize garage on your Saturday to do’s. Saturday morning arrives and this task looks so overwhelming that you don’t know where to start. So, you don’t. You go for coffee with a friend instead. The best and only tactic is to break down the job of organizing into bite-size pieces and assign a verb. For example. Recycle paint in garage. Toss out all broken sports equipment in garage. Repair shelving unit in garage.

Mistake #4: Thinking that everything has to be perfect. Kiss perfection goodbye and instead use KISS which equals keep it simple sweetie. Highly organized people have a huge value on time and how they spend it. Prioritize and get started. Don’t wait for everything to be perfect in your life before you clear the clutter.

Mistake #5: Not assigning a specific time to a task. It’s important to know or at least guess how long a specific task will take. For example: recycling the paint needs to get into the car and be driven to the local depot. Will this take approximately 30 minutes? Tossing out all broken sports equipment might take 15 minutes. When you’re doing your to do list also assign a time frame beside each task. And be sure to book these tasks in your calendar when you have the most energy. Are you a morning person or a late afternoon person? Do you need to have your favourite music on? Or do you need to be working alongside a Professional Organizer in order to get the ball rolling?

PS: Getting and staying organized is not a one-time thing. It is a daily commitment to at least 15 minutes. Do you need a power partner? If so, check out our coaching programs which are designed especially for you. www.gettingittogether.ca

By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00February 20th, 2019|Home Organization, Organizer, Time Management|0 Comments

How To Have A Balanced Life Once and For All

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a balanced life all the time?

As you strive for that balanced life and ultimately get it, there may be times when things are a little out of whack or not balanced at all. How do you cope in those times?

Know that your unbalanced life can be temporary if you check out this short video on “How To Have A Balanced Life Once and For All”  then read on for Getting It Togethers’ Top 4 Tips

Tip 1. Get More Organized Personally

Is that easier said than done? What about streamlining your home and getting it more organized? It takes 40% less time to clean an organized home. How would you spend that extra time? Look for ways to simplify. For example, IMG_4119making a big pot of stew at the beginning of the week or keeping meals easy and simple. Also, setting a weekly meal plan and doing one big grocery shop a week can be a big timesaver. Do your shopping when the grocery store isn’t busy like before 10:00am in the morning or after 7:00pm at night. Better yet, shop online and have it delivered.

Tip 2. You Don’t Have To Do It All Yourself

Resist the urge to do it all yourself. Delegate some tasks or temporarily giving up some activities that aren’t serving you at this time. For example, volunteer activities might have to be put on hold. You can always go back to these events once your temporarily unbalanced lifestyle is back on track. Be sure to give people plenty of notice so they can fill your position.

If you really want some extra time and relief why not hire a housekeeper. Just think of all the things you could be doing while your home is being cleaned.

Tip 3. Down Time Is Key

Everyone needs down time and relaxation time. Down time means sitting and reading a book, going for a massage, having a bubble bath or getting a manicure.

TV is one of the biggest time busters. Even with PVR. Did you know that a half hour show is really only fifteen minutes; the rest is commercials! How much are you watching? The average person is watching between 2-4 hours a day! Keep track in a week; you might be surprised. While you’re at it, keep track of how much time is spent on Social Media. This is another big-time buster and for what?

Tip 4. Remember Your Life Goals

Whether your life is balanced or unbalanced at this time, here is a great question to ask yourself when doing any FullSizeRendertask: “Is this contributing to my life goals?” If the answer is “yes”, then keep on doing it. If the answer is “no”, then delegate it, dump it or deal with it. Keep in mind to always be fair, firm and friendly, especially when delegating.

PS: Using a weekly plan sheet which is colour coded will give you more balance. Have you got yours? If not, Contact me at www.gettingittogether.ca or contact me directly at rowena@gettingittogether.ca I will get back to you.

You can even have a lesson on how to use it by booking a FREE over the phone discovery call.

A balanced, organized life is a happy life. Give yourself that gift.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00December 17th, 2018|Home Organization, Organizer, Time Management|0 Comments

Top Eight Ways To Declutter

Nothing takes on value unless it’s being used.

How many items do you have in your house that are not being used?

Are you saving them ” just in case?”

Those are the three deadliest words when it comes to decluttering. Just in Case

Check out this short video and then read on for Getting It Togethers Top Eight Ways To Declutter and see how much lighter you feel.

1) Everything you own needs to have purpose and value because it’s functional, it’s used or its loved. A beautiful heirloom from your grandmother might be of beauty because you have it displayed in a place of honour. If it’s in a box in the garage then it needs to go. Take a picture of it first if you must. Think about if you had a flood. Would you replace old broken items that you never use? No, of course not. So, pass them on now so that burden isn’t left to a family member.

2) A place for everything and everything in its place. The kitchen counter is not a catch all. Have a place for your keys, phone, kid’s homework etc.

3) Stay focused on one task at a time. Multitasking is a myth.

4) Have zones. Keep all plastic containers in one area so as to make food clean up easy. And don’t keep any bottoms without a lid or any lids without a bottom. It’s like odd socks. It happens in every household. It’s one of life’s mysteries. Toss out all the odd socks or start a trend by wearing mismatched socks. I see many kids are doing that these days. Have a zone for all appliances you use and that are in working order. Did you have ambitions of baking your own bread only to find out you haven’t used the bread maker in years? Time to pass it on.

5) Deal with things when you make the time for them. Note that I didn’t say when you have the time because we all have time for the things that are important to us. So set aside time to deal with your mail but don’t wait until the electricity company has switched off your hydro. Set aside time to Spring clean your home or set aside time to donate all the books you’ve already read. Make time to clear out the clutter from your closet. It’s very disempowering to open a closet and see a bunch of old outdated clothes or clothes that don’t fit. If you wouldn’t replace it if it was lost in a flood then it’s time for it to be donated. Get real! Get ruthless. Save photos till the last. It’s a big job. One that will take time. Set a timer and quickly sort photos into subject matter. Weddings, Christmas, kids, vacations etc. Once in piles, quickly toss all the photos that are no longer serving you. The blurry ones, red eyed ones etc. And keep only the photos that you would be sad if they went up in flames. Store photos in clear photo boxes and label. Keep in mind that nobody wants your photos. They are your memories.

6) Purchasing mistakes. Just because you bought it doesn’t mean you have to keep it. Did you buy based on price or need? Before purchasing anything ask yourself these questions.

A) where am I going to store this item?

B) what’s the purpose of this purchase?

C) what is the price per use? This is a good question because you’ll get clear on  whether you can rent the item when needed or can borrow it.

7) Stuck energy. Are you the storage unit for your family? Do you keep everything that has ever been in your family? If it gives you a heavy feeling it’s stuck energy. Pass it on with love and no sense of obligation to keep it.

8) Keep your car clear of chaos. Our cars need TLC just as much as our homes. Photocopy your registration and 2 insurance papers. Then black out your name and address in the unlikely event of a break-in at least the person doesn’t have your personal information.

PS: Are you feeling inspired to declutter or are you overwhelmed? Either way, I’d love to hear from you.  Please check out www.gettingittogether.ca for more details and a FREE 15-minute discovery session.


By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00October 23rd, 2018|Home Organization, Organizing to Move|0 Comments

How To Create New Habits For Staying Organized

A habit is defined as a recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behaviour that is acquired through frequent repetition.

Most habits are harmless however we all have a few we wish we could change.

What are yours?

The act of staying organized requires some skill, dedication, determination, desire, discipline and creating new habits.

It’s easy enough to clear the clutter but how are you going to keep your space that way?

Habits! Good habits.

With these simple steps you’ll be able to create the new habit of staying organized.

Are you thinking this is easier said than done?

Check out this short video on “How To Create New Habits For Staying Organized” then read on for
Getting It Togethers’ Top Four Tips

Firstly, staying organized needs to be a massive goal. You need to have big reasons for wanting to stay organized.

What are yours?

Please leave them in the comment box below.

Some of the top reasons for staying organized are; to have more time, less stress and more money. For others it might be to release the constant overwhelm of not being able to find what they are looking for in a timely manner and for some it might be the need to release the embarrassment and shame.

Next you need to be really specific about your plan of action for staying organized.

My clients that are the most successful in this department are the ones who follow the “15 minutes to freedom” techniques I coach them on.2

Once your space is completely organized, take 15 minutes per day to keep it that way. Tidy as you go and be mindful about what you bring into your cleared space. Have a place for everything and everything in its place.

Thirdly, think about the consequences of not keeping this new habit. Write out the ways your life will be negatively affected if you don’t follow the “15 minutes to freedom technique.”

And write out the ways you will feel by keeping this new habit.

When the WHYS are big enough, the how’s seem to take care of themselves.

Finally, you must commit to this new lifestyle, this new habit. Implement the four D’s. Dedication, determination, desire and discipline. Self -discipline is not inherited – it’s created, nurtured, and developed daily. Self – discipline comes with a desire to forget what happened yesterday, be the best you can be today, and expect great things from tomorrow.

PS: Do you need to have an accountability partner or some coaching in order to get started and stay on track? If so, contact us today at www.gettingittogether.ca for a FREE 15 minutes to freedom call.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00September 24th, 2018|Home Organization, Organizing to Move, Time Management|0 Comments

Top Ten Habits Of Highly Organized People

Do you wonder if you’ll ever be organized?

Do you think organized people were born that way?

To some degree I believe you are either naturally organized or unfortunately naturally disorganized however the good news is you can learn simple habits and become extremely organized.

Check out Getting It Togethers video on the Top Ten Habits Of Highly Organized People and then read for more tips.

Habit #1: Highly Organized People know where to donate. Better yet, they have the donations company in their area come and pick up.

Habit #2: Highly Organized People book regular decluttering times. They use the 15 minutes to freedom technique explained in the video.

Habit #3: Highly Organized People stick with what works for them. They stay with their favorite protein powder or moisturizer as this saves them from having purchasing mistakes in the cupboard.

Habit #4: Highly Organized People don’t buy because of price, they buy because of need.

Habit #5: Highly Organized People make peace with imperfection. Nothing is ever going to be perfect and neither are they. Some times their desk will be a mess or they’ll buy the kids Birthday cake instead of making it from scratch.

Habit #6: Highly Organized People are specific with their labels. A box or file labeled “miscellaneous” does not help anyone.

Habit #7: Highly Organized People separate emotions from possessions. Just because they bought it or just 1because it was given to them does not mean they keep it.

Habit #8: Highly Organized People think ahead. If it looks like piles of files are about to fall over, they move them to a safer spot and deal with them.

Habit #9: Highly Organized People create a small dump zone. They have a small basket that collects things from the day and then they take 15 minutes and go through the house putting everything back in its’ place. Better yet, if it takes less than a minute to do a task, do it immediately.

Habit #10: Highly Organized People ask for help. They know what their strengths are and are willing to hire out the other tasks.

PS: What is one habit you would really like to work on? Why not grab a free over the phone sample coaching session by contacting www.gettingittogether.ca



Keep It or Toss It by: Rowena List of Getting It Together

The average home has well over 350,000.00 items in it.

How many times do you hold an item in your hand and ask yourself “ should I keep it or toss it?” And because you can’t decide at that moment you simply put it back down. Down on a pile of stuff or on a cluttered counter or stash it in a “junk” drawer. The never ending cycle continues until you have reached your limit and decide to take action. Massive action.

Check out this quick video by Getting It Together on “Keep It or Toss It” 

Then read on for more tips.

Keep It If….

  1. You would buy it again if it was lost or stolen.
  2. It has a proper place in your home and you use it.
  3. It fits in your life today. Say goodbye to those size 6 jeans.
  4. It’s hugely sentimental to you.
  5. You absolutely love it, need it and use it.

Toss It If…..2

  1. You don’t know what it is.
  2. It’s not worth repairing.
  3. Your gut is telling you to part with it.
  4. It was a gift and you have never used it or love it.
  5. You already have more than you need or use.

One of the biggest reasons people don’t clear the clutter and downsize is because they don’t know where to take the unwanted items to. And another big reason is fear. The fear of letting go, the fear of thinking they might need it again one day and the fear of less.

Less is more.

It really is.

P.S. Are you wanting to get organized? Not sure where to start?

Contact us for a free over the phone discover session at www.gettingittogether.ca

By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00June 20th, 2018|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments


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