What to do with your grown kids stuff by Rowena List Professional Organizer and Speaker

kids stuffSo many people are wanting to downsize these days. Are you one of them? Are you starting to see the benefit of a smaller space, and easier to care for home?

Have you been in your family home for 10,20 30 years? How much room does your kids stuff take up? Do your grown kids use your basement as their storage locker?Creative Commons Licenseimage via Ed Yourdon

You are hardly alone in that either. We keep our kids stuff while their lives are in transition. It seems like the right thing to do. Then they settle down and get more stuff. Suddenly the kids’ stuff in your home has become a permanent fixture that no one wants to deal with or talk about!

Now that you are thinking of downsizing you will have to deal with your grown kids stuff…….or they will!


Check out this video to get some tips on what to do with your grown kids stuff.

My girlfriend has her kids school year books. Both her daughters have moved away and clearly do not miss,need or want their year books.

Best to ask them before tossing.Be sure to give your grown kids a deadline. Please clear out yur items before this date or I will donate them.

What do you still have of your kids? Is it time for them to come and clear out their clutter?

Let me know by leaving your story below in the comment box.

 If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

Getting Your Socks Organized and Together

socks organizedDo you have a basket of unmatched, single socks?

Do you wonder where those single socks get to?

Would you like to never again have an odd sock drawer?

Do you dream of having socks organized and together?

As a professional organizer I support people with hands on organizing. Every home I work in has a box, drawer or basket of unmatched socks. Why is that? How does this happen the world over? Where are all those lost socks?

Once a week for well over 15 years I hear an “unblemished record” coming from the living room. This triumph happens without fail. This claim to fame comes from my partner who is responsible for doing the laundry. His unblemished record is that we have never had a pair of socks that don’t match up and we have never “lost” a sock. No spare socks, no missing socks just paired up socks.

Mark is not a professional organizer we just have a system which I will share with you right now.

The 5-step system for saying goodbye to a pile of unmatched socks:

Step #1: Limit the number of socks you own. Ask yourself how many pairs of socks do you or your family members need? How many do you wear? Toss the ones with holes. Give away the ones you do not like or wear. Match up all remainder.

socks organizedStep #2: In the future buy several pairs of the same socks. For example 6 pairs of white socks and 6 pairs of black.

Step #3: Pin each pair of socks together before washing them or make sure you put a matched pair in the washer. You might think all the socks are in the laundry hamper however some socks do not even make it to the hamper. One could be hiding under the bed or in a sports bag.

Step #4: When you are folding your dry clothes check the corners of fitted sheets. This is the best hiding spot for single socks (that is if you did not pin your socks together). Another great hiding spot is down the outside of the washer or dryer.

Step #5: Every so often go through your odd sock box, drawer or basket and match up any pairs. Toss the rest or use them as a hand held dust cloth.

Are you feeling a bit lost on where to start or need to get your whole bedroom organized (not just the socks)? With spring here, now is the perfect time. If you live in the Vancouver area, contact me today for a 30-minute complimentary no-obligation phone consultation.

During this consultation we will discuss your biggest organizing challenge, what is frustrating you most, and changes you can make to ensure you can enjoy the upcoming summer months with ease, and of course have plenty of time and energy to enjoy them! Then we will discuss organizing packages and pricing. If we are good fit for one another, we can schedule your first personalized in-home organizing session.

Getting It Together FAQ’s – Part 2

Thank you for all of your questions. You know I love hearing from you. The interesting thing is that most people share very similar questions and concerns when it comes to clearing the clutter and getting organized.

Please keep those questions coming. Together we can help each other.

Q- What should I do with those plastic bags that a set of sheets comes in? I hate to toss them because they have the zipper closure and look so handy.

A- You are right! They can be handy. I have used those bags to store my good round baking tins. I find by putting them in the bag they do not get scratched. They are easy to see and store. I have also used those bags with my clients. We put all electrical cords in one. Again easy to see.

I don’t know about you but I have NEVER been able to get the set of sheets back in those bags. Have you?

Q- How can I tell my friends and family to stop buying me presents? I just do not need anything and I am trying to downsize.

A- Most grownups do not “need” anything. We are all so blessed. Many years ago I sent a letter to all my friends explaining that I was no long going to give gifts. Instead I wanted to make memories with them. They were all so happy to get this letter because they never knew what to buy me or their other friends. Now we get together for lunch, a movie, or have our nails done. Anything that is memory making and consumable. Be the first to start a trend. Think consumable!

Q- How many sets of towels should I have?

A- This depends on the number of people in the house. I would recommend 2- 3 bath towels per person, 1-2 hand towels per person and 5-7 face cloths per person. Most homes have a washer these days. If you go to the laundromat then you might want a couple of extras. Use one bath towel per person per week. It is better for the environment and laundry bill. Use one face cloth per person per day. The common used hand towel can be changed every few days.

I can never figure out how the hand towel can get so dirty when we are drying our clean hands! I keep a few “older” towels on hand for when we are heading off to the pool or beach.

Q- What can I do with all the recycling my local garbage company does not pick up?

A- Do you live in the Metro Vancouver Area? If so, you know your local company only picks up plastic, tins, glass and paper. Here are a couple of options. Call BC Recycling Hotline 604-RECYCLE (604-294-7972) or take your items to a local recycling depot. There is one in Burnaby at 4800 Still Creek Ave or once a month you can go to Britannia Center in Vancouver. Check out their site at http://www.pacificmobiledepots.com/Mobile-Depot-Info-Rates.html

Treat yourself to a nice coffee after.

Q- How can I tell if I am disorganized?

A- The rule is if you cannot find what you are looking for in 20 seconds or less you are considered disorganized. This might sound harsh. What it means is that if your keys are on the hook you’ll find them right away. If they are not then you might go searching. If your eye glasses are always put away in the same spot you will be able to find them. If they are not, it might take you longer than 20 seconds to find them.

What is your burning question? What is your biggest organizing obstacle? Inquiring minds want to know. Please leave a comment below or contact me at www.gettingittogether.ca for a FREE 30 minute phone consultation. We will discuss your burning question and how you can move forward with clearing the clutter.

Help a Friend & Help Yourself (to Cash)!



Would you like to earn some extra cash?

Who do you know who is always late?

Would you like to help a friend?

Who do you know who is always looking for their car keys, cell phone or any other misplaced items

Who do you know who is always complaining about being stressed,wanting more time or has no money?

Who do you know who needs to downsize?

Please send them my way!

It’s a great way to help a friend!

It is as simple as one, two, three.

ONE: Think about who you know that would benefit from my hands on organizing services, or from my by-the-minute phone coaching services.

TWO: Fill in the form below with your referrals contact information. I will contact your friend and offer them a FREE 15 minute phone consultation. In the FREE phone consultation we will discuss their organizing and productivity needs.

Your referrals will be given a top secret organizing tip that they can use right away. And of course, they are under NO obligation to hire me. However, if they do decide to move forward with clearing their clutter and increasing their productivity, you will get paid!

THREE: Receive CASH! That’s right. You will receive 10% of your referral’s total invoice back in the form of CASH.

It’s a WIN-WIN.  You will be doing your friend a huge favor by giving them a FREE 15-minute session with me, and if they decide to purchase any of my services, you will earn some cash!

Fill in the form below now. This could be the best gift you ever give your family and friends.

help a friend



How to organize under the kitchen sink by Rowena List, Professional Organizer and Speaker

What have you got under the kitchen sink?

How long has it been there?

under the kitchen sink When was the last time you organized under the kitchen sink?

This short video will give you some of my top tips on “how to organize under the kitchen sink”

Once you have watched it you may want to get the cool organizing trays that I have under the kitchen sink.

If so, please contact me and I’ll give you the nearest store in your area.  image via Dorli Photography

If you like this video about what’s under the kitchen sink, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.


By |2020-06-07T20:52:50+00:00December 2nd, 2011|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

Top 5 tips to getting and staying organized

organizedDo you wish you were more organized?

Do you wish you could get organized on your own?

Have you ever wondered why you cannot get organized on your own?

Well some people have the natural talent of getting and staying organized and some people do not have that natural talent.

The great news is that you can learn the skills it takes to get and stay organized.  It might mean working with a professional organizer for a period of  time. Below I am going to share with you the top 5 tips to getting and staying organized.

What area of your home is bugging you the most? Start with this area to de-clutter, purge and sort. Take 15 minutes and use these tips below to finally get organized and keep it that way!

Tip  #1: Purpose. Pick up one item and ask yourself this question ”what is the purpose of keeping this?”  If it is a teapot and you make and drink tea everyday then you know the purpose of keeping it.

If for example it is a T-shirt from high school all torn and the wrong size then what is the purpose of keeping it? I know what you are saying “well I loved high school, I had so much fun in high school…” Keep the memory and toss the T. (Take a photo of you wearing the T- shirt if you really must).

Tip #2: Value. What is the value of keeping that particular item?  Storage lockers are one of the fastest growing businesses in North America.

Do you have items in a storage locker?

Are the items taking on any value by being in there? Most people do not even know what is in their lockers. Yet they continue to pay the monthly bill.

Maybe it is time to sort through these items and ask yourself “what is the purpose and value of keeping them.” Once your locker is empty you could put that extra money towards a trip or home renovations.


Tip #3: Ruthless. It is so important to be ruthless while clearing the clutter and getting organized.

This is where lots of people get stuck, because everything you touch has a story attached to it. You have emotional attachment to your things. As a Professional Organizer I do not have the same attachment to your things. I have an attachment to the outcome. This is why I can support you in moving forward.

I know how much better you will feel once your home is organized. I know how much more time you will have. You’ll have less stress too!

Tip #4: Stop. This is where a new habit will be formed. You will need to stop bringing items into your home. Don’t buy items unless you really need them. Don’t buy because it is on sale. Or because you think you might need it “one day”.

Ask family and friends to please stop buying you things unless it is something you really need and will use.  The best gifts are consumable. Fancy teas, coffee, candles, spa packages, dinner gift certificates and so on. I made a deal with all of my friends and family members. We create memories together instead of buying things. It sure makes the Holiday season a lot less stressful.


Tip #5: Faith. Have faith in yourself. Have faith knowing that the things you need will always be around you when you need them. Have faith that if you pass something on you will not need it “someday”. Someday is not a day of the week.


It is so disempowering to think that you might need it, “what if I need it, maybe I will need it.” When you are clear on your future direction you will not want to live in the past.

Getting and staying organized takes time. The first time you start you might not be as ruthless as the second and third time. Remember, it took many years to get disorganized. It will not get organized overnight. It is like peeling back the layers of an onion. Each time you de-clutter you peel back another layer.

Please let me know how these tips worked for you below!

By |2020-06-07T20:52:50+00:00November 28th, 2011|Organizer|2 Comments

How to properly store items in a crawl space by Rowena List Professional Organizer and Speaker

Have you ever had water damage in your crawl space? If you have you know full well how important it is to properly store items in your a crawl space.

What about some house guests………mice,rats or raccoons?

Check out this short video on how to properly store items in a crawl space.

 As you probably know things can get very musty smelling in a crawl space. Keep your precious items stored properly by using plactic containers.

Be mindful to only store items that you need,that you are going to use and that you love in your crawl space.

I’m going to encourage you to take ONE box from your crawl space today. Go through the contents.If you had to pay to store those items would you still be keeping them? Please leave your comments below.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends. And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list. You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:50+00:00November 22nd, 2011|Organizer|1 Comment

Organizing a crawl space by Rowena List Professional Organizer and Speaker

What is the most important item that you have in your crawl space?

Is it easy to get at? Easy to find? Properly stored?

Check out this short video on organizing a crawl space.

I’m sure you will get a tip or two that you can use right away.

I am not a fan of crawl spaces. They are usually dark,dusty and have spiders. Not that I am freaked out by spiders. I just like them better when they are outside my home instead of inside my home. How about you?

A crawl space can become a catch all.

Has yours?

Is it time to take action and clear it out. Discover what really is hiding in your “crawl space.” Please contact me and I will give you my top tip on how to move forward with getting started.

In the mean time if you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.


By |2020-06-07T20:52:51+00:00November 22nd, 2011|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

4 Simple Rules to Staying Organized

Below are the TOP 4 Simple Rules to Staying Organized. It is quick and easy for the whole family to follow.

I suggest you print them off and put them on the fridge. Hopefully there is room on your fridge to showcase these. If not, well that is a whole other newsletter!

Rule #1 If you take it out put it back.

How many of you live with teenagers? Do they ever leave the milk jug on the kitchen counter? This rule will help them to get that jug back in the fridge…hopefully!

Do you have a place for your scissors?  Are they always there when you need them?  This rule will help your family members to get the scissors back in the right place once they are finished using them.

Rule#2  If you open it close it.


How many times have you bumped your head on an open kitchen cabinet door? How many times have you tripped on an open drawer?

I travel with a very good girlfriend of mine. I love her to pieces however she has a habit of leaving her clothes drawer open. This is a real hazard especially in a hotel room.  Just make it a habit of closing anything you open.

Rule#3 If you throw it down pick it up.

How many towels are lying on your bathroom floor? How many pairs of dirty socks are lying on your kid’s floor?

Getting into the habit of picking up items makes for a much neater, organized home. Once your place is organized it simply takes a few minutes at the end of each day to go around and pick the items up.

Unfortunately not all family members are going to follow these rules. I wish I had a magic wand to grant you this wish. With time they will start to follow your lead. You need to be the one to set the example.

That all being said I take a few minutes at the end of each day and pick up the odd coffee mug laying around or the newspaper.

Rule#4 If you take it off hang it up.


“If you don’t do it right the first time when will you have time to do it again?” I love this saying.

A perfect example of this is when you get home and just toss your coat on the chair.

When will you get back to hanging it up?

If you simply hung it up as soon as you took it off you would not need to worry about it again that day. It takes mere seconds to do it right, once.

When you get undressed for the night simply hang up your clothes. Trust me, by the end of the week you will not feel like hanging up 7 days worth of clothes. Not to mention they would be all wrinkled.

I hope your family finds these 4 simple rules useful and joyfully follows them.

Please share your comments below on how your household did with these tips, I would love to hear from you!

Here’s to a clutter-free home!

By |2020-06-07T20:52:51+00:00November 15th, 2011|Uncategorized|0 Comments

How to Organize Your Fridge

Did you “organize your fridge” today?

Most people give their fridge a good clean out.( I do mine before putting the groceries away) However do you ever think of organizing it?

Check out this video on how to organize your fridge.

I’ll be curious as to your thoughts. Please leave them in the comment box below.

 Have you ever come across any “science projects” in your fridge? I know of people who put the smallest amounts of leftovers in their fridge. They forget that those leftovers are there. You guessed it. The science project is taking place as you sleep. Be sure to properly label items in your fridge. Have a meal plan as to when you will be using those leftovers. Say good-bye to waste and science projects.

Need a little help with how to organize your fridge and meal planning?

Contact me and I’ll give you a FREE 30 minute phone consultation. I’ll give you my top tips on the best meal planning to date.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:51+00:00November 11th, 2011|Home Organization, Organizer, Organizing to Move|0 Comments


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