What is a professional organizer?

Have you ever wondered what exactly is a professional organizer?

Have you ever wondered what does a professional organizer do?

Have you ever wondered how a professional organizer got started in the profession?  (This is the question I get asked the most.)

Sign up for your FREE session here.

If you sign up for your complimentary session with me, I will share my story with you…only if you are really curious. If not, no worries we will just dive right into your challenges and how to solve them. 😀

Check out this short video on what is a professional organizer.

A Professional organizer supports, empowers and encourages their clients through the non-judgmental process of sorting, purging and storing of unwanted and wanted items. A Professional organizer provides hands-on services. A professional organizer coaches and transfers organizing skills to help clients develop appropriate and lasting solutions for their individual needs. A professional organizer follows up and is always there for you….on time.

Some of the services I specialize in are:

Residential Hands-On Organizing: De-cluttering and organizing garages, storage lockers, closets, bedrooms, kitchens, kids rooms and home offices just to name a few. I can also support and encourage you with space planning, closet design and storage solutions. And then there are the projects of sorting and organizing memorabilia and photos. Basically if it has anything to do with organizing, I do it.

Other services I provide are: time management, goal setting, packing and moving and productivity coaching.

I also conduct seminars, workshops and keynote speaking engagements.

Do you belong to a networking group, a women’s business group, business professional organization or any other association that you feel might enjoy hearing top organizing tips?

If so, please fill in the comment box below or send me an email at rowena@gettingittogether.ca. Let me know who you would like me to speak to. We can discuss topics that would best suit your organizations needs.

If you are not in the “Getting it Together” community, add your email address to the right.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

A Cluttered Life – what is hiding in your box?

Has this ever happened to you?

You moved from one home to another.

Prior to the move, you decide to downsize, purge and toss. You have the best of intentions. You start off in one room. Before long you are getting distracted and losing focus. All of a sudden the phone rings with a better offer on the other end. You know what I mean. You decide the better idea would be to just simply pack everything and toss/clear out the clutter when you unpack in your new pad.

Check out this short video on a cluttered life:

Fast forward.

You are in your new living space. Time goes by.

There is a box or two sitting on the sidelines. What are your thoughts each time you pass that box? Maybe you even kick it out of the way. Are you saying “I must empty the box.” “What is in that box anyway?” These thoughts are causing mind clutter.

26yearnoteThe other day I was working with a client and such a box appeared. It had been neatly, well actually not so neatly, packed 26 years ago. One of those last-minute tossing in and go boxes. Upon opening the box we discovered unopened greeting cards from her second wedding anniversary. Inside one card was a crisp new 26 year old $20 bill. Bingo!! Let’s open all the cards. Another envelope had a cheque from her grandmother for $75. How come the grandma never questioned her out of balance bank account for 26 years? Conscious or subconscious, this box has been weighing heavy on my clients mind. Thinking about it and worrying about it takes up precious time. Not to mention paying to have it moved and storing it in the garage.

Here are my top 3 tips to helping you with a cluttered life and how to de-clutter it.

Tip #1: Take the 15 minutes to do it right. Instead of tossing things into a box simply take the 15 minutes to deal with the stuff you are about to dump into that box. Book those 15 minutes with yourself like it is a client appointment. Put this appointment right in your calendar. It is a date with yourself and the box.

Tip#2: Set up piles for keep, shred, toss, recycle or donate. Handle each piece of paper once or each item once. Putting it in one of those piles. The key factor here is to stay focused on that one task for 15 minutes. That one box. Turn off the phone, email indicator, close the door, do whatever it takes. Just think how clear your mind will feel once you have emptied that box.

Do you have more than one such box? If so, handle one box at a time in 15 minute increments.

Tip#3: Once you have your piles, you need to deal with them. The toss and recycle piles are the easiest. Donate is easy if you remember to put the items in your car and drop them off at your local charity. Shred is straight forward. Get your kids to do that for you if they are old enough or you can do it while watching TV. The keep pile is where the rubber meets the road. Take each item and deal with that item. Does it need to be filed? Does it need to be put away? Do you need to set up a system for some items?

You will be surprised at how fast you move if you have the 15 minute timer on and stay focused.

We are humans and take the path of least resistance. You do not want to do this when it comes to your boxes. In the long run it will save you so much grief and stress. Kiss a cluttered life goodbye.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:43+00:00September 2nd, 2013|Home Organization, Organizer, Organizing to Move|0 Comments

Do You Need to Hire a Professional Organizer?

Are you suffering from too much stuff in too small a space, too much stuff in a large space or simply too much stuff?

Do you have trouble locating important information in your office?

Can you find what you are looking for without getting stressed out?

Do you lose your keys, phone, eye glasses or kids?

Do you need to hire a professional organizer?


 Check out this video to see.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Have you ever thought “there has got to be a better way to manage all your papers”?
  • Is it a challenge for you and your family to get out the door on time each morning?
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed?
  • What is your stress level? Would you like it lower?
  • Are you embarrassed to have friends or family over?
  • How would you feel if the neighbours dropped in unexpectedly?
  • Does it take you more than 20 seconds to find what you are looking for?
  • Would you like systems?
  • Would you like your kids to be more organized?

If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, it might be time to hire a professional organizer.

I know of a really great one! 😀

I will encourage, support and empower you with moving forward in getting organized and staying clutter free. I will support and encourage you with the purging of stuff.  Most importantly I will give you your life back.

Let me know what area in your home is bugging you the most. Leave your bug list in the comment box below. I will give you a tip to get started right away with getting and staying clutter free.

Have you taken advantage of your FREE session yet?

If not then please ease on over HERE and let’s get started today.

We can discuss if you need to hire a professional organizer, or if you need some productivity coaching sessions or maybe you need just a little pep talk.

 Either way I am here to support, encourage and empower you with moving forward.

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Organizer

Have you ever thought about the benefits of hiring a professional organizer?

How many times have you said to yourself “why can I not do this on my own?”

Many clients comment on reduced stress, more time, more energy and more freedom once they have worked with me.

So I thought I would share even more of the benefits of hiring a professional organizer.

Please be sure to take a moment to watch this short video on what are the benefits of hiring a professional organizer.

The benefits of working with me a professional organizer is that I will keep you focused to task.

I will be on time.

I will develop a plan of action for you and your space. If you require a handyman, contractor for renovationss, painter, rubbish removal, disposing of stuff or a piano moved I will provide the people. My endless supply of resources has proven to be priceless. So my clients say.

A huge benefit of working with a professional organizer is being ruthless.

I have a few key questions I ask you as we are sorting, purging and tossing. This makes the decisions a little easier for you. Shall you keep it, toss it, store it, sell it or set up a system for it?

Many clients feel like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders once they start decluttering.

If you would like to hear more benefits of hiring a professional organizer then please take advantage of my FREE session. Simply click HERE.

We will discuss your needs, your questions and how I can be of service to you.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, enter your name and email address to the right and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

Permanently Reduce Clutter

How would you like to spend less but feel like you have more while you

permanently reduce clutter?

Do you wish your bank balance was higher than it is?

Are you surrounded by stuff?

I have always admired people like the late Lady Dianna. She dressed with simple elegance. Oh yeah, she had a huge wardrobe because she was a princess however her style was elegant and simple. I’ll bet if she were not a princess she would have had a modest closet filled with a few key items of clothing. The type of clothing items that mix and match so well together. That is my goal for you as well. As the French would say “you do not need a lot of clothes you just need a great imagination.”

These tips would also work when decorating your home. Simple yet elegant.

Where else do you think these tips would work well in your life?

Please leave a comment in the box below. Your opinion counts.

Read on to get ten simple tips to

permanently reduce clutter



Tip 1. Use the 6-12 month rule.  If you haven’t worn or used it in 6-12 months, get rid of it. Pass it on with love. The only exception to this rule is that one elegant evening dress in the back of your closet waiting for a fancy dance or cruise. If it is a classic it will not go out of style. If you stay the same size it will fit!

You might even have an item in your home that comes out for the rare occasions. You know the tray that holds deviled eggs.

Tip 2.  Align values with spending.  I value good/organic food, my health and travel to name a few. So, I know that planning and paying for a vacation, getting a massage, or going shopping at one of my favorite specialty shops is aligned with my values. Knowing what you value makes it much easier to make or not to make spending decisions.

Tip 3. Stick to a shopping list. This will help you with not getting side tracked.  Take a shopping list with you when you go to buy groceries or clothes.  When you know what you are looking for you will save time and money. The most organized people do not just aimlessly wonder around shops. They have a mission and stick to it. Now that does not mean you do not go window shopping with a friend once in awhile. Hey we all need that fix with one of our BF”s

Tip 4.  The 24-hour rule. We have all heard this one before. I think Oprah even uses this rule. Imagine with all of her money. Think about your purchase for 24 hours. If you still feel you need/want it after 24 hours go back and make the purchase. If you feel you can live without that item after 24 hours you have just saved yourself some money.  This eliminates the spontaneous purchases. I also like to shop at places that have a no fuss return policy. For example an item of clothing might look great in the store lighting. You get it home and the colour is not at all what you thought.

Tip 5.  Create a do-not-spend day.  Are you old enough to remember when stores were not open on Sundays? Or when late night shopping was only on Friday nights. Ah, the good old days. I use to work in the mall when this was my reality. (Okay, I know I am dating myself now) however one day without spending can add up.  Choose a day each week and make that your do-not-spend day.  Instead, get creative with all the fun free things you can do. Pack your own lunch or snacks and take a thermos with your hot drink in it. Your mind, body and bank account will thank you!

Tip 6.  Stop keeping up with the Jones. Why is it that humans have the need to keep up with the Jones? Who started this anyway? The Jones do not care what you have or how you spend your money so why should we care with keeping up with them? I know it is a saying however imagine if we all lived simple so others may simple live? The only person you need to impress is yourself. Think of how great you will feel if you only bought what you really needed, used and loved. You bank account will love you too.

Tip 7.  Analyze your spending for a week.  Keep track of each item you buy. At the end of the week ask yourself if it was something you really needed, will be using and love. If not then ask yourself this question “what was the purpose of buying this item” If you cannot come up with a strong answer it might be time to return it. I’ll bet you will not have many if any of these purchases if you follow the above tips especially the 24 hour rule.

Tip 8.  The This/That Question.  Unless you have an endless supply of money and even if you do I’ll bet you do not want clutter. Ask yourself this question. “If I buy this I cannot have that” “If I go on a fancy vacation I cannot have a new living room set.” Keeping in mind that this style of living will eliminate debt. Once again your bank account will love you for this. Credit card debt or overdraft debt can cause so much stress. You might not think that it is but it is!

Tip 9.  Have gratitude.  My life has always run smoother when I have kept a gratitude journal. I would highly recommend keeping one. Each day write down 5 things you are grateful for. It might be that you can see or that you can buy a new purse for Fall or that your family’s health is good. You’ll be hard pressed to stop at 5 things each day.

One of the best books I read was called “Simple Abundance” by Sarah Ban Breathnach. I first read this book back in 1998 and re read it every year for three years. It is time I did that again.  Do not get me wrong. I did not do all the activities Sarah suggested. I feel you would need to be superwoman to do that and none of us are. However the best part was all about gratitude. It is a one page read each day and well worth it.

Let me know if you have read it. Leave your comments in the box below.

Tip 10. Be kind to yourself.  My Birthday gift to myself this year was that I would be kind to myself. That means being kind to my body, mind and spirit. It means watching my self talk. It means giving myself permission to be human. Hey we all make purchasing mistakes however if we are aware of these ten tips we will make fewer of them.

Feeling like a 20 minute FREE session? Contact me to arrange for your time. We can chat about your most burning clutter questions including how to have more money in your pocket.

Getting It Together FAQ’s – Part 2

Thank you for all of your questions. You know I love hearing from you. The interesting thing is that most people share very similar questions and concerns when it comes to clearing the clutter and getting organized.

Please keep those questions coming. Together we can help each other.

Q- What should I do with those plastic bags that a set of sheets comes in? I hate to toss them because they have the zipper closure and look so handy.

A- You are right! They can be handy. I have used those bags to store my good round baking tins. I find by putting them in the bag they do not get scratched. They are easy to see and store. I have also used those bags with my clients. We put all electrical cords in one. Again easy to see.

I don’t know about you but I have NEVER been able to get the set of sheets back in those bags. Have you?

Q- How can I tell my friends and family to stop buying me presents? I just do not need anything and I am trying to downsize.

A- Most grownups do not “need” anything. We are all so blessed. Many years ago I sent a letter to all my friends explaining that I was no long going to give gifts. Instead I wanted to make memories with them. They were all so happy to get this letter because they never knew what to buy me or their other friends. Now we get together for lunch, a movie, or have our nails done. Anything that is memory making and consumable. Be the first to start a trend. Think consumable!

Q- How many sets of towels should I have?

A- This depends on the number of people in the house. I would recommend 2- 3 bath towels per person, 1-2 hand towels per person and 5-7 face cloths per person. Most homes have a washer these days. If you go to the laundromat then you might want a couple of extras. Use one bath towel per person per week. It is better for the environment and laundry bill. Use one face cloth per person per day. The common used hand towel can be changed every few days.

I can never figure out how the hand towel can get so dirty when we are drying our clean hands! I keep a few “older” towels on hand for when we are heading off to the pool or beach.

Q- What can I do with all the recycling my local garbage company does not pick up?

A- Do you live in the Metro Vancouver Area? If so, you know your local company only picks up plastic, tins, glass and paper. Here are a couple of options. Call BC Recycling Hotline 604-RECYCLE (604-294-7972) or take your items to a local recycling depot. There is one in Burnaby at 4800 Still Creek Ave or once a month you can go to Britannia Center in Vancouver. Check out their site at http://www.pacificmobiledepots.com/Mobile-Depot-Info-Rates.html

Treat yourself to a nice coffee after.

Q- How can I tell if I am disorganized?

A- The rule is if you cannot find what you are looking for in 20 seconds or less you are considered disorganized. This might sound harsh. What it means is that if your keys are on the hook you’ll find them right away. If they are not then you might go searching. If your eye glasses are always put away in the same spot you will be able to find them. If they are not, it might take you longer than 20 seconds to find them.

What is your burning question? What is your biggest organizing obstacle? Inquiring minds want to know. Please leave a comment below or contact me at www.gettingittogether.ca for a FREE 30 minute phone consultation. We will discuss your burning question and how you can move forward with clearing the clutter.

Crawl Spaces part 2 by Rowena List Professional Organizer and Speaker

Do you have a crawl space?

What is in it? When was the last time you took something out of your crawl space? Come on be honest!

Check out this short video on crawl spaces………….you will see that I am not a crawl space kind of gal.

Has your crawl space turned into public storage for your friends and family?
I highly discourage this.

Most people keep things in their crawl space for so many years that in the end they do not even know what is in their crawl spaces.

I do not want you to be one of those people.

Please let me support you in moving forward with organizing and clearing out your “crawl spaces.” Contact me today for a FREE 30 minute phone consultation.

Do you have a great crawl space story?
Leave it in the comment box below.
In the mean time if you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends. And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list. You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:50+00:00November 22nd, 2011|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

How to properly store items in a crawl space by Rowena List Professional Organizer and Speaker

Have you ever had water damage in your crawl space? If you have you know full well how important it is to properly store items in your a crawl space.

What about some house guests………mice,rats or raccoons?

Check out this short video on how to properly store items in a crawl space.

 As you probably know things can get very musty smelling in a crawl space. Keep your precious items stored properly by using plactic containers.

Be mindful to only store items that you need,that you are going to use and that you love in your crawl space.

I’m going to encourage you to take ONE box from your crawl space today. Go through the contents.If you had to pay to store those items would you still be keeping them? Please leave your comments below.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends. And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list. You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:50+00:00November 22nd, 2011|Organizer|1 Comment

Organizing a crawl space by Rowena List Professional Organizer and Speaker

What is the most important item that you have in your crawl space?

Is it easy to get at? Easy to find? Properly stored?

Check out this short video on organizing a crawl space.

I’m sure you will get a tip or two that you can use right away.

I am not a fan of crawl spaces. They are usually dark,dusty and have spiders. Not that I am freaked out by spiders. I just like them better when they are outside my home instead of inside my home. How about you?

A crawl space can become a catch all.

Has yours?

Is it time to take action and clear it out. Discover what really is hiding in your “crawl space.” Please contact me and I will give you my top tip on how to move forward with getting started.

In the mean time if you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.


By |2020-06-07T20:52:51+00:00November 22nd, 2011|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments


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