Packing Tips – for a stress free productive move

Would you like to have a stress free move?

Do you need to downsize but procrastinate?

Human nature is to take the path of least resistance. For this very reason people hold off moving/packing until the last possible moment. This is why we have people in their 80’s and 90’s that are still living in the family home even if it is too big or too much upkeep.

Check out this short video on packing tips when getting ready to move.

Here is a general guideline for packing. Adjustments can be made based on what you are packing and where you are moving to. Local moves are just slightly different from long haul moves.


You will want to make sure you have all your supplies handy and ready to go before starting to pack.

Boxes and packing materials.

You can “rent” cardboard boxes from most moving companies or you can get cardboard boxes from your local grocery store. If you would like to go “GREEN” you can use Frogbox drops off reusable boxes at your door and picks them up once you are finished your unpacking. Great motivation to unpack your boxes ASAP.

Get white unprinted clean paper, bubble wrap, any old towels and sheets. (Frogbox supplies paper with their boxes.)

Purchase some good sealing tape. I prefer to not use a tape gun as I find them more hassle than they are worth. Just tape and a good pair of scissors. Be sure to leave your comments on this topic once you have watched the video.

Be sure to have labels and a few black felt markers. The better your boxes are labeled the better the unpack goes. You might even want to use different coloured labels for each room.

Prohibited Items.

Do not pack any flammable or dangerous items. Propane tanks, paint, lighter fluid, matches, bleach, acid batteries, charcoal, chemistry sets or pool chemicals are all prohibited. Do not pack aerosol cans containing oven cleaner, hair spray, lighter fluid, antiperspirants or spray paints. These items could explode and cause damage to your belongings. (This is especially important for long haul moves.)


Jewellery, coin collections, currency, stocks, bonds, precious stones, stamp collections, deeds, notes or any other items that have exceptional value should not be packed in with all your “regular”  household items. Take special care and pack this yourself. Make arrangements for you to transfer them. Make sure you have adequate insurance coverage.


Try to pare down as much as possible prior to your move. Use up all the frozen food items, condiments and fresh produce. If your move is local, use a cooler to transfer these items. Be mindful of your plants.


Have all your supplies ready in one area. Stay focused to one room at a time. Only pack what you love, use and need. This is a perfect time to be ruthless. I am doing a serious downsize. Each item I pick up I ask myself “will this fit in 600 sq feet?” If not, out it goes.

Keep as many “like” items together as possible. For example, if you are dismantling curtains/blinds or a bed keep all the hardware together with those items. Ziploc bags are perfect for this. You can see what is inside and they are sturdy.

Keep all boxes to a moderate weight. Label “HEAVY” if it is books or other such heavy items.

Seal open containers prior to packing. You would hate to arrive at your new home to find rice or cereal dumped out in a box of pantry items.

Place liquids in a sealed bag. For example your shampoo or dish detergent. Again that would be a mess to come across.

China and glassware needs to be packed standing on edge as opposed to lying down. Plates can easily break if they are laying flat. If you have old sheets or towels use these for packing your fragile items. I like to put a pillow on top of my fragile items for extra cushioning. Label “FRAGILE”.

Pack lamps separate from their shades.

Keep electronics and all the parts in one box. For example, pack your computer with all the cords, etc.

Mattresses. Use a mattress bag for extra protection. Let’s hope it does not rain/snow on moving day.

Use your empty suitcases for things like clothes, linens or pillows.

Use strong packing tape to bundle groups of garden tools or things like mops and brooms.


Package well with bubble wrap. Keep them standing up on edge. Same goes for glass table tops or mirrors.


Try to keep “like” toys together. A box of dolls, a box of trucks, a box of Leggo, etc.


When is storage necessary? What should you store? What should you not store? Contact me and we will discuss this. All my clients are eligible for 25% of their first month of storage with

These are just some of the basics packing tips. Please contact me for a FREE 30 minute phone consultation to discuss your upcoming move. I specialize in downsizing, moving, packing and unpacking. I have an endless “LIST” of contacts. Fabulous consignments stores, professional moving companies, insurance representatives…just to name a few.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:41+00:00March 31st, 2014|Organizer, Organizing to Move|4 Comments

Questions to ask yourself before buying organizing products

Save time and money.

Most people feel that if they buy baskets and rubber containers that they will be organized.

Does that sound like you?

That is like thinking that because you bought a gym membership you will get fit. Logically we know this not to be true however we wish it were true. Imagine if you had a magic wand or if you were like Bewitched and could wiggle your nose and voila!! The only magic wand you have is your own motivation. Your own “why” you wanting to do something. By taking advantage of my FREE phone session we will be able to come up with your “why.” Book yours today.

Buying organizing products is like putting the cart before the horse.

Check out this short video on “questions to ask yourself before buying organizing products” to learn what you need to do first.

Clear boxesLong before you head out to the store you will want to do all of the purging, downsizing, sorting, tossing and de-cluttering. Once you have finished all of that you can start to think of products you will need to store your belongings in.

Ask yourself these top 5 questions before you take the time to go shopping and make the purchase.

1. Will this product be easy to clean? It might look like a cool way to organize XYZ however will it be easy to clean. Does it have small corners that even the smallest of fingers could not get into? Does it have grooves that will only collect dust?
Hanging organizer
2. Will I really use this product? Do not buy on impulse or because it is “cute.” You cannot believe the number of cosmetic bags I find in people’s homes. It is because people like the look of them and think that by owning a cosmetic bag it will get them organized. Or travel organizers. Or earring holders. Sometimes items like earring holders are more frustrating than they are worth. Realistically will you take the backs off of your earrings each night and poke them through the tiny holes on an earring holder and then put the backs back on? If you do not think you will realistically do this then go with a different style of organizer. For years I used ice cube trays in my drawer to divide my earrings. Now I have a hanging earring holder. So easy and takes up so little space.

3. How sturdy is the organizing product? The earring holder I have mentioned in the above tip is sturdy however it is not going to last a lifetime. The plastic will eventually rip with wear and tear. Because they are so reasonably priced I will be able to replace it. That being said, the ice cube trays really did work the best. Due to living with fewer drawers in a smaller space I had to come up with this other method.

4. How will this product improve the visibility of my stuff? So many homes I work in have those pant hangers or skirt hangers that hold up to 4 or 5 items. These hangers seem good in theory however realistically you cannot see all of the skirts or pants you have on them. Same with those round rings that hold belts. You have all your belts in one place but each time you want a belt you have to take all the other belts off the circle. Sounds frustrating to me especially first thing in the morning when you are getting ready for work and might be running late due to disorganization in your life. In the end you might forgo wearing a belt.

5. Will the organizing product fit in the space you need it for? I carry a tape measure with me everywhere I go. When I do client shopping I have my list of measurements alongside my list of needed items. I also take photos of the area in which I am needing the organizing item to fit in to. Hey, you are getting all of my top trade secrets. 🙂

There are no organizing products that solve all of our clutter issues. All products are dependent on the behaviors and systems you are willing to do and keep up. Are you using the product as a tool?

P.S. The best compliment you can give me is to pass this article on to your family and friends. Thanking you in  advance for doing so.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:42+00:00March 17th, 2014|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

Easy Christmas Decorating Ideas: Part 2

How did you do with downsizing your Christmas decorations from last year?

Did you have the best of intentions?

Did you get stumped on what to give away?

The sentimental decorations are one of the hardest to deal with. Aren’t they?

What I find is that no matter how hard I try I still end up with one or two new decorations. People make me things or buy me something. As much as I appreciate the thought from the gifter it still leaves me with the dilemma of how am I going to store these added items.

Once again I am faced with pairing down my decorations so they can all fit in my 3 boxes. Remember part one easy Christmas decorating ideas?

I also promised you in that first video I would share my secret about the type of Christmas tree I have.

Check out this short video on easy Christmas decorating ideas to see it.

So many apartments and condos do not allow “real” Christmas trees. Many of you are wanting to be environmentally friendly and do not want to support trees being cut down. Then there are the people that simply do not have the room to put up a tree, or maybe you are going away for part of the holidays and do not want to fuss with too many decorations.

I’ll bet you are liking the idea of my Christmas tree more and more. IKEA liked my idea so much they started selling fabric trees. 🙂

Christmas TreeThey are not as fancy as mine but then again this piece of fabric did not start out looking like this.

By the way, did you take advantage of your free session? No need to wait. It is only 20 minutes. Grab a coffee and give me a call.

We can discuss how you can have easy Christmas decorating ideas. I also have a fabulous idea to share with you. What to do with the Christmas decorations you no longer want and where they will go.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:42+00:00December 23rd, 2013|Home Organization, Organizer, Time Management|0 Comments

Easy Christmas Decorating Ideas: Part 1

Every year do you vow to downsize your Christmas decorations? To keep things simple and stress free.

Do you vow to be more organized?

Do you vow to start early, to avoid the rush?

You are not alone.

Please take a moment to watch this short video on easy Christmas Decorating Ideas.

I think you will agree that these tips will help you to have a stress-free AND merry Holiday Season.

Did you decide on your limit?

That is the first thing you need to do. How many boxes are right for you and your storage capacity?


The contents of this box is for all of your Christmas cards, wrap, ribbons, gift bags and spare Christmas light bulbs.

Now if you are really downsizing, you may have given up the gift giving trend. If you have, you no longer need to store gift wrap, ribbons or gift bags. Instead of gifts you might choose to do a memory making outing. For example, going to a live play, baking cookies together or going out looking at all the Christmas lights followed by a gourmet dinner.

Many people have also given up the tradition of sending Christmas cards. Instead they take the money saved from buying cards and postage and donate it to a charity of their choice. If you are like me and still like to mail cards you might want to shop right after Christmas to get your cards for the following year. You cannot beat the sales!


Easy Christmas Decorating Ideas Part 1This box contains all of your decorations. Do you have a collection? When are too many Santa’s too many?

Fortunately I have a small area for my collection of Santa’s. Once I run out of room I am at my limit. No more Santa decorations for me unless I am willing to part with some of the older ones or least favorite ones.


The contents of this box contains all of your holiday linens such as placemats, table cloths, napkins, seasonal napkin rings, and any Christmas music CD’s.

Now I am sure you are wondering about a tree.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of easy Christmas Decorating Ideas to find out more organizing tips.

By the way, did you take advantage of your free session?

No need to wait. It is only 20 minutes. Grab a coffee and give me a call.

We can discuss how you can have easy Christmas decorating ideas. I also have a fabulous idea to share with you. What to do with the Christmas decorations you longer want and where they will go.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:42+00:00December 9th, 2013|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

What is a professional organizer?

Have you ever wondered what exactly is a professional organizer?

Have you ever wondered what does a professional organizer do?

Have you ever wondered how a professional organizer got started in the profession?  (This is the question I get asked the most.)

Sign up for your FREE session here.

If you sign up for your complimentary session with me, I will share my story with you…only if you are really curious. If not, no worries we will just dive right into your challenges and how to solve them. 😀

Check out this short video on what is a professional organizer.

A Professional organizer supports, empowers and encourages their clients through the non-judgmental process of sorting, purging and storing of unwanted and wanted items. A Professional organizer provides hands-on services. A professional organizer coaches and transfers organizing skills to help clients develop appropriate and lasting solutions for their individual needs. A professional organizer follows up and is always there for you….on time.

Some of the services I specialize in are:

Residential Hands-On Organizing: De-cluttering and organizing garages, storage lockers, closets, bedrooms, kitchens, kids rooms and home offices just to name a few. I can also support and encourage you with space planning, closet design and storage solutions. And then there are the projects of sorting and organizing memorabilia and photos. Basically if it has anything to do with organizing, I do it.

Other services I provide are: time management, goal setting, packing and moving and productivity coaching.

I also conduct seminars, workshops and keynote speaking engagements.

Do you belong to a networking group, a women’s business group, business professional organization or any other association that you feel might enjoy hearing top organizing tips?

If so, please fill in the comment box below or send me an email at Let me know who you would like me to speak to. We can discuss topics that would best suit your organizations needs.

If you are not in the “Getting it Together” community, add your email address to the right.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

Do You Need to Hire a Professional Organizer?

Are you suffering from too much stuff in too small a space, too much stuff in a large space or simply too much stuff?

Do you have trouble locating important information in your office?

Can you find what you are looking for without getting stressed out?

Do you lose your keys, phone, eye glasses or kids?

Do you need to hire a professional organizer?


 Check out this video to see.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Have you ever thought “there has got to be a better way to manage all your papers”?
  • Is it a challenge for you and your family to get out the door on time each morning?
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed?
  • What is your stress level? Would you like it lower?
  • Are you embarrassed to have friends or family over?
  • How would you feel if the neighbours dropped in unexpectedly?
  • Does it take you more than 20 seconds to find what you are looking for?
  • Would you like systems?
  • Would you like your kids to be more organized?

If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, it might be time to hire a professional organizer.

I know of a really great one! 😀

I will encourage, support and empower you with moving forward in getting organized and staying clutter free. I will support and encourage you with the purging of stuff.  Most importantly I will give you your life back.

Let me know what area in your home is bugging you the most. Leave your bug list in the comment box below. I will give you a tip to get started right away with getting and staying clutter free.

Have you taken advantage of your FREE session yet?

If not then please ease on over HERE and let’s get started today.

We can discuss if you need to hire a professional organizer, or if you need some productivity coaching sessions or maybe you need just a little pep talk.

 Either way I am here to support, encourage and empower you with moving forward.

A Stress Free Organized Move

Stress Free Organized MoveAre you getting ready for a move? Do you dream of a stress free organized move? Would you like support from the experts? How would you like to be really on top of things?

Here are my top 5 tips to a Stress Free Organized Move:

Tip#1: Hire movers. Gone are the days of trying to do everything yourself. Gone are the days of a case of beer and a bunch of your guy friends. They are all too concerned with their backs now. You are busy. Your friends and family are busy. Professional movers have all the right boxes, packing supplies, dollies and manpower. They can get you packed and moved quickly and efficiently. If something breaks they cover it. If it is pouring with rain they get wet. Professional movers are worth every penny. I know of some great ones.

Tip#2: Pack a suitcase. Pretend you are going on a 2 week camping vacation. Prior to the movers arriving, pack a suitcase with clothes, your kid’s favorite toy or doll, towels, exercise attire, toiletries and a good book. This saves you time searching in your boxes for some much needed necessities. Be sure to keep a set of sheets handy along with a place setting for each member of the family. Have a box that is labeled “open me first.” You can arrive at your new home, set up the beds, have something to eat off of and have clean clothes in the morning.

Tip#3: Start early. How long have you lived in the place you are moving from? Clutter does not happen overnight, so therefore it is not cleared overnight. There may be several items to donate, sell or give away before you move. This all takes time. One comment I hear often is “I’ll sort and purge once I move into my new place.” I hate to be the one to burst your bubble but most people NEVER get around to doing that. Do you have any unpacked boxes in your house? People seem to underestimate how long it takes to pack up a house or condo. Start early by packing non seasonal clothing, china, books and any other items that are not needed day to day. Let the movers do the rest.

Tip#4: Pack a cooler. On moving day pack a cooler filled with must have food items. Have snacks for the kids, movers and yourself. Remember some of your favorite drinks as well. Grab a bottle of Champagne. You are going to want to celebrate your stress free organized move. Ask a friend to bring over pizza or a casserole to your new home. I had a friend do this and it was a life saver. It also made me stop and take five. We had a very casual fun dinner. They helped unpack for dessert.

Tip#5: Hire an organizer. This is really the most important part of your move. You will want to do all the sorting and purging long before your moving day. Did you know a professional organizer will support you in a stress free organized move? You will save time, energy and most importantly, money. You will only move items you love, need and use. Unpacking will be a dream.

Call today for a FREE 30 minute phone consultation.

We will discuss more tips on how to have a stress free organized move.

We will also discuss your move and provide the support you might need. Click here.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:43+00:00July 22nd, 2013|Home Organization, Organizer, Organizing to Move|0 Comments

Organizing your closet

Do you have cleaning supplies in one area, your vacuum in another, and your broom in yet another?

Would you like to have everything in one place? Ya, who wouldn’t?

Are you lucky enough to have a hall closet that can be used for all your cleaning supplies and equipment? 

If so, please take a quick moment to watch this video on organizing your closet


.  I trust you will get a few tips to help you out.

Here are a few other simple tips to follow to organizing your closet.

Tip 1. Be sure to only keep household cleaning supplies that you like and use. I made the purchasing mistake of a Swiffer vacuum. My girlfriend swears by hers. I used it a few times and did not like the results. It is time to pass it on with love. There is no need keeping items in your closet that you simply move to one side every time you need the vacuum or broom.

Tip 2. Pair down cleaning supplies. Keep what you use, need and like. Good old fashion white vinegar does the trick for most cleaning jobs. This cuts down on the number of items you need in your closet and the number of chemicals. I like the idea of keeping a small supply of cleaning supplies under each sink in the home. That way if you want to quickly clean a bathroom you have the items right there.

Tip 3. Have a limit on the number of rags you keep. I have a small basket. Once it is full that is my limit. The interesting thing about homes it that we are always accumulating more rags. You know the odd left out sock, the tea towel that has seen better days or a t-shirt that is full of holes.

Did you know it takes 40% less time to clean an organized home? If you have a housekeeping service come in that will save you money. If you are the housekeeper, that will give you extra time to relax, play with the kids, go to a movie or have a relaxing bath. Some people like the idea of cleaning one area of your home per day. Others like the idea of cleaning the whole home in one day.

What works best for you? Please leave your comments in the box below.

Have you had your free session? 

This would be the perfect time for us to discuss organizing your closet.

. Together we can come up with a solution as to the best way to organize your cleaning supplies.

Head on over HERE for all the details.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:43+00:00July 8th, 2013|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

Live Simply So That Others May Simply Live


Live simply so that others may simply live


This is one of my favorite quotes.

This quote does not mean living without. It does not mean being poor or deprived, it simply means thinking about how you live and what you live with or without.

Imagine if everyone in non-third world countries lived like this. Would that help others?

Would this quote “ Live simply so that others may simply live” also help you with getting and staying clutter free?

Check out this short video on live simply so that others may simply live and enjoy these fascinating facts.

Here are a few fascinating facts to ponder.

  1. More than 4 million pairs of eyeglasses are trashed annually, according to Unite for Sight. When I am working hands on with a client and come across outdated prescription eyeglasses I take them to my local gym. There is a drop box at the front desk. These glasses get sent to third world countries and repurposed. There are more than a billion people with eye sight problems in this world., $20.00 for 20/20;


  1. 22.3 billion lbs of textiles, including clothing, were thrown away in 2010. Now some of your husband’s tee shirts might warrant being thrown away however what about all the other clothing items in your closet that are not being worn? Can you donate tee shirts, pants, dresses etc to a less fortunate family? As many of you know I am a member of the Soroptimists International. We collect gently used items for the less fortunate family’s right here in the Greater Lower Mainland. Let me help you hands on with organizing your clothes closet. You will be amazed as to what we find to donate. Please keep in mind that nothing takes on value unless it is being used. Pass your clothing on before it is too late for anyone else to wear it.


  1. Had the estimated 32.7 billion aluminum cans tossed out in 2011 been redeemed at recycling center, they could have netted about $ 820 million. Can you believe this fascinating fact? As a kid I collected pop/beer cans, returned them and sent myself off to summer camp. Today Mark does all of our returns and donates the money to charity. We have very few returns however every little bit counts.


  1. 15.8 million tons of reading material (books/magazines) and other paper products were trashed in 2010. Who do you know who would love some new books, reading material or updated magazines? Why not take them with you the next time you go on vacation to a less fortunate country.


  1. Over ten million bicycles are dumped into American and European landfills yearly, says Bicycles for Humanity. Pass your children’s bikes on before they are all rusty and out of date. That goes with all the other sporting equipment sitting in your garage or crawl space.


  1. Each year more than 350 million pairs of shoes march into landfills, according to the charity “Shoes for the Cure” How many pairs of shoes does a gal/child need? If you are Imelda Markus you need a special closet just for shoes. If you are you and me well that is a different story. We are all on the road of decluttering so less is more. Keep the shoes that fit you, that are comfortable and in style. Please donate the rest.


  1. According to the NRDC, the average American family of four ends up tossing the equivalent of $2,275 of food into the garbage annually. Have you taken advantage of my FREE session yet? I will discuss menu planning and quick, easy, healthy recipes. Being organized and planning will eliminate food waste. CLICK HERE


  1. The roughly 38,000 miles of ribbon we toss each year is “enough to tie a bow around the Earth.” What if we used string and then repurposed that string or reused the ribbon?


  1. In 2010 Americans got rid of 152 million cell phones and other mobile devices, of which 135 million made their way to the landfill. Do you like to have the latest and greatest new phone that comes out? There is nothing wrong with that as long as you repurpose your old ones. These items and many more can be sent to third world countries or recycled through London Drugs.


  1. Let’s all work together to run our lives with TLC “Total Liquidation of Clutter” and TEW “Total Elimination of Waste” and LEI “Lower Environmental Impact”.

Join me in a simplicity movement or start one of your own in your community.

P.S.  Have you heard about our referral program?

By |2020-06-07T20:52:43+00:00June 10th, 2013|Organizer|8 Comments

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Organizer

Have you ever thought about the benefits of hiring a professional organizer?

How many times have you said to yourself “why can I not do this on my own?”

Many clients comment on reduced stress, more time, more energy and more freedom once they have worked with me.

So I thought I would share even more of the benefits of hiring a professional organizer.

Please be sure to take a moment to watch this short video on what are the benefits of hiring a professional organizer.

The benefits of working with me a professional organizer is that I will keep you focused to task.

I will be on time.

I will develop a plan of action for you and your space. If you require a handyman, contractor for renovationss, painter, rubbish removal, disposing of stuff or a piano moved I will provide the people. My endless supply of resources has proven to be priceless. So my clients say.

A huge benefit of working with a professional organizer is being ruthless.

I have a few key questions I ask you as we are sorting, purging and tossing. This makes the decisions a little easier for you. Shall you keep it, toss it, store it, sell it or set up a system for it?

Many clients feel like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders once they start decluttering.

If you would like to hear more benefits of hiring a professional organizer then please take advantage of my FREE session. Simply click HERE.

We will discuss your needs, your questions and how I can be of service to you.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, enter your name and email address to the right and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.


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