A cluttered physical space is a challenge, certainly — and we’ll get to that for sure — but the primary challenge for many of us is a cluttered inner world. We get so caught up in what we should be doing, what’s left undone, conversations we want to have or wish we’d had, worries about what’s to come and regrets about what’s happened.

It’s very difficult to clear a space for productive energy when there are so many things tangling up the pathway.

I know that real problems exist, and that they can be genuinely challenging to deal with — and my intention here is not to diminish the reality of those experiences. What I want to address here is the mental debris — the small things that can be cleared away with a few minutes and solid intention.

And often, the best, most efficient way to clear up the mental noise from what we feel isn’t working is to spend a few moments focusing on what is working.

It’s counter-intuitive in some ways in our frenetic, busy culture — but a few minutes of grateful stillness can have a dramatic effect on our productivity. A walk outside, a quiet meditation, a cup of tea — all of these provide a great opportunity to make note of 5 things you’re grateful for as you start your work time.

Time Saver #1: That’s it — spend 15 minutes in stillness, and think of 5 things you’re thankful for. Let that be the tone that starts every day for the next ten weeks. Trust me: it will make a huge difference for you this summer.

P.S. — If you’re ready to go more in-depth right away, check out my Reclaim Session by clicking here.