How would you like to spend less but feel like you have more?

Do you wish your bank balance was higher than it is?

Are you surrounded by stuff?

I have always admired people like the late Lady Diana. She dressed with simple elegance. Oh ya, she had a huge wardrobe because she was a princess however, her style was elegant and simple. I’ll bet if she were not a princess she would have had a modest closet filled with a few key items of clothing. The type of clothing items that mix and match. That is my goal for you as well. As the French would say “you do not need a lot of clothes you just need a great imagination”

Check out this short video on Permanently Reduce Clutter Part 1 and then read on for Getting It Togethers Top 5 Tips.

These tips would also work when decorating your home. Simple yet elegant.

Where else do you think these tips would work well in your life?

Please leave a comment in the box below. Your opinion counts.

Tip 1. Use the 6-12 month rule.  If you haven’t worn or used it in 6-12 months, get rid of it. Pass it on with love. The only exception to this rule is that one elegant evening dress in the back of your closet waiting for a fancy dance or cruise. If it is a classic it will not go out of style. If you stay the same size it will fit!

You might even have an item in your home that comes out for the rare occasions. You know the tray that holds deviled eggs. But only keep it if you use it and have space to store it.1

Tip 2.  Align values with spending.  I value good/organic food, my health and travel to name a few. So, I know that planning and paying for a vacation, getting a massage, or going shopping at one of my favorite specialty shops is aligned with my values. Knowing what you value makes it much easier to make or not to make spending decisions. Keep in mind “fair trade” and “ethically made”.

Tip 3. Stick to a shopping list. This will help you with not getting side tracked.  Take a shopping list with you when you go to buy groceries or clothes.  When you know what you are looking for you will save time and money. The most organized people do not just aimlessly wonder around shops. They have a mission and stick to it. Now that doesn’t mean you don’t go window shopping with a friend once in awhile. Hey we all need that fix with one of our BF”s

Tip 4.  The 24-hour rule. We have all heard this one before. I think Oprah even uses this rule. Imagine, with all of her money. Think about your purchase for 24 hours. If you still feel you need/want it after 24 hours go back and make the purchase. If you feel you can live without that item after 24 hours you have just saved yourself some money.  This eliminates the spontaneous purchases. I also like to shop at places that have a no fuss return policy. For example, an item of clothing might look great in the store lighting then you get it home and the colour is not at all what you thought.

Tip 5.  Create a do-not-spend day.  Are you old enough to remember when stores were closed on Sundays? Or when late night shopping was only on Friday nights? Ah, the good old days. I use to work in the mall when this was my reality. (Okay, I know I am dating myself now) however one day without spending can add up.  Choose a day each week and make that your do-not-spend day.  Instead, get creative with all the fun free things you can do. Pack your own lunch or snacks and take a thermos with your hot drink in it. Your mind, body and bank account will thank you!

PS: Here’s something for free on your do not spend day. A FREE discovery call with me. Book it today at  and gain insights on your passion and purpose.