Could you imagine organizing your inbox once and for all?

Would that feel like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders?

Are you as overwhelmed as the rest of us?

Check out this short video on organizing your inbox.

I think you will find these tips helpful on how to manage your emails once and for all.

What is your limit?

I knew of a lady that had 1000 emails in her inbox! She felt so overwhelmed. I guess so. I would too! Some people feel comfortable with 100 unread emails in their inbox. Some people feel comfortable with only 10. What is your limit?

Please add that to your comments in the box below.

Do you feel like you can get a handle on your inbox? If so, please leave a comment in the box below. We will all find it inspiring

If not then please contact me for your FREE 30 minute phone consultation. I’ll support you in getting started with “organizing your inbox.”

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