Purchasing mistakes. We are all guilty of it, even as a professional organizer.

Do you have any clothing items in your closet that you bought but have not worn?

Do you have any kitchen gadgets that you thought for sure you would use?

You look at something in the store and start to think: “do I have that item? do I need that item? what would my life be like if I had that item?” Or you simply look at the item and buy it.  No thoughts.  This is where a purchasing mistake could happen.

Has this happened to you? Please leave your best purchasing mistake story in the comment box below.

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decluttering tips


when you have made a purchasing mistake.

The deal is to be ruthless. Just because you bought it does not mean you have to keep it.

The challenge comes in when you start to think about the money that you spent on the item. Keeping the purchasing mistake does not bring the money back. Everyone wants to get their money’s worth. By not using the purchasing mistake you are not getting your money’s worth. This is where we all fall short. We will NEVER get our money’s worth from a purchasing mistake.

How many items do we really get our money’s worth from anyway?

Think about a wedding dress. They are usually very expensive. You wear it for a few hours and then it hangs in the closet for years.  If you are happily married I would say you got your money’s worth. Or what about those beautiful high heels that kill your feet after ten minutes? We have all been there.

Decluttering tipsA TV on the other hand might give you a really good rate of return or your computer for example.

Chalk it up to experience. Next time you would like to buy something ask yourself these very important questions.

  • Do I need it?
  • Will I use it?
  • Am I buying only because of price? This is never a good reason.

Do not be hard on yourself. We are human and we all make mistakes. The best news is we can learn from them.

Why not take 15 minutes and go through your coat closet. See if there are any purchasing mistakes in there. Do yourself a favour and donate them to the less fortunate. YOU will feel lighter and freer.

Now do the same with your kitchen gadget cupboard. Things like the pasta maker that never got out of the box. Pass it on with love.

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decluttering tips

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