Top 5 Tips To Getting And Staying Organized

Do you long to be more organized?1

Have you ever wondered why some people are organized while others are not?

Why some people have the natural talent of getting and staying organized and some people don’t have that natural talent.

The great news is that you can learn the skills it takes to get and stay organized.  It might mean working with a professional organizer for a period of time to gain the skills and habits.

Check out this short video….

Read on for Getting It Togethers’ top 5 tips to getting and staying organized.

What area of your home is bugging you the most? Start with this area to de-clutter, purge and sort. Take 15 minutes and use these tips below to finally get organized and keep it that way!

Tip #1: Purpose. Pick up one item and ask yourself this question ”what is the purpose of keeping this?”  If it is a teapot and you make and drink tea everyday then you know the purpose of keeping it.

If for example it is a T-shirt from high school all torn and the wrong size then what is the purpose of keeping it? I know what you’re thinking “well I loved high school, I had so much fun in high school…” Keep the memory and toss the T. (Take a photo of you wearing the T- shirt if you really must).

Tip #2: Value. What is the value of keeping that particular item?  Storage lockers are one of the fastest growing businesses in North America.

Do you have items in a storage locker?

Are the items taking on any value by being in there? Most people do not even know what is in their lockers yet they 2continue to pay the monthly bill.

Maybe it is time to sort through these items and ask yourself “what is the purpose and value of keeping them.” Once your locker is empty you could put that extra money towards a trip, donations or home renovations.

Tip #3: Ruthless. It is so important to be ruthless while clearing the clutter and getting organized.

This is where lots of people get stuck, because everything you touch has a story attached to it. You have emotional attachments to your things. As a Professional Organizer I don’t have the same attachment to your things. I have an attachment to the outcome. This is why I can support you in moving forward.

I know how much better you will feel once your home is organized. I know how much more time you will have. You’ll have less stress too!

Tip #4: Stop. This is where a new habit will be formed. You will need to stop bringing items into your home. Don’t buy items unless you really need them. Don’t buy because it’s on sale. Or because you think you might need it “one day”.

Ask family and friends to please stop buying you things unless it’s something you really need and will use.  The best gifts are consumable. Fancy teas, coffee, candles, spa packages, dinner gift certificates and so on. I made a deal with all of my friends and family members. We create memories together instead of buying things. It sure makes gift giving a lot less stressful and way more fun.

Tip #5: Faith. Have faith in yourself. Have faith knowing that the things you need will always be around you when you need them. Have faith that if you pass something on you will not need it “someday”. Someday is not a day of the week.

It is so disempowering to think that you might need it, “what if I need it, maybe I will need it.” When you are clear on your future direction you will not want to live in the past.

Getting and staying organized takes time. The first time you start you might not be as ruthless as the second and third time. Remember, it took many years to get disorganized. It will not get organized overnight. It is like peeling back the layers of an onion. Each time you de-clutter you peel back another layer.

We have room for 2 more coaching clients at this time. Grab your spot today by contacting us at

By |2020-06-07T20:52:33+00:00August 16th, 2017|Home Organization, Organizer, Time Management|0 Comments

How To Conquer Procrastination Once and For All

Saying “I don’t have time” is like saying “it’s not a priority”.

How many years of income tax returns do you have that are still not filed? Until the cost of not filling in those forms and sending them off is greater than doing it, you will continue to procrastinate.

Are you driving yourself crazy, wasting precious time thinking about the task by putting projects off over and over again?

Are you a last minute person? How’s that working for you?

Procrastination can come in many different disguises but it always includes waiting until the last possible moment to do something.  Most people feel stressed in these situations and the people around them are usually feeling stressed as well. They generally feel bad about themselves and their actions.

You are not alone.  Most people struggle with procrastination at least some of time (if not most of the time).If a task is not of interest or importance it can be easy to procrastinate however what is that costing you?

Watch this short video and then check out Getting It Togethers Top 5 Tips on How To Conquering Procrastination Once And For All

Tip#1 Getting and staying motivated.

Set a specific goal or a desire to succeed. A must vs. a should. Ask a friend or family member to join you in this new journey of not procrastinating. Sign up for a free daily motivational email to remind you of your goal or do you need to work with a coach to get you on track?

Tip#2 Set deadlines.

Setting realistic deadlines are important in getting out of the procrastination hole. Deadlines provide you a sense of 1urgency.  Meeting deadlines will also help you in getting and staying motivated. You’ll feel good about yourself once you have met the deadline. Harnessing these good feelings will help you to want to continue in succeeding. And then you can reward yourself with a fancy coffee

Tip#3 Take one step at a time.

Break your “to-do’s” down into smaller manageable steps/tasks. When you start to see some progress, or your list becoming smaller, you will want to continue on and will have the motivation to keep going.

Tip#4 Focus on your goals and tasks.

Focusing on one task or goal at a time is a major point when you are clearing the clutter and getting organized.  Craft a “master to-do list” of all the things you would like to accomplish, and then break it down into smaller, more manageable “to-do’s”. Begin with what is most important and those items only you can complete. Notice if there are some items on your list that you can delegate. Set actual tasks in your calendar. For example if you need to do your taxes, set aside one hour to collect all the information needed. Once you have completed that task, set aside another block of time to fill in the tax return form.

Ask yourself:

How does completing this task contribute toward my long term goals?

What issue do I have with this task and not completing it?

What actions do I need to take to accomplish this task?

Tip#5 Getting organized.

This is my favorite tip of all. It is a challenge to work or live in a disorganized space. Being disorganized can lead to a feeling of being overwhelmed, of stress, and that feeling of wanting to give up. Being disorganized is the number one factor in procrastination. When you have systems in place and know where everything is, you will see how much better you feel about doing your taxes on time, your projects or finishing your goals.

PS: Do you need an accountability partner? Check out our coaching/mentoring program. Maybe it is what you need to get yourself started on the right track

By |2020-06-07T20:52:33+00:00July 12th, 2017|Home Organization, Organizer, Time Management|0 Comments

How To Host A Stress Free Party

Do you feel like it’s a whole lot of work to have a party? Does a small gathering of girlfriends or a family dinner put you into overwhelm?

It doesn’t have to be especially if you use these

Top 5 Getting It Together Tips on How To Host A Stress Free Party.

Before you read on, check out this short video:

Tip#1: Release the need for perfection. Your home doesn’t have to be perfect nor will it ever be. The decorations do not need to be perfect and the food doesn’t need to be perfect. Your guests are coming to see you, relax, enjoy a drink or two with you and hopefully be fed.

Tip#2: Keep it simple. Gone are the days where we use to entertain with full on cocktails and lavish meals. Most people are watching what they eat and drink anyway. Keep your menu simple or better yet do a pot luck. This will help keep costs down which most people are looking for as well. Pick a theme. Will your gathering be a dinner from a country you are visiting soon or will it be a stand up party with small easy to make appetizers? Have two or three choices of drinks. You are not running a restaurant 🙂

Tip#3: Have a plan. What needs to be done the week before? Grocery shopping and cleaning the house can be RL2done a few days in advance. Decide on your menu, then make some of the food and freeze it?  Make ice in advance and freeze in small Ziploc bags or buy a bag of ice. The night before your event you can set the table and prepare your serving dishes.

Tip#4: Ask for help. A lot of guests offer to help so ditch the control and take it. If for some strange reason your guests do not ask to help simple ask them. Put one person in charge of opening the door and taking coats, get another to help with food prep and yet another to help with clean up. Let’s face it; most parties end up in the kitchen, why should you be in there alone.

Tip#5: Have fun. It’s your party too so join in and have fun. The last thing anyone wants to hear is “that was a lot of work, I’m exhausted” If that is how you feel after an event it’s time to change things up.

At the end of the day people remember how they felt in your company, did they have fun and did they feel special. Nobody remembers if the dishes matched, if the house looked perfect or what others were wearing.

PS: Over the years I’ve hosted hundreds of parties. People now hire me to organize and run their events. Contact me for full details

By |2020-06-07T20:52:33+00:00June 13th, 2017|Organizer|0 Comments

How to Plan a Successful Road Trip

Depending on where you live and what activities you like to do you might be able to take road trips throughout the year.

Road trips can be filled with adventure. It certainly gives you total freedom to come and go as you like.

You might see a beautiful place to stop for your lunch break or you might be in a place that does not offer what you are looking for so you push on.

Whatever your fancy, you’ll want to follow these guidelines for a successful road trip.

Watch this quick video and then read on for Getting It Togethers check list

Checklist for a successful road trip:

  • Find out the goals and wishes of everyone who is going on this road trip. Try to accommodate most of them. For example: Do you want to drive for at least 8 hours a day? Do you want to take your time and only see what you see and not worry about the rest? Do you want to hit every “In and Out” burger place in town?
  • Have a master list of the items you need for your road trip. Surfboard, skis, golf clubs, bike, certain clothing etc
  • Make sure your car is in good condition, oil has been check and spare tire in good working order
  • Take your driver’s license, passport if crossing borders, up to date car insurance and registration, roadside assistance card and maps. Google might not work in every small town.
  • First aid kit
  • A blanket, pillow for those spur of the moment naps or road side stops under a nice tree
  • Spare set of car keys that are not left in the car 🙂
  • A garbage bag for those coffee cups or car snacks
  • GPS
  • A couple of things to entertain the kids. Like maybe a favorite toy, book or movie
  • Portable cooler with water, drinks, snacks and ice packs
  • Hand wipes and TP
  • Motion sickness pills
  • Sunscreen, sunglasses and beach towel
  • Wear comfortable clothing and wrinkle free
  • Your favorite music
  • For safety I suggest you post on social media after your trip not before.
  • For peace of mind, have a friend or neighbour check on your place while you are away.

Most important to keep in mind, this is your vacation time, family time, so make it as stress free and fun as possible. Safe travels.

PS: For those of you who have enjoyed several successful road trips please leave your comments in the box below. Your tips and additions will be helpful to others. Thank You

By |2020-06-07T20:52:33+00:00May 23rd, 2017|Organizer, Time Management, Travel Organization|0 Comments

How to Organize Your Inbox

How would you feel if you turned on your computer and your inbox was empty? Most people would feel relief. The reason being is that most people feel so overwhelmed by the volume of emails in their inbox.

What is your comfort level when it comes to emails?

Do you feel out of control if you have 15 unanswered emails in your inbox?  Do you feel overwhelmed if you have 50? Knowing your comfort level will help you with managing your inbox.

Check out this short video on “How to Organize Your Inbox”

Why not give these top 5 Getting It Together tips a try and see if you can tame your inbox…….even just a little

Tip#1 Exercise control. To be the most productive check emails 2-3 times per day at most unless your job requires otherwise. Pick the same time each day so your clients/friends will know when to expect a reply. I recommend checking your emails at noon and again at 4pm. If you check your emails first thing in the morning it is very easy to get sidetracked. Most important turn off email notifications. The email notification is like a dog with a bone. You hear it and feel like you MUST respond. Stay focused to the tasks you are working on and check those emails only twice a day.

Tip#2 Unsubscribe. Take a close look at all the newsletters you subscribe to. Are they relevant to your life right now?   Set up a “to read” folder for all other newsletters you enjoy and find helpful. ( Like this one :)) Immediately move them from your inbox to your folder. OR set up a RRS feed in Google Reader. Put a filter to go straight “to read”. Give yourself a time limit. If you have not read those newsletters in a month then delete. It means you probably will not get around to reading them. We all have the best of intentions. Life gets busy and time flies. One of the best things about being portable is you can read your newsletters on a plane, while waiting for a Doctor’s appointment or on a beach.

Tip#3 Action Folder. Create an action folder. Move emails that need your action into this folder. These are not important or urgent emails. Take a few minutes a day and deal with each email. Do not look at it if you cannot deal with it right away. Can you delegate any of the “actions?”

Tip#4 Important Folder. Pick the top 8-12 most important emails and move them to this folder. Deal with these right away. Having them in a folder will help with not getting side tracked. Once you have dealt with those 8- 12 then move another 8-12 over and deal with them. Some people like to colour code their emails. This can look cluttered and again it is easy to get side tracked. I do however always highlight my most important emails in red.

Tip#5 New Policy.  Every new email that comes in will follow this new policy of being filed.  Let people know you will only be checking emails 2 – 3 times per day and that you will get back to them in a timely manner unless your job/personal life requires different. Only look at emails when you have the time to deal with what is inside that email. Take a few minutes each week and clear/clean out your inbox of any unwanted not needed emails. It is no different than tossing out the mail you have read. A cluttered inbox can mean a cluttered mind.

Ask friends and family to take you off their “joke” list. Yes it is fun to receive jokes however it is so easy to get sidetracked. A time buster at its best.

If you absolutely love getting jokes then set up a folder. Read them at the end of the day, on your coffee break or on weekends.

80% of what we file never gets looked at again!!

Keep you outgoing emails short and to the point. One subject matter per email. Be sure to change the subject line if you have changed subjects in a reply. I like to give as much information in the subject line as I can. For example: “Inbox training/tips “or “You are invited to dinner on July 22/16 at 7pm” This is helpful for filing purposes and quick referencing.

What’s great about being organized is you have more time to enjoy these finer things in life.
How would you spend your extra time? Please leave a comment in the box below.

PS: Are you still feeling overwhelmed by the volume of emails? If so, grab your FREE over the phone consultation.

Book now at

By |2020-06-07T20:52:33+00:00April 18th, 2017|Home Organization, Organizer, Time Management|0 Comments

How To Organize Your High-Tech Self

Do you feel like technology changes faster than you can change your underwear?

Do you feel overwhelmed by the number of emails, texts and calls?

How is a person to keep up and keep it all “together”?

Take a ‘byte’ out of personal systems overload and watch this short video on “How To Organize Your High-Tech Self

Then read on to get Getting It Togethers’ Top 5 Simple Tips

TIP #1 – Do not and I repeat – do not – answer your phone unless you can talk and/or fulfill any tasks that might come from the conversation. That means if you are in the shower, bathroom, having dinner or in a coffee line – the calls can wait. Voice mail is your friend. People everywhere feel like they’re working harder and achieving less. The discipline of checking voice mail can therefore give you the boundaries you need to put some personal sanity back into your harried day. So savor that meal. Enjoy that conversation. Respect your family. The personal dividends repaid for not answering every call far outweigh the ‘just in time’ panic cultivated by a cluttered life.2

TIP #2 – Text and or ‘crack berry’ when you’re in private. Enjoy the moment and the people you are with while you are with them. I know what you are thinking, “yeah, but what does she know about my life and business? I have to answer all calls and texts.” That’s fine. But do it in private. Make the people you are with feel important and special. Business is about relationships. If you can’t respect the time of the people you’re with, how can they respect you? Family and friends want to feel important too! Set aside specific times when you return texts, emails and calls and watch your productivity soar.

TIP #3 – Be selective as to what you forward. You might think the email is funny but will the recipient? Ask in advance if they would like to receive jokes etc. Your friends, family and co workers might be trying to cut down on the clutter in their inboxes, too!

TIP #4 – Spell check was invented for a reason. Use it even if the email is to a friend or family member and especially in all work related correspondence.

TIP #5 – Turn off all electronic messaging devices in meetings, while having dinner with family and friends, sleeping, working on your A priorities, in a movies or public places. I bet you would hate for the phone to ring if you were a guest speaker at an event or trying to watch a movie while on a date. While you’re at it, use a “normal” ring tone. Nothing is more annoying than a quirky ring tone and hearing several of them at once.

PS: I once read an article on the top 5 ways to keep your kids off drugs. One of the five was to not use your device (be glued to it) while with them. I think this encourages you to be engaged with the kids, listen better, not get distracted and lets the children know they are important and special.

If you would like to know the other 4 ways to keep your kids off drugs give me a call.

Book today at

By |2020-06-07T20:52:34+00:00March 14th, 2017|Organizer, Time Management|0 Comments

Emergency Preparedness. Be Ready. Be Organized.

Heaven forbid that any of us finds ourselves in an emergency situation.

Being the Girl Guide that I am, it is always best to “be prepared.”

Take a look at this short video on Emergency Preparedness so that you too can be ready and be organized.

Then read on for the following guidelines.

#1 Make a plan:  Take 15 minutes to make a family plan. Plan how you will meet or get in contact if you are not together at the time of the emergency.

Draw up a floor plan of your home that shows all possible exits from each room and from your home.

Keep copies of your plan in your emergency kit, your car and on your phone.

Have a neighbourhood plan. Are there people on your street or in your building that require extra help?

#2 Know basic first aid. Make sure your emergency kit has all the necessary items like band aids, swabs, rubbing alcohol etc. Keep a kit in your car and one in your master emergency kit.

#3 Make copies of important documents. Birth and marriage certificates, passports, licences, wills, land deeds and insurance. Keep these copies in your safety deposit box and or at a friend’s. Keep an up to date photo of all family members including pets and keep those photos both inside and outside of your home.

#4 Make note of any special heath needs. Keeping a record of medications required, allergies and medical conditions. Keep a copy of this in your emergency preparedness kit and on your phone.

#5 Have emergency contacts in your phone. Put ICE beside their name so authorities know “in case of emergency.”  Keep photocopies of these contact numbers in your kit.

#6 Dairorize to update your kit once per year.  Change the water, batteries, food and update any contact info.

#7 Safe home instructions. Make sure your carbon monoxide detector, smoke alarm, fire extinguisher are in working order and that your first aid kit is well stocked.

Have a fire extinguisher on every level of your home and know how to use it.

Know how to turn off your homes’ water, gas and electricity. Keep shut off instructions close by.

#8 Keep a small amount of cash on hand. Cash machines, debit and or credit cards may not work in a time of emergency.

Emergency Kit

Basic Emergency Kit:

  • Water
  • Food that won’t spoil, such as canned food, protein bars, dried nuts and dried fruit. Replace once a year.
  • Manual can opener
  • Battery powered flashlight and extra batteries.
  • Battery powered radio and extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Spare keys to your house and car
  • A copy of your plan and contact information
  • Candles, matches, lighter.
  • Change of clothing and footwear for each person
  • Warm blankets
  • Toiletries
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Utensils
  • Garbage bags
  • Toilet paper
  • Water purifying tablets
  • Basic Tools such as hammer, screwdriver, work gloves, dust mask and pocket knife.
  • A whistle
  • Duct tape.

Emergency Vehicle Kit

  • Blanket
  • Candle and matches
  • Extra clothing and shoes
  • First aid kit with seat belt cutter
  • Flashlight with extra batteries
  • Food that won’t spoil
  • List of contact information
  • Radio and batteries
  • Small shovel, scraper and snowbrush
  • Warning light or road flares
  • Water
  • Whistle
  • Antifreeze and windshield washer fluid
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Road maps
  • Sand or salt
  • Tow rope and jumper cables.

Let’s hope we never have to use any of this information or items.

To all of our safety.

PS: What’s your resolution for this year when it comes to clearing the clutter and getting organized?
Book a free 15 minute mentoring session to discuss a game plan.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:34+00:00January 17th, 2017|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

What To Do With Business Cards

How often do you go to a networking event only to return back to your office with a mitt full of other people’s business cards?

You then have the best of intentions to sit down at your computer, fire off a note to each persona nod connect with them on social media.

A few days go by, a week, two weeks and then a month. Then 6 months and maybe years. Those cards are still sitting on your desk or by now they may have found a new home in one of the drawers or a box.

You still have the best of intentions to contact them however you feel like too much time has gone by.

Do you even remember these people and would they remember you?

Probably not.

So why not follow these simple Getting It Together Tips on “What to do with business cards” after watching this short video.

Tip #1: Be realistic. How many people can you truly connect with at one networking event?  It is better to get one or two really great connections than a handful of cards and not know anything about the other person or their business.

Tip#2:  Schedule follow up time in your calendar. Follow up is one of the most important things you can do in your business and one of the things most entrepreneurs fall short on.

Set aside 15 minutes per week whereby you will follow up with the people you met at the last networking meeting. Connect with them on Social Media, send them a quick note and/or give them a call.
Make sure you have a purpose for connecting. Is it to discuss future business ideas, book an appointment to exchange services and/or give them a referral?

Tip#3: File the card. Do you like to be paperless or do you still like to have a Rolodex?  Either way, once you have dealt with the business cards it is time to file them away. If you are paperless you probably have a scanning system in place. Take 15 minutes each week and scan the cards and then recycle them or if you still want the card, file it in your card holder system.

Don’t have either of these set up? What a perfect time to get your 15 minute FREE discovery session. We can chat about the best system for you and I’ll give you my most favorite app.
Send an email to  to book.

PS: The best time to start a new system is today. Don’t go back on all the years worth of business cards. If a card is a month or so old follow these steps. Anything older than that needs to be recycled unless you are going to connect on Social Media only.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:34+00:00December 14th, 2016|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

Practice Mindful Shopping: Be A Conscious Consumer

Would you like to know the important tips to conscious consumption without regretting personal choices?

Are you concerned about the future of our earth and where all “this stuff” is going to end up?

Most women like to shop, wouldn’t you agree?  You might be like me and only enjoy window shopping while travelling because of the bright lights, overcrowded racks and disarray displays or you might be the type of woman who only shops online or are you the type who can hardly wait for the weekend so you can meet a friend and power through the mall?

Either way, you will want to be a conscious consumer instead of being consumed.

Take a quick look at this short video on Mindful Shopping and read on to get Getting It Togethers’ Top 5 Simple Tips

Tip1: Buy on need not price. Marketing gurus have us figured out. They know we can easily get drawn in to the “buy one get one free” or “buy one get one at 50% off.”  This is not the reason to purchase. Buy what you need. Period. If you’re feeling drawn in, walk away. Go have a coffee and think about the item. Do you really need it? Can you financially afford it? What is it really costing you if you purchase it? Disagreements with a spouse, crammed closets, guilty feelings, regret?

There will be times when you are feeling weak and end up with purchasing mistakes. We all have them. Give those items away or sell them. This could be clothing, gadgets, etc.

Tip 2: Work from a list. A conscious consumer has a list of items they need. Keep this ongoing list in your purse or phone. This includes grocery shopping.

Tip 3: Do your research. A conscious consumer looks for the best price, ethical manufacturing and or can it be previously loved? Let your fingers do the walking or better yet if your kids are old enough get them to research for you.

Buying second hand saves so much on the packaging especially when it comes to kids’ toys.

Borrowing an item from a friend like their power washer or canning supplies.rl3

Tip 4: Know where you will be storing your new items. If it is clothing, that means an item or two needs to come out of your closet before this new one goes in. If it is a big blow up water toy or a large Christmas decoration you need to think about where this will be living.

rl1What about a case of water? Can you refill your own water bottle and save on storage, the environment and money?

Tip 5: What is the purpose of purchasing this new item? Will it bring you joy for the purchasing instant or will it bring you continued pleasure? Do you need it or is it a want?

How will you spend your spare time now that you’ll be shopping less?

What will you do with the extra money?

PS: one of the best documentaries I’ve seen is “The Real Cost” check it out on Netflix and let me know your thoughts.



By |2020-06-07T20:52:34+00:00November 16th, 2016|Home Organization, Organizer, Organizing to Move|0 Comments

How to Organize Your Kids

Is clutter affecting your health or the health of your children?

Do you trip over toys, backpacks or had a stack of papers fall all over the place?

Many kids today feel stressed, rushed or disorganized. They have so many activities and more demands on them at school that the more organized they are the better.

Kids need to be kids…..however, living in a disorganized environment will cause stress at any age not to mention the affect clutter has on your health.

There is also a level of embarrassment that comes with living in chaos especially if your kids want to have their friends over.

Check out this short video on How to Organize Your Kids and then read on for Getting It Togethers Top 5 Tips

Tip #1 Monkey see…Monkey do.

If you want order in your home, you need to teach it to your children.  Kids feel important if they are a part of the solution – not the problem. Get them involved.

Tip #2 Kids can get very confused if you say to them “go pick up your toys” when they have toys all over the place. That is why it is best to have a toy “zone” Keep all their toys in one area of the home. Why not try this great tip when it is time to get your kids to clean up their toys?:  Have them go through the toy zone area and pick up only red toys; then, when they’re finished that, have them go and get all their blue toys or all their Lego.  This keeps things simple for them and clutter free.

Tip #3 Is it time to donate some of their toys?  Get your kids involved in the clearing of all their unused toys.  Put them in a box for the less fortunate.  They can do the same thing with their clothes and so can you! (If your children are really young you might want to do this tip while they are sleeping or at a play date)

Tip#4 Keep things simple when shopping for school supplies. Are there things from last year that can be used again this year? Backpacks, paper, pens etc.

This will save money in the long run if your children are taught how to reuse. It will also save you shopping time.

Tip #5 Have a basket for each child that holds  their school notices, backpack and homework. Take 5 minutes at the end of the day to see what notices need to be signed and returned. This will save the rush first thing in the morning. If you are rushed and stressed chances are your children will be to. The morning sets the tone for the day.

To keep things clutter free and organized for the kids Birthdays, Christmas, Grad, etc., why not try the following bonus tip:

Ask family and friends to donate money to one of your child’s favorite Charities.  Get your children involved with the Charity so that they can see first-hand how their “gift” is being put to use.

Imagine how easy it will be for you and your children to attend a Birthday party in the future.

In the mean time teach your children “a place for everything and everything in its place” and that “less is more”. The “less is more” concept sure helps on the pocket book. I am sure that once your children get organized and clutter free, you will find they are less stressed, have a better attention span and are happier and healthier. I’ll bet you will be too!

PS: Tired of papers all over the place? Check out the 1to31 organizing system

And in the mean time, share the love by sharing this link.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:35+00:00July 12th, 2016|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments


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