Have you ever thought about what being a good house guest looks like?

Would you like it if your house guests knew how to act better?

Check out this short video on being a good house guest.

You might want to share it with your family and friends.


I would like to think that if you follow these tips you will not smell!

Tip#1 Don’t offer to help.
I know this sounds strange. What I have found is that if you ask your hostess if she needs any help she often reply’s with “no, just sit and relax”.
You are better off just seeing what needs to be done and doing it. For example, throw the dishes in the dish washer or tidy up the living room.

Tip#2 Clean up after yourself.
You know the saying “do unto others as you would like have done unto you”. Well the same goes for being a house guest. If you had guests you would want them to tidy up after themselves. Take your sheets off your bed and toss them in the washer. Use your hand towel to wipe down the bathroom sink and mirror.

Tip#3 Don’t spread.
I have had house guests that have their stuff in every single room of my home. When it is time for them to pack up, they seem to always miss a thing or two. I always do a “sweep” of the house to see what is left behind before they take off.being a good hous guest

Tip#4 Pay your way.
Treat your hostess to coffee, take her flowers and buy some groceries.

Tip#5 Send a thank you card.
I love finding great greeting cards. Send a hand written note. It really does mean a lot to the people who have had you in their home.

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